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Obama 2012

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  1. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in Calderon criticizes AZ law on the White House Lawn along with Obama   
    Calderon needs to shut up.
    He said today that the Arizona bill causes "our people to face discrimination."
    Well if his people were in Mexico where they belonged and not here illegally...
  2. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Pooky in Calderon criticizes AZ law on the White House Lawn along with Obama   
    Calderon needs to shut up.
    He said today that the Arizona bill causes "our people to face discrimination."
    Well if his people were in Mexico where they belonged and not here illegally...
  3. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Nik+Heather in Calderon criticizes AZ law on the White House Lawn along with Obama   
    Calderon needs to shut up.
    He said today that the Arizona bill causes "our people to face discrimination."
    Well if his people were in Mexico where they belonged and not here illegally...
  4. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Bob-KhaHan in A $95,000 question: why are whites five times richer than blacks in the US?   
    The 'answers' are enough to make the study worthless. The guy obviously has an agenda.
    Let's ignore the poor whites who fall into the same catagory as the poor blacks here as well.
  5. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Bob-KhaHan in A $95,000 question: why are whites five times richer than blacks in the US?   
    What? Of course this moron doesn't mention that this benefits EVERYONE who invests AND it benefits the government. As the lower the capital gains rate, the more people invest, the more people trade, and the more taxes government can collect. Let's ignore the real facts though.
    Discrimination? So by not 'giving' housing away, it's discrimination? Because 'whitey' buys their homes and a few blacks can't afford to, then this is a problem? OR how about the damned fake income loans that were given in the last decade to blacks because the government pretty much mandated you can't discriminate based on income/credit, etc... morons.
    So he's saying blacks are helpless? I knoew PLENTY of black people that disagree with this statement wholeheartedly. What a crock of bullshit.
    WHAT???? Unfairly targetted? So they didn't make decisions on their own to apply for and use credit? They didn't make the decisions to becomes leeches on society/everything else. They can't read contracts? Cmon now....
    Oh this guy is a fvcking idiot through and through... So not offering renters tax credits is discrimination against blacks? You've got to be kidding me.
    More access for blacks? What? Tell me one employer that says on white people can get a 401k? This study is complete racist fluff.
  6. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Bob-KhaHan in HOA Forcloses On Home For Not Paying Fees Eventhough The House Was Fully Paid For.   
    oh ok, so you're going to tell me how I think/what I like/don't like.....
    I do hate the fact it did what it did, because I think the idea is completely absurd in the first place.
    If you can't see that, then it's not my problem.
    The problem with you, is you fail to see the difference in 'recognizing' something as not being for you, and something just being plain wrong.
    I think it was wrong and it sucked that the HOA took her house. I do however recognize her wrong doing in no paying and recognize that she signed a contract that allowed them to do so. - I think this is wrong that a fully paid for house can be taken by a third-party and I don't like the idea of it at all. I still recognize the ability to do so though.
    should have said "buying process" as it is a contract/agreement you have to sign in order to buy that house in that neighborhood.
    It's not part of the actual mortgage contract.
  7. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Bob-KhaHan in HOA Forcloses On Home For Not Paying Fees Eventhough The House Was Fully Paid For.   
    See, you attribute my disagreeance of having to deal with other people as my sole basis for everything. That's not the case at all.
    Some interaction is necessary to make it through every day life. I just try to avoid stupidity (though that's hard figuring I have to drive around with idiots in rush hour every day).
    HOAs are a waste of my time. I don't like them because they are making me pay for 'neighborhood amenities' in which I will never use/have a desire to use. On top of that, they'll tell me what I can and cannot do on my own property (like accidently leave my garbage can out an extra day). - Which in turn leads me to deal with some nagging jerk off who thinks he's king of the jungle, or in this case the neighborhood.
    Also, anyone who would sign a contract that allows a third-party outside of the mortgage company (and government in areas with property tax) to have control of their property is just a dammed fool.
  8. Like
    Obama 2012 reacted to peejay in How would FDR handle Muslim bombers?   
    Like a lot of things going on in modern America today, it is more about a lack of intestinal fortitude than a constitutional matter. The mentality of the WWII/Great Depression generation of my parents that grew up during grittier times has given way to their kids and grandkids that have never known anything but a relatively easy life comparitively. They have grown soft and are afraid to defend their own interests without going off on a guilt trip.
    Eisenhower had no problems deporting millions of illegal aliens in the 1950's. Similarly FDR (considered a flaming liberal back then) had no qualms about doing what had to be done and never looking back. America needs to grow some balls again or we will perish.
