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Posts posted by stronger

  1. It feels incredible to wake up to this man every day. I go home every day for lunch, and seeing his face smiling and waiting for me is unbelievable. I have to keep reminding myself that this is real. We're finally together. And Tolga is a VERY clean man. lol. He has our home immaculate and makes the best Turkish dishes. I am so lucky. The wedding is in 6 weeks! We're so excited.

    Also, Tolga read your message and said thank you so much. You are so kind. The VJ folks we have met have been great and so helpful. It has taken the pain out of visa filing. :)

    hello tolsab i doing well i am enjoying my life here i am realy happy for you tolga is here i know how does it feel not to be apart from to each other...

    slm tolga hosgeldin amerikaya senin adina cok sevindim sana hayatta cok cok cok basarilar umarim hersey senin planladigin gibi yolunda gider.......tekrar dan hosgeldin ve tebrikler simdiden enjoy your life here................

  2. Hello Family!

    January 19th Tolga had his interview and he was APPROVED!!! He received his visa this morning and will be here Thursday afternoon. I can't believe after 8 months he will finally be here. Feels like a dream. I can't wait to sit in our home, share dinner and enjoy our family. So content. Thanks for all your support my friends. It has been incredible. Next...the wedding :)

  3. I'm looking at your timeline. Looks like you met a year and a half ago. That's ok. I am also a naturalized citizen. I became one after I met my fiancé. They were pretty tough on him in his interview. But he knew everything about my job, my daughter and my life in general. They were firm on making him speak English. But in the end, everything was by the book. Finances in order. So they approved. They might be tough on your husband, but this is to protect you. Have a long talk with him about your life. Cover all your bases. Then you will be just fine ;)

  4. You bring everything they asked, and any originals of documents they received copies of. Tolga was asked for his birth paper and police report again at the window, even though he had already submitted it in original form. But thankfully, he had obtained brand new copies and had it with him in his file. He had a massive accordion file full of evidence. Most of which he never had to submit. But he was able to pull out everything and anything.

    Hope that helps!

  5. SOOOOO Happy for you Miss Kat!!! You have waited and now you finally have your hearts greatest desire. Have a beautiful day.

    And just for my May Team news...tonight (or technically tomorrow)...at 1:30am Tolga will have his interview in Ankara. LOTS of prayer and good vibes. We have everything he needs and Tolga is SO ready. I am excited to get that phone call from him in the middle of the night that he is approved :)

    Love you family!

    Just wanted to let you all know we are getting married at the court house today!!!!! So happy!!!!!! :) :) :)

  6. Mariiiii!!!!

    So happy to hear from you. Thanks for the good wishes. We are SOOO excited. Tolga does indeed leave for Ankara on the 18th. Amazing to know we are so close. He has been spending a lot of time with his friends and family. His sister has even written Tolga and I a beautiful letter, and although she is really excited and happy for us, she is just beside herself. They have been joined at the hip their whole lives. And it breaks my heart that they will never live together again. All of these preparations for the future have us churning in anticipation. When I call the house, his mother does her best to speak english to me, and I speak my best butchered Turkish. It's so great to see that the whole family is so supportive. My family has even attempted a crack at communication with my Turk family. It's all such a beautiful thing.

    As for the wedding, we have been in full planning. I have my dress, my daughter has her dress, and so do my bridesmaids. Tolga will find what he needs when he gets here as we're having a period wedding. Very unique and something I've never seen before. OH...and my family is all coming from Canada and Indonesia! YAYYYYY!!!!

    So looks like Tolga will be here in a couple weeks, and we've decided to wait a couple months for the wedding, so that my family can all make plans to attend and he can get to know my friends and family before the big day. We don't want to rush it. We want to enjoy every minute.

    We actually have the first couple weeks planned out. Family time, cooking dinners and just normal life. AND...of course teaching a Turk to drive in America. What a novel idea! lol

    Hope you're all doing well. Can't wait to hear all your updates.

    Lots of love!!!


    Dear Sabs:

    Re: Notice from the AmeriTurks

    Since your Nisanim's interview date is approaching, please make a daily note to remind us all of how many days till his interview.

