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    Leatherneck got a reaction from Laser1 in The 10 Most Expensive Weapons in the World   
    Radar is the first thing to get taken or jammed out in a conflict. And those that remain have a real fear of
    producing a signature that can be picked up, the enemy knows it only takes seconds to be identified and missiles are inbound to neutralize the threat.
    SAMs are useless without radar and once there is no radar, they get sliced and diced also.
  2. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Courtney_Eddie in My family is going to disown me if I bring her over here now   
    Paul, this really needs to be said, so no offense intended. At age 34, you better MAN-UP! This is like the 3rd or 4th thread you've started about the same issue.
    Yeah, you need to "man-up" to one of the women in your life. Doesn't matter which one as long as you stand up and make it known that what you want is important also,
    you'll be respected more in the long run.
    No disrespect to your mother or your family, at age 34 you have no obligation to make her/them happy with the decisions you make about your future.
    Your mother is your mother and since you can not marry her, she'll get over your decision as to who you decide to marry, she can not live your life vicariously.
    You can not please everyone, someone will be pissed at any decision you make, but just make a decision. At your age, your happiness should be the priority,
    not trying to please others.
    I mean Paul, what is more important to you, not being disowned or having a life with Haidee? It is unfortunate your back is in a corner now with an ultimatum
    from your mother, the only way out of the corner is with a decision. You can prolong it, but you must make a decision.
    Good luck!
  3. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from kytwell in My family is going to disown me if I bring her over here now   
    Paul, this really needs to be said, so no offense intended. At age 34, you better MAN-UP! This is like the 3rd or 4th thread you've started about the same issue.
    Yeah, you need to "man-up" to one of the women in your life. Doesn't matter which one as long as you stand up and make it known that what you want is important also,
    you'll be respected more in the long run.
    No disrespect to your mother or your family, at age 34 you have no obligation to make her/them happy with the decisions you make about your future.
    Your mother is your mother and since you can not marry her, she'll get over your decision as to who you decide to marry, she can not live your life vicariously.
    You can not please everyone, someone will be pissed at any decision you make, but just make a decision. At your age, your happiness should be the priority,
    not trying to please others.
    I mean Paul, what is more important to you, not being disowned or having a life with Haidee? It is unfortunate your back is in a corner now with an ultimatum
    from your mother, the only way out of the corner is with a decision. You can prolong it, but you must make a decision.
    Good luck!
  4. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Scott & Annie in My family is going to disown me if I bring her over here now   
    Paul, this really needs to be said, so no offense intended. At age 34, you better MAN-UP! This is like the 3rd or 4th thread you've started about the same issue.
    Yeah, you need to "man-up" to one of the women in your life. Doesn't matter which one as long as you stand up and make it known that what you want is important also,
    you'll be respected more in the long run.
    No disrespect to your mother or your family, at age 34 you have no obligation to make her/them happy with the decisions you make about your future.
    Your mother is your mother and since you can not marry her, she'll get over your decision as to who you decide to marry, she can not live your life vicariously.
    You can not please everyone, someone will be pissed at any decision you make, but just make a decision. At your age, your happiness should be the priority,
    not trying to please others.
    I mean Paul, what is more important to you, not being disowned or having a life with Haidee? It is unfortunate your back is in a corner now with an ultimatum
    from your mother, the only way out of the corner is with a decision. You can prolong it, but you must make a decision.
    Good luck!
  5. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from TBoneTX in My family is going to disown me if I bring her over here now   
    Paul, this really needs to be said, so no offense intended. At age 34, you better MAN-UP! This is like the 3rd or 4th thread you've started about the same issue.
    Yeah, you need to "man-up" to one of the women in your life. Doesn't matter which one as long as you stand up and make it known that what you want is important also,
    you'll be respected more in the long run.
    No disrespect to your mother or your family, at age 34 you have no obligation to make her/them happy with the decisions you make about your future.
    Your mother is your mother and since you can not marry her, she'll get over your decision as to who you decide to marry, she can not live your life vicariously.
    You can not please everyone, someone will be pissed at any decision you make, but just make a decision. At your age, your happiness should be the priority,
    not trying to please others.
