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Posts posted by 2ndMessiah

  1. Please show me where ANYONE here has defended sick actions of any religion group. What's even more fun to watch is people who just want to point the finger at Islam but lack the conviction to say so. The thread title says it all, but it appears certain folks ONLY want to talk about Muslims. Like it only matters when they do something heinous.

    An extremists on any side is a bad thing. Christianity and Islam both have the same core values. How you interpret them is up to the individual. Because if the core was rotten, you wouldn't have 1.6 million Muslims here doing the right thing.

    You missed my point by only being focused on extrem religion. To clarify, something being extreme is not a bad thing ie extreme snow boarding..... It is the core values of the thing you are being extreme about is what needs to be examined and dealt with.

    Many many extreme acts of violence has been justified and supported by people pointing to ther holy books. The hacking to death of Bangladesh bloggers because they spoke thier minds that was in contradiction with majority religious belief.

    Again good people doing bad things.....

  2. It is fun to watch people defend the actions of the members of their groups/clicks/sects/religions by pointing out the failings of others. It seems to me that good people do good things, bad people do bad things, but it takes a religion to make good people do bad things.

    Also I get tired of hearing it was an extremist gorup of a certian faction did something bad. Being extreme isnt bad in it self. It is the core values that need to be questioned.

  3. Separation of church and state keeps people like the folks mentioned here from running our own government (with a different brand).

    Thank god for that!

    This was truly an inspired concept, something to aspire too for the safe and successful running of a great nation. Shame in the first two decades of the twenty first century it appears to have gone the way of the Dodo at the hands of our not so great theist leaders.

  4. Logic then would seem to state that we should kill all human beings in order to Save The Planet.

    Oh don't worry, the planet doesn't need saving from humans. We are but a minor blip/infestation which will resolve itself by self extermination. This Planet we call Earth will be here a long long, long time after we are gone, in some form or other.

    It would be better for our survival if we understood our effects on our home and did some to preserve it.

    Even for those who deny what we are doing and are of a Christian bent, take heed from your holy book.

    Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

    Numbers 35:33“You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it.”
  5. Thanks for the reply but I will get out of status after 90 days finish.Where will I live and how will I pay the lawyers fees.What if I go back to my country without Divorce?

    As you stated you are already married, so you are already out of status. Or I think to be more accurate you have NO status.

    There is no reason why you cant file for divorce yourself. But you will have to leave the US.

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