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Posts posted by decocker

  1. Palestinian 'terrorist' shot dead after ramming car into Israeli police officers in Jerusalem


    1 Israeli killed, 17 injured in two run-over terrorist attacks


    Jewish Man Dies as Rocks Pelt His Car in East Jerusalem


    No ability to get a gun does not stop folks from killing... Knife, car, rocks....

    Evil will find a way to destroy.

    shirley you meant evil will find a way to annex.

  2. always liked jim webb. and his son makes a good point here..

    As a Marine infantryman myself, I have experienced the complex emotions of combat. On the one hand you may not even see the face of an individual who fires a round so close to your head that your ears ring, or blows up the improvised explosive device next to your vehicle that potentially kills or maims your friends. On the other, there’s an intensely personal reaction. After all, this isn’t a person who is besting you in a debate about gun control, or some other social policy, over a beer. This is a person whose intent is to end your life, and that is as clear cut an enemy as you can think of. Additionally, many, if not most, of the veterans I have talked to have read the Navy Cross citation that chronicles the incident surrounding my father. For those unfamiliar, it states:

    ….Observing the grenade land dangerously close to his companion, First Lieutenant Webb simultaneously fired his weapon at the enemy, pushed the Marine away from the grenade, and shielded him from the explosion with his own body.….

    We who know the complexities of combat understand the character displayed in the above sentence. When put into the proper context, it is clearly far more than the sound bite being dissected by political pundits.

    In fact, seeing the reaction to my father’s story in recent days has highlighted for me the almost stunning level of ignorance that the general public has about war. CNN introduced him as a “war hero,” and yet people were surprised and even uncomfortable when they were given a glimpse of what that might have entailed.

    This country has been at war for almost 15 years, and as I think about the ridicule leveled at my father in the past 24 hours, I can’t help but imagine what these same people must think about the service of my own generation. In their eyes, did we simply spend some kind of twisted ‘semester abroad’ in a place with plenty of sand, but no ocean? Or conversely, do they ignorantly dismiss our experiences, as they have my father, as those of cold callous killers?


  3. Just proves that just because you cannot get that gun the murder rate will come to a halt. .. It is the person using a gun , machete , or a pack of matches ... Evil deeds will continue until the end of time .

    i don't think any real live adult should grapple with that concept, also don't think that any reasonable person thinks public safety policy works in such a manner.

    the point is to attempt to minimize the evil deeds.

  4. Its most likely because everyone assumes new posters are a sock puppet with a new persona. We (the mod team) are usually on top of that but no one thinks we are. Which leads to us moderating other people for badgering new people. Which makes them think we're protecting people something. I think its just natural for people to assume "the man" is out to get them. And there is tons and tons of completely off base assuming around here. But what are you going to do? People will believe us or not.

    this is 99.9% me.

    Sausagefest...nice touch. :rofl:

    Another honest comment...terrified. That says a lot doesn't it?

    Think about how a new poster might feel...much like you did back when you joined at the turn of the century.

    i was terrified too, but terrified means something a bit different when posting on the internet.

    any new poster joining in a forum with history is going to be intimidated.

  5. I was curious how many pages of google search I would have to go through to find a single media outlet that bothered to follow through on the story enough to figure out it was just an insurance case that required a person to be named instead of a company.. After seven pages I gave up (wow, lots of hate flung at this woman in all the comments on the news sites) and added "insurance" to the search criteria..

    'Aunt' says lawsuit against 8-year-old was insurance case


    go figure, an insurance company doesn't want to cover expenses incurred from an accident. what's insurance for anyway?

  6. Use and overuse of natural substances happens worldwide. Fight through the medical stuff here and read another story:


    yeah. i remember after i had my son, i was constantly taking black beauties, stackers - for energy and they completely took away appetite. they were a herbal mix, caffine and pseudoephedrine. they were legal back then, but man, the one time i messed up and took a second dose (thinking i hadn't taken one yet that day) well, let me just say the experience was similar to a bad acid trip. i thought i was going to die. similarly lots of people were on the herbalite or herbalife (can't remember) train, and that stuff made some people very sick.

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