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Posts posted by decocker

  1. It's good to know that our elected officials are focused like lasers on the critical business of governing the country

    embarrassing really.

    I agree with Expat that our elected officials should be spending the little time they are actually working on more important issues.

    But since it's been posted here, I do have a few questions.

    Is there any other term that is used for someone who breaks the law in the US that is preceded with the word "illegal"? We have "drug dealers", "bank robbers", "drunk drivers", "tax evaders" etc. While we all know those are illegal acts, we don't actually use the word "illegal" to describe the law breaker, do we? I know that an "undocumented foreign national" means the person is in the US illegally, is it really that hard to figure out? And is it really all that important in the grand scheme of things?


  2. Chambers' attorney Tony Coleman said she did not smell of alcohol when he met her hours after the crash and did not appear to be someone who had been in a "drunken stupor."

    "I absolutely can rule out alcohol," Coleman told a press conference in Oklahoma City Sunday, adding that he had spoken to the woman's aunt, grandmother and boyfriend and all had said she was not drinking. Police are awaiting blood tests to determine if Chambers was impaired by drugs or alcohol.

    "She doesn't remember a whole lot about what happened. There was a period where I think ... she could have even blacked out," Coleman said of Chambers. The attorney said Chambers only recalls people removing her from the car and being extremely confused.

    ban mentally ill people. derp.

  3. I was mostly referring to the article. If I implied that you were P and M about it…I apologize. I did not read that in your post.

    The article makes correlations that are most likely not true. One thing I did get out of the article is that the lazy and the freeloaders are much happier in Denmark. :joy:

    There are benefits and disadvantages to all countries. I prefer to live in the greatest country in the history of mankind. Love it or leave it comes to mind.

    I understand many on this board have a huge amount of distain for the US and are angry that they live here. My advice is that they pack their bags and move. We will both be happier. :idea:

    well, i'm not angry that i live here. this is where i was born, i'm grateful that i was born here. there are certainly places that are much worse to live.

    but i do believe that a country is so full of itself will find that the good times will end eventually and those that think they're sitting pretty probably won't see they're downfall coming.

  4. this kids parents had a sense of humor...


    Christian Guy, a business major and member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, has been charged with larceny following the attack on Boyle

  5. Can't you feel the wealth trickling down your leg?

    ah, so warm.

    Sad but true. Hopefully our 20 year plan will let us retire early with enough pension and savings.

    my 20 year plan is just to make it 20 years without some massive medical expense or streak of bad luck setting me back to starting line (no passing go, no collect $200.00)

    If the population growth rate declines it might be necessary to work until 75 to keep the economy going.

    Here we have oldies directing traffic, cleaning buildings, doing all the jobs the young don't want to do...

    and with walmart getting rid of greeters, my future is in shambles at my feet.

    there will be cats, regardless. something to smile about.

  6. I have the answer. Move to Denmark. Then you can P & M about something over there.

    i wasn't complaining - i was being grateful. i was lucky. not only did i have a job that offered short term disability after i was disabled from working on a short term basis (read, not being lazy, unable to work for six short weeks) i was able to take my son to my mom to be watched for free when i returned to work.

    please eieio, in all your capitalist murican wisdom, explain to me the benefit of punishing americans for having children?

  7. is this the thread to post dead kids? shall we keep tally of the method of death?

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A 32-year-old man is facing murder charges in the road-rage killing of a 4-year-old Albuquerque girl, who was shot in the backseat of her father's truck — a death that horrified the public.

    Police said Tony Torrez was arrested Wednesday and admitted to the shooting in the death of Lilly Garcia.

    The announcement came a few hours after police said a person of interest had been taken into custody.

    Lilly was riding in the backseat with her 7-year-old brother after they were picked up from school Tuesday when someone in a Toyota opened fire on the family as they traveled down the main east-west freeway in Albuquerque.

    The father told authorities that he was trying to exit I-40 when a car forced him out of his lane, according to a police statement.

    "The two drivers exchanged words when Torrez pulled out a gun and shot at the red truck driven by Lilly's father," the statement continued. "Lilly was hit at least once in the head."

    The father quickly pulled over and tried to administer first aid to his daughter as a bystander called 911.


  8. I tend to agree with this. I see it quite a bit and it comes mostly from blue collar folks. I used to be guilty of it myself.

    yeah. but we're raised to believe that hard work alone does the trick. i know i was, and i'm the child of a hs graduate who supported his wife and three kids on next to nothing. that's really an impossible feat now a days.if you're a bottom feeder from the getgo, you'll probably always remember what it costs to be poor. comfortable people who've never had the pleasure have no idea..

  9. My sister in Canada got six months paid leave and then IIRC, six months of unemployment where her job was protected after they had a baby. My wife had six weeks maternity leave (or short term disability as we like to call it in America). She asked for 2 additional weeks and the employer said OK, but if they can get by without her for 8 weeks, they may decide they don't need her position anymore.

    I googled other countries and we pretty much suck compared to any other country in the world for maternity benefits, at least.

    i lucked out when i was pregnant, i worked for a insurance collections agency closer to dc and they offered a month of unemployment (short term disability) for maternity leave. which is friggin unheard of considering it was entry level paper pushing. needless to say, they had an extremely high turnaround from all the pregnant woment working as long as they could and then never returning after the baby was born. not all but most. that's what i did. the commute wasn't worth it once i had to figure in dropping off a newborn prior to the hour drive, twice a day.

    in the past couple years we've had two of our office people have babies. one took her two weeks vacation, one week off unpaid and then came back to fulltime work early.

    the other was able to work from home a few days a week and afford less working hours. it is what it is. the u.s is not family friendly. especially when you work for a company with fewer than 50 employees.

  10. so what is a bad acid trip like :devil:

    They Made Bruce a woman

    They made Scott a drunk

    They almost Killed Lamar

    I can't wait to see what they do to Kanye

    i get the feeling not everyone here utilizes the world wide web properly.

    The manifestations can range from feelings of vague anxiety and alienation to profoundly disturbing states of unrelieved terror, ultimate entrapment, or complete loss of self-identity. Psychedelic specialists in the therapeutic community do not necessarily consider unpleasant experiences as threatening or negative, focusing instead on their potential to greatly benefit the user when properly resolved. Bad trips can be exacerbated by the inexperience or irresponsibility of the user or the lack of proper preparation and environment for the trip, and are reflective of unresolved psychological tensions triggered during the course of the experience.[1]


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