    I mean Paul, what is more important to you, not being disowned or having a life with Haidee? It is unfortunate your back is in a corner now with an ultimatum
    from your mother, the only way out of the corner is with a decision. You can prolong it, but you must make a decision.
    Good luck!
  6. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Ban Hammer in My family is going to disown me if I bring her over here now   
    I offered that advice to him months ago.
  7. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from missicy in My family is going to disown me if I bring her over here now   
    Paul, this really needs to be said, so no offense intended. At age 34, you better MAN-UP! This is like the 3rd or 4th thread you've started about the same issue.
    Yeah, you need to "man-up" to one of the women in your life. Doesn't matter which one as long as you stand up and make it known that what you want is important also,
    you'll be respected more in the long run.
    No disrespect to your mother or your family, at age 34 you have no obligation to make her/them happy with the decisions you make about your future.
    Your mother is your mother and since you can not marry her, she'll get over your decision as to who you decide to marry, she can not live your life vicariously.
    You can not please everyone, someone will be pissed at any decision you make, but just make a decision. At your age, your happiness should be the priority,
    not trying to please others.
    I mean Paul, what is more important to you, not being disowned or having a life with Haidee? It is unfortunate your back is in a corner now with an ultimatum
    from your mother, the only way out of the corner is with a decision. You can prolong it, but you must make a decision.
    Good luck!
  8. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Andy and Kayla in Fiancee left me after 3 weeks   
    No, she can only marry you, no way can she marry another man then adjust her status. She is hosed unless you marry her.
    Like I said OP, she was planning this long ago, even before she arrived at her POE, you can take that to the bank!
  9. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Andy & Sue in Fiancee left me after 3 weeks   
    No, she can only marry you, no way can she marry another man then adjust her status. She is hosed unless you marry her.
    Like I said OP, she was planning this long ago, even before she arrived at her POE, you can take that to the bank!
  10. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Dante & Geor in Fiancee left me after 3 weeks   
    Think about it... this was planned and executed as planned, as evidenced by the phone bill. There must heve been red flags you missed because you loved her so much, you were sincere and you were in this for the right reasons.
    I know it hurts and I feel your pain, do not try to second guess the mindset of a woman that would do that to you and give her the benefit of doubt.
    Immediately take the advice given by the other posters here, also
    Notify your credit card companies not to authorize any new charges to your cards until further notice.
    You have no idea what personal and financial information about you she might have copied or made notes of.
    She jumped the shark and acted too soon, when she realizes she is hosed without a marriage, do not accept any 'cute puppy dog'
    stories to worm her way back into your house.
    Put a chair under the door knobs or the front and back doors before you sleep tonight, you do not need to wake up with two big hairy guys standing in your bedroom tonight.
  11. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Kathryn41 in Wanting advice to do things right!   
  12. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from luckytxn in Name your favorite Presidents / least favorite   
    Lincoln, Wilson and FDR (what a real ####### Wilson was) collectively caused a helluva lot of damage to the Republic.
    Especially that racist, socialist, progressive ####### Wilson, he and Taft gave us the fraud and destruction of 16th amendment.
    Taft pushed for it and Wilson promised to sign the legislation if elected and did so.
    Now we live with massive debt as a result of their actions.
    1. W. Wilson & Taft
    2. FDR
    3. B. Obama
    4. L.B. Johnson
    5. J. Carter
    1. G. Washington
    2. T. Jefferson
    3. J. Madison
    4. R. Reagan
    5. Calvin Coolidge
  13. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from TBoneTX in Name your favorite Presidents / least favorite   
    Lincoln, Wilson and FDR (what a real ####### Wilson was) collectively caused a helluva lot of damage to the Republic.
    Especially that racist, socialist, progressive ####### Wilson, he and Taft gave us the fraud and destruction of 16th amendment.
    Taft pushed for it and Wilson promised to sign the legislation if elected and did so.
    Now we live with massive debt as a result of their actions.
    1. W. Wilson & Taft
    2. FDR
    3. B. Obama
    4. L.B. Johnson
    5. J. Carter
    1. G. Washington
    2. T. Jefferson
    3. J. Madison
    4. R. Reagan
    5. Calvin Coolidge
  14. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from luckytxn in Some of the most evil americans ever   
    The left-wing whack jobs will say, 'but their not union jobs.'
