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Status Updates posted by firstlove2

  1. so happy to see your progress....how long is the wait in Ecuador for interviews? God Bless

  2. God must really be doing some work here...I tell you, I have been praying for those folk with NVC and USCIS...All this time NVC told me that they had returned my case to USCIS on JULY 9...now I am hearing that USCIS requested the case returned on JULY 9 but it was actually returned on JULY 16!!! So I have dutifully been calling everyday since the 12th...are you kidding me? God be with us all...Still trusting God's grand plan...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M2MarryN


      I am completely lost and confused of what is going on between NVC and USCIS for me, I thought it was at NVC but when I go to my "check my status" on the web, it says it is at USCIS and on their phone-can't get through with NVC on the phone. I am an emotional wreck and life has already handed me a bunch of personal problems on my end recently. I am trying so hard to trust in God, I just wish the people with our papers could be a little more detailed on what is going on. They have...

    3. Heather Rae

      Heather Rae

      Wow girl when you find out what is going on let me know.....that all sounds so crazy goto to NVC to be sent back to USCIS what is up with that....Never have a heard of that one.....Anyway praying it all works out for you...

    4. Going Green

      Going Green

      Sending you all my prayers and thoughts that this all gets straightened out this week!!! Wishing you the best of luck!

  3. God must really be doing some work here...I tell you, I have been praying for those folk with NVC and USCIS...All this time NVC told me that they had returned my case to USCIS on JULY 9...now I am hearing that USCIS requested the case returned on JULY 9 but it was actually returned on JULY 16!!! So I have dutifully been calling everyday since the 12th...are you kidding me? God be with us all...Still trusting God's grand plan...

  4. God must really be doing some work here...I tell you, I have been praying for those folk with NVC and USCIS...All this time NVC told me that they had returned my case to USCIS on JULY 9...now I am hearing that USCIS requested the case returned on JULY 9 but it was actually returned on JULY 16!!! So I have dutifully been calling everyday since the 12th...are you kidding me? God be with us all...Still trusting God's grand plan...

  5. God must really be doing some work here...I tell you, I have been praying for those folk with NVC and USCIS...All this time NVC told me that they had returned my case to USCIS on JULY 9...now I am hearing that USCIS requested the case returned on JULY 9 but it was actually returned on JULY 16!!! So I have dutifully been calling everyday since the 12th...are you kidding me? God be with us all...Still trusting God's grand plan...

  6. God must really be doing some work here...I tell you, I have been praying for those folk with NVC and USCIS...All this time NVC told me that they had returned my case to USCIS on JULY 9...now I am hearing that USCIS requested the case returned on JULY 9 but it was actually returned on JULY 16!!! So I have dutifully been calling everyday since the 12th...are you kidding me? God be with us all...Still trusting God's grand plan...

  7. God must really be doing some work here...I tell you, I have been praying for those folk with NVC and USCIS...All this time NVC told me that they had returned my case to USCIS on JULY 9...now I am hearing that USCIS requested the case returned on JULY 9 but it was actually returned on JULY 16!!! So I have dutifully been calling everyday since the 12th...are you kidding me? God be with us all...Still trusting God's grand plan...

  8. No news yet on my end...Trusting God's time and plan...Oh and did I ever tell you that I just love your profile picture? Well I do and you both look happy!

  9. I KNOW that God has everything firmly in HIS control...I choose to believe that God's timing is perfect...I am excited to watch the unfolding of that plan again KNOWING that God is loving my fiance, our combined children, and I through it all...Glory be to God ...

    1. oatmeal


      I agree. God never uphold any good gift to those who walk with Him uprightly. Keep the faith burning. God bless.

  10. Sending you both virtual hugs...can't believe July is almost over...where did it go? August just around the corner...

  11. Wishing and Believing in the very best...with God on your side...who can be against you...Just a matter of time. Keep us all informed of your progress. Thanks again for your kind and truthful words!

  12. DeeDee, be sure to respond to the post on your profile on the other persons profile or send a message...I had no idea you had responded until I checked on you....everything going well...had a little scare that I posted to my status...God bless you

  13. I will and am trusting God...thank you for your encouragement...it all helps sooooo much

  14. thank you for your concern...Sarah was very kind...believe she was from God.

  15. Very long story...called about my case...OH MY!!! I love my fiance sooo much and I realize just how fragile I am regarding this process. How easy it is that some random individual can say what appears to be simple words and leave me afraid and fearing heartbreak...God, I so need the peace that only you can give! I choose to believe you spoke to me from "Sarah"

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ♥Muslimqueen♥


      i metn to send a :) but i sent the sad one by mistake sorry

    3. chevalnoir


      I'm sorry that you are having a stressful week. Although it may not happen as quickly as we all would like, it WILL happen. Try to keep that in your thoughts. :) Sending virtual hugs to you!

    4. yankepeach


      This process is a roller coster of emotions isnt it. Hang in there. You know its gonna be worth it in the end.

  16. No news on my end, get the usual run around about have to wait 30 days to make an inquiry...from July 1!!! My RFE was for not completing part C on the i129f...the way it was worded made me think that the questions did not pertain to me as I am not overseas or in the armed forces...was a very quick fix and got my NOA2 2 days later....God bless you in the same way...NOA2 quickly

  17. Alright NOW...that's right we are all saying NOW!! NOW is the time to be sending that coveted NOA2 to our friend!!! NOW! We said NOW!!!!

  18. Hey Jeff, how are you? Hope your NVC experience goes better than mine...well USCIS requested my packet to be returned to them from NVC..NVC were very nice and said it happens all the time...YUCK! You should get your NVC news soon.

  19. you will use your case number assigned by the USCIS and NVC will assign you a new number that will be forwarded to the embassy

  20. Here is the contact number...NVC (603)334-0700...I had to call them several times before I got through...they will ask for your reference number...God Bless You.

  21. what was the RFE for? have you gotten it yet? Thinking of you....

  22. So called NVC and was told that they sent my packet BACK TO USCIS at the request of USCIS...nice guy on phone tried to comfort me by saying they do it sometimes because some forms are left out...Can't say that I was happy then God reminded me it is all in His hands and great timing!!

    1. Going Green

      Going Green

      good luck with everything I hope all is going well for you guys!!! Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

    2. Nazeem786


      There is God, have faith and all will work out for the best.

  23. congratulations!!!!

  24. I tell you what, I have the biggest laughs and smiles reading your posts...I'm praying for you loads....

  25. know you are watching USCIS daily...God Bless You Both

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