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  • City
    Long Beach
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  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Santa Ana CA
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Received our 48 month extension over the weekend. Good luck to everyone still waiting.
  2. Our case status just changed to ‘case was updated to show fingerprints were taken’ so I guess they are reusing biometrics.
  3. @Cornflake - Likely an error since you’re clearly the petitioner. If it’s any consolation, we’ve heard nothing on biometrics either from WAC. Did file a SR and got the usual canned response - case within normal processing time, blah blah blah. Other WAC filers have indicated it’s not uncommon to wait up to 6 months or so to hear anything on biometrics, so I wouldn’t fret too much.
  4. Got a canned response - case is still within normal processing time. The prevailing advice seems to be to keep sending them in until you get some action, but we didn’t send another one since we’re out of the country atm and don’t want to force the issue while we’re away. Hoping that nothing will happen until we get back to the US. Even if we do get a notice while we’re away, it should be possible to call them and reschedule, though, with everything USCIS, that sometimes leads to its own set of problems. As far as biometrics go, it seems that not only the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, but the left hand doesn’t even know what the left hand is doing. But what can you do? We just can’t put our entire life on hold for potentially 6 months because of this.
  5. You can do it online at https://egov.uscis.gov/e-request/displayNDNForm.do;jsessionid=45033C2DE95E17BCFA024766EA0AB243?sroPageType=ndn&entryPoint=init and claim you have not received biometrics notice. Many seem to get a canned response (case is still within normal processing time etc.). But some members report it seems to jog them into some kind of action. Whether this is a coincidence or the request is effective is something of an open question. Probably best not to try this until at least a month after NOA receipt. if you just received your NOA/extension, you may get notification of appointment or reuse fairly soon, or you may end up in the limbo that many of us find ourselves. Even if you do travel without receiving the notification, you can still reschedule if it arrives when you’re away. Just make sure there’s someone there to receive it and you have a way of calling USCIS while you’re away.
  6. Same at California. Filed 2 months ago. Made a SR for biometrics notice, but got a canned response - case still within normal processing time etc.
  7. Over a month now since receipt date and no updates in relation to biometrics. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be bothered, but we have international travel coming up in January. Does anyone know if the service request strategy still (potentially) works? @Sarge2155 would be grateful if you could weigh in. I know you have experience with this.
  8. Good to see you again. Phoenix seems to be moving fairly quickly at the moment, so hopefully you'll hear something soon. Just received the NOA/Extension. Received Date - 11/09, Notice Date - 11/14. Hoping we're not going to fall into the biometrics black hole. Got some upcoming travel in Jan.
  9. Case received by USCIS on 11/9. Got the confirmation text (and an email) this morning. California Service Center, so happy about that.
  10. Our application hit the Phoenix lockbox on the same day as yours, so let's compare timelines, at least on initial progress. Good luck. Thanks for the encouraging words Sarge. I know you're a fellow kitchen-sinker! Your posts have helped us a great deal, especially during AOS. Best of luck with your current application. Hope it all goes well for you.
  11. Hi all Our window just opened and we filed this morning via FedEx 2nd day to the Phoenix lockbox. Been sweating over this thing for 2 weeks now, so glad to see the back of it. Pretty much threw the kitchen sink at it. I think it ended up around 8lbs. Probably total overkill, but I guess it won't do any harm. Best of luck to all the rest of the November filers. Will keep you all updated on our timeline.
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