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Ryan H

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Status Updates posted by Ryan H

  1. Today is our 3rd Anniversary!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nonofurbusiness
    3. Pitaya


      Happy Anniversary !!!! Gambey Gambey

    4. Darnell


      Happy Anniversary ! and for the 4th one, also !

  2. Seattle Seahawks - SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Darnell


      OMG - is Seattle Partying tonight, or what?

  3. 祝大家新年快乐!

  4. Daughter's 1st Birthday!

  5. Time to start preparing the I-751

    1. makeitmine


      same here! Good luck!

    2. Darnell


      Already Already? Aiyo !

  6. Happy Mother's Day to all mom's out there!

  7. Maybe that "dude" who you told to have a nice life should ask his attorney his questions since he can't seem to handle critical answers here (sarcastically speaking).

  8. 春节快乐!

  9. The page you read is outdated an inaccurate (I would also like to see a link.

    Go to this page: http://canberra.usembassy.gov/immigrant-visas.html

    and scroll a quarter of the way down and you will see what I am talking about.

    Google "USCIS international offices" or find the list on the USCIS page under "Find a USCIS Office" and then click on "Inter...

  10. Merry Christmas everyone! 祝大家圣诞快乐!

  11. Our daughter turned 1 month old yesterday; I just can't get over how cute she is!

    1. velrich


      thats what babies do (being cute). Enjoy her.

    2. dwheels76


      awwww that is awesome. I just want to know have you put her down yet?

      I bet you run home from work to go play with her. That is just precious Ryan. Enjoy my dear it goes so fast it seems.

  12. Just came from the portal, you overtook push! You are now #1!

  13. I am unfamiliar with the particulars of the Naturalization process. You may want to ask your question in the Citizenship forum.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  15. Our daughter was born one week ago today!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wakey86


      Congrats to both of you!!!!! God bless you & your little one :)

    3. Ryan H

      Ryan H

      Thanks everyone!

    4. Olomi_811
  16. Thanks for your wishes. Although my wife was approved for a CR-1 (we will be dealing with the Removal of Conditions process next year). Anyway, to answer your question, CFL is short for Candle for Love, it's a forum similar to Visa Journey, however, it's focus is specific to those whose significant other is from China.

  17. 祝大家万圣节快乐! Happy Halloween everybody!

  18. I checked out the thread you sent me the link to. Unfortunately, I don't consider myself qualified to offer anything of value to that discussion. I would only agree with Darnell's guess and the suggestion of the other poster to make an infopass appointment.

  19. I hope your expedite request is reviewed and approved in short order. Also wishing you long term health.

  20. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

  21. Good luck with the interview this week!

  22. Today is your wedding day.....Congratulations!!!

  23. Here is how you can tell if your case is electronic, are the first 3 letters of your case number GUZ or GZO. If the first 3 letters are GZO, then the case is electronic.

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