    Those cold hearted, greedy capitalist creating jobs again.
  15. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from luckytxn in Criminal Record Help!!!   
    Thye're looking for the statements/timeline by year as to where you both have lived in the past 10 years.
    Not a 10 year statement about your relationship. I gave you an example of a simple format to cover the 10 years of residence they're looking for.
    No long explanation about his criminal record, that is not what they asked you for. You will note those years as I showed you because, although your husband was in prison, it was his temporary residence.
    They will ask you about his background to see if you are aware of it, then just give them the answers/information they ask of you.
  16. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from tamara143 in Very very very tough life now... Plz HELP   
    OP, do not look at the difficulty of finding a job as defeat. This is a very tough labor market, you have good credentials, so do not take it too personal.
    Some employer will recognize your skills, education and experience and see you as an asset to the company, then make you an offer. You have to stay in the fight until you cross paths with that employer. Also, there are people without jobs with many years of experience and have the same degrees as you have, the market is tight and the competition is fierce.
    You and your sweetheart have come too far to give up now, things will get better and your relationship will be stronger as a result of pulling together through this very trying time.
    Good luck.
  17. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from pddp in Was This A Costly Mistake? Not Even ! Year Yet!   
    A pre-nup would indicate one had significant property, present or future, legal or
    equitable, vested or contingent, in real or personal property, including
    income and earnings to protect.
    Therefore, I'm at a loss as to why one's wife would be working in a bar in the first place.
  18. Like
    Leatherneck reacted to Hilarious Clinton in Israeli scientists develop cancer 'cluster bomb'   
    Gooooo Israel!!!
    (Israel hating Mods please don't delete)
  19. Like
    Leatherneck reacted to Bad_Daddy in Israeli scientists develop cancer 'cluster bomb'   
    It's nice to see a Middle East country making advancements in science that set the mark for everyone else in the world.
  20. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from TBoneTX in i desperately need help. please   
    Since you have the means to support yourself, you're in very good shape. The reason you feel helpless and put up with the mental and emotional abuse is you're unaware of your rights as the beneficiary.
    You certainly do not have to put up with "didn't I petition you?"
    As you've been advised, gather all of the necessary documents and proof you'll need later to prove you entered into the marriage 'in good faith.'
    That way if you plan now, the filing of the I-751 will not send you into hyper panic mood. The proof you need is at your disposal now, gather it.
    Your wife has made her decision, you need to worry about you now. I understand this is not a picnic for you and this is painful to know what she is doing with other men.
    Go to the bank and open an account with only your name on it, now that you know you don't need her to ROC, cut her off. Please beware, things could get ugly real fast once you cut off the flow of money.
    You've found a good site to get advice and help with your I-751 petiton.
    Good luck!
  21. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from hikergirl in Fiancee left me after 3 weeks   
    No, she can only marry you, no way can she marry another man then adjust her status. She is hosed unless you marry her.
    Like I said OP, she was planning this long ago, even before she arrived at her POE, you can take that to the bank!
  22. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from moonunit in Fiancee left me after 3 weeks   
    No, she can only marry you, no way can she marry another man then adjust her status. She is hosed unless you marry her.
    Like I said OP, she was planning this long ago, even before she arrived at her POE, you can take that to the bank!
  23. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from jojolicious in Fiancee left me after 3 weeks   
    No, she can only marry you, no way can she marry another man then adjust her status. She is hosed unless you marry her.
    Like I said OP, she was planning this long ago, even before she arrived at her POE, you can take that to the bank!
  24. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from joonphon in Fiancee left me after 3 weeks   
    No, she can only marry you, no way can she marry another man then adjust her status. She is hosed unless you marry her.
    Like I said OP, she was planning this long ago, even before she arrived at her POE, you can take that to the bank!
  25. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from edwardteresa4ever in California woman caps home invader   
    Sorry, you're so wrong...the Supreme court has ruled on this. The goal of law enforcement is to enforce the mind-boggling numbers of laws cranked out each year by the mindless politicians in various state houses and city/county governments.
    There is a reason they went from being 'peace keepers' to "law enforcement."
    Maybe Somalia is better suited for you, I happen to like law and order, and the natural right to self defense.
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