  9. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from -Marie- in Parents Turn Their Daughters Into 8-Year Old Whores...   
    when an 8 year old is dancing sexy and grinding........
    not cool.
  10. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from SMOKE in New SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan   
    A justice should not be conservative. A justice should not be liberal.
    A justice should be willing to uphold the constitution as it stands. Not take it into their own 'heart' about how they 'feel' about it.
  11. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Heracles in L.A. Teacher calls for Revolution at La Raza rally.   
    This teacher needs to be Fired, strung up by his ankles, and then beaten like a piñata by the 'frail racist white people' that he thinks everyone is. What a moron.
  12. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Fandango in Democrats Unveil Outline for Amnesty   
    A slap in the face to everyone here on VJ.
    The US Government should offer EVERY person who came in legally and paid thousands in fees a full refund/tax credit if they are going to do amnesty once again.
    The hell that was gone through in waiting to get here, to be able to stay here, for some people lasting a couple of years... Then illegals get to march in here, stay and get rewarded and maybe have to pay a fine for it? I call BULLSHIT.
    Class Action Lawsuit against the Federal Government by all legal immigrants should happen.
    And the current legislation on the books works fine. Just have to ENFORCE IT.
    And the DREAM ACT? Are you fvcking kidding me? This fvcks US Citizens up the a$$ with a raw rusted rod.
  13. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from luckytxn in Democrats Unveil Outline for Amnesty   
    A slap in the face to everyone here on VJ.
    The US Government should offer EVERY person who came in legally and paid thousands in fees a full refund/tax credit if they are going to do amnesty once again.
    The hell that was gone through in waiting to get here, to be able to stay here, for some people lasting a couple of years... Then illegals get to march in here, stay and get rewarded and maybe have to pay a fine for it? I call BULLSHIT.
    Class Action Lawsuit against the Federal Government by all legal immigrants should happen.
    And the current legislation on the books works fine. Just have to ENFORCE IT.
    And the DREAM ACT? Are you fvcking kidding me? This fvcks US Citizens up the a$$ with a raw rusted rod.
  14. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from sachinky in Democrats Unveil Outline for Amnesty   
    A slap in the face to everyone here on VJ.
    The US Government should offer EVERY person who came in legally and paid thousands in fees a full refund/tax credit if they are going to do amnesty once again.
    The hell that was gone through in waiting to get here, to be able to stay here, for some people lasting a couple of years... Then illegals get to march in here, stay and get rewarded and maybe have to pay a fine for it? I call BULLSHIT.
    Class Action Lawsuit against the Federal Government by all legal immigrants should happen.
    And the current legislation on the books works fine. Just have to ENFORCE IT.
    And the DREAM ACT? Are you fvcking kidding me? This fvcks US Citizens up the a$$ with a raw rusted rod.
  15. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from C&Z4Ever in Racism in America   
    The law doesn't call for cops to point out Latinos. It calls for them to work with Federal Authorities on illegal immigration.
    It's simple: You're brown, white, black, red, yellow - you don't have proper ID, they'll try and look you up in the system. They can't find you in the system, they are going to detain you (as they do now anyway) to try and figure out who you are.
    The only thing this law allows local autorities to do differently than what they already do. Well it actually demands it of them, is to work with federal authorities to check on immigration status of those that they cannot identify and to hand those who are illegal over to federal authorities.
    The fact of the matter is, the vast overwhelmingly majority of illegal immigrants are Latinos. That's not going to change anytime soon. It's complete chaos to our south in most nations and people are looking for an escape. Unfortuantely, their escape into this country is criminal and is an invasion of a sovereign nation. If they are getting in, who else is getting in? Every person that crosses that border ilegally is a threat to our national security and should be treated as such. - Imagine one of the people crossing the border with a large backpack bomb and walking into the middle of downtown Tucson. It's be damn easy....
    We have a right to protect our nation. Sure, these are people, but they are people who are violating the law of the land and not giving a damn about our nation by abusing the sytem we have in place. I have no sympathy personally, nor will I ever. - If these people REALLY AND TRULY want a better life, it is their responsibility to TAKE BACK THEIR NATION and not invade ours. If they want to come here, there's a legal and rightful way to do so. It's time that Mexican citizens took back Mexico. It's time the same thing happenened in central and south American countries as well. - Stop using us as an escape pod. We are not such. Nor can we afford to be any longer.
  16. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Pooky in Racism in America   
    The law doesn't call for cops to point out Latinos. It calls for them to work with Federal Authorities on illegal immigration.