    Isn't his interview 8 days from today? Anyway, I think bahachell might have that world pic of the apple map and if I recall, that has "8 days till our interview" on it. Wonder if you can borrow that for yours too!

    Ky and I very happy for you two!



  7. Hey Tom...yes Tolga will be doing his POE in Atlanta via Paris. Ironically he speaks no French and I do. But I cannot do this trip with him. My little princess is doing amazing. She is also crazy excited about Tolga coming. She's 6 and really bright. But she thinks when he comes, the baby will be soon to follow. She wants a little sister so bad she can't stand it. Gimme a minute kid! lol.

    Wedding is on St. Patty's Day. So much to celebrate :)

    How is everyone else doing? How are you Tom?

    Congratulations Sabrina!!! I know your Honeys POE will be Atlanta-Hartfield, Airport??? Good Luck and Enjoy your time together! How is the lil one doing???:dance: :dance: :thumbs:

    He He he! Good Luck Emma!!:thumbs:

  8. Yeah, they are sticklers about asking for permission before leaving. They want you to get that stamp in your passport and they will do it for an emergency with proof. And even before AOS and Advance Parole. However, that is in the past and you can't change that. What I would advise is if you can gather and proof of that emergency. If it was a death or illness, get that paperwork to prove why she left. Once in a blue moon, you break through the red tape to their ticking hearts and they will help out. Happened for me once 12 years ago. So it does happen. Have faith!

  9. So many good things happening for the May Team!!! YAY!!! So happy for you Emma...keep on with the awesome vibes. Tolga has his interview in less than 2 weeks. He will be here the last week of January!!! I can't believe it myself! Happy times everybody...happy times!!!

    Woohoo! Just checked in on the May team to see that me&him has progressed to the Embassy and Kat has been approved. Nice going, folks. I'm flying over to Florida in 11 days and then we're getting married in NYC on Feb 10th! I think I'm going to be just as confused about the gadgets and gizmos as Amy, Ray-j. When I was there last time I had to be shown how to use the washer!

  10. It depends on the country. Look at visa timelines for those in Turkey: http://www.visajourn...2C27%2C28&cfl=0

    And then Iran: http://www.visajourn...210%2C211&cfl=0

    When you look at the timelines, they are traditionally shorter for the CR1.

    The Ankara embassy takes much much longer for fiance visa. Ukraine and other areas around you are much faster for fiance visa.

    This is not really true. Most of the time you can get fiancee visa within 5-7 month. My fiancee interview is next week and we are only 5.5 month into the process. While CR-1 visa most of the time will take 10-12 month, especially with extremely slow embassies. Though I agree it is somewhat cheaper and yes playing the safe route is the best bet.

  11. I would DEFINITELY not chance it. Do it the right way. Iranian citizens are scrutinized even more than the Turkish in Ankara. The benefit of being married first, is the green card is automatic upon entry, and ultimately cheaper in the end. In many cases, it is faster even than the fiance visa. The financial support and proof of real marriage is a little stronger also if you're both living there together. Since you're living there in Turkey, I might recommend you take this route. Just an idea.

  12. Have you tried local airlines to jump to another island first? Still on the way. It can bring it down substantially. My father uses that to fly his wife back from indonesia. There's also a travel agency I use at my company to fly employees to Asia called China Travel. They are in LA and might be able to find you options you might not be able to find on your own. Just a thought. And when a travel agent tickets the itinerary there is no issue with credit card at the airport.

    Im looking at KALs Website and I have called at least 3 Travel agents for Flights between February and April and I see and have gotten Quotes for offseason Flying for that time, the cheapest being 955.00...... Round trip to Manila during that time!

  13. I haven't seen these instructions before. But I'm sure you'll be fine. The USCIS instructions are the best to follow on this. I hope everything goes smoothly from here for you both! :)

    Kinda freaking out after my dear honey showed me this link to the embassy in Ankara http://turkey.usemba...ions_052011.pdf

    They list the poverty guidelines toward the end of the page. Is this for real or a glitch or something? Thoughts anyone?

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