    It's simple: You're brown, white, black, red, yellow - you don't have proper ID, they'll try and look you up in the system. They can't find you in the system, they are going to detain you (as they do now anyway) to try and figure out who you are.
    The only thing this law allows local autorities to do differently than what they already do. Well it actually demands it of them, is to work with federal authorities to check on immigration status of those that they cannot identify and to hand those who are illegal over to federal authorities.
    The fact of the matter is, the vast overwhelmingly majority of illegal immigrants are Latinos. That's not going to change anytime soon. It's complete chaos to our south in most nations and people are looking for an escape. Unfortuantely, their escape into this country is criminal and is an invasion of a sovereign nation. If they are getting in, who else is getting in? Every person that crosses that border ilegally is a threat to our national security and should be treated as such. - Imagine one of the people crossing the border with a large backpack bomb and walking into the middle of downtown Tucson. It's be damn easy....
    We have a right to protect our nation. Sure, these are people, but they are people who are violating the law of the land and not giving a damn about our nation by abusing the sytem we have in place. I have no sympathy personally, nor will I ever. - If these people REALLY AND TRULY want a better life, it is their responsibility to TAKE BACK THEIR NATION and not invade ours. If they want to come here, there's a legal and rightful way to do so. It's time that Mexican citizens took back Mexico. It's time the same thing happenened in central and south American countries as well. - Stop using us as an escape pod. We are not such. Nor can we afford to be any longer.
  17. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Welshcookie in Canada Thread Locked   
    It was locked because apparently pointing out facts and statistics is racism and should not be tolerated
    Also, god forbid you point out casual observations either and differences that people have. GASP! This is so horrible.
    People just need to get a damn grip and face reality instead of name calling because they get 'offended' on a certain issue.
  18. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from LaL in “Hey Dad, Why do we save Billionaires, but not Teachers?”   
    Most teachers work a lot more than that.... They do A LOT of their work after school hours at home and on the weekends...
  19. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from sachinky in Arizonans and The Nation Torn On Immigration Bill   
    Criminals are a demographic?
  20. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from sachinky in 2 Lawsuits Challenge New Arizona Immigration Law   
    I added in the part that you left out. Anyone who's on these board should honestly be disgusted by the illegal immigrants. After all, they are part of the problem that makes the process harder.
  21. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from besaangel in Ban head coverings   
    "What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist" -Salman Rushdie
  22. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from VanessaTony in Ban head coverings   
    France has a muslim problem, and they are in their right mind to do it. France is literally losing themselves and they have no choice.
    The United States on the other hand doesn't have such a problem and we have no worries about it.
    However, these muslim idiots who think they can go to certain jobs and wear a burqa are full of #######. I've seen factories sued because they don't allow them over health concerns. Screw that BS. Same goes for government IDs, etc... It's not going to hurt you to take a picture without the covering. Stop acting like some religious zealot and use your brain for 5 minutes versus some bullshit spouted in some damned book. - Having faith is one thing, being absurd about it is another.
  23. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from w¡n9Nµ7 §£@¥€r in Tiger Woods Had Sex With 121 Women! Elin Signing Divorce Papers.   
    Tiger Woods has confessed to having sex with 120 women, the National Enquirer reports. According to the publication, Woods came clean about his serial affairs during sex addiction therapy, but he allegedly left one person off the list.
    SportsByBrooks writes that the mystery woman is young Raychel Coudriet, the daughter of Tiger's own neighbor in Florida. Woods allegedly slept with her when she was 21 years old.
    The paper also reports that Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren, has officially decided to sign divorce papers. She allegedly went forward with the process after learning of the 121st woman to sleep with Woods. Numerous reports have indicated that a divorce is looming, and Nordegren may be seeking a $500 million settlement.
    The Enquirer was the first outlet to report on Woods' affairs, naming Rachel Uchitel as a mistress just days before Woods crashed his car on Thanksgiving night.
    Since then, a slew of women have been named, including multiple porn stars and an allegedly self-described "cougar." But nowhere near ten dozen mistresses have come forward or been outed.
  24. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from Dr. Obvious in California County Bans Toys With Fast-Food Meals   
    Nanny State government trying to intervene into people's lives anymore.
    It's the PARENTS stupid, not the restaurants...
  25. Like
    Obama 2012 got a reaction from besaangel in Swine Flu: What the Hell Happened?   
    *pats on head*
    It'll be ok. Don't worry. You keep believing everything you are spoon fed every day.
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