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Posts posted by CnT4ever

  1. Good morning everyone :)

    Feeling sleepy and groggy today. Don't know how I got to work. Had one of my "cocktails" last night. We put our furniture back in to the living room. Everything looks nice but now the end tables don't match. I am going to have to do something with those. We also gave up on cleaning the carpets. We're going to look at prices for stone tiles. My husband and I both came to the conclusion that it's a better investment than carpeting. We want a light color on the floor, but our white carpet in the house is already destroyed after 6 years. So we decided to do away with carpeting all together.

    Question for you about your spouses and driving...I lose my patience every time husband drives. I'm like, "You're the worst driver in the whole world!!!" and get like :girlwerewolf2xn: with him. Poor thing. I am wondering if you are having the same problems? The irritating thing is that my husband finds a way to blame everyone (mostly me) but not himself for his mistakes. It's like he won't just confess to not paying attention and not listening to directions. I totally lost it with him yesterday and now he won't drive with me in the car :lol: I don't know what to do! I tried to sit with him in our driveway, explain directions before hand and then leave (hoping that if he listens before he starts driving he will pay more attention)...but that doesn't work. I will tell him at a previous exit "take the next exit that is coming up" and he'll be approaching and I will say, "Turn here. Right into here..." and he keeps going straight. Then I'm like, "What are you doing???? I told you take this exit!" Then he'll say, "Oh, I didn't know, you didn't tell me till late." Then I just wanna kill him when he drives!!! :lol:

  2. People that haven't gone through the immigration process might be great friends, but they may not understand the situation you're in. Why not try to spend time with friends and discuss things other than immigration? Get away for a few hours and forget about this process. Catch a movie and try to get your mind off things.

    If you need a place to vent and spend your time in the company of people who will not judge you or tell you to stop complaining, come join us in our K3 family hangout.


    We can cheer you through this hard time :)

  3. We ended up not going anywhere. It was very hot here also. We ended up renovating the living room/dining room area. We spackled and repainted (new colors too). Re-upholstered the chairs and washed and restuffed/rebatted the couch cushions and pillows. Put up new drapes, etc. A whole new room! :lol: and it wasn't too bad. Although when my husband knocked over the paint can (thank God I put down the plastic all over the floor) - he laughed and I didn't think it was funny one bit! Today we'll be God willing, steam cleaning the carpet and then putting up the pictures and some different area rugs (since we have new colors). Hopefully by tomorrow we'll be able to put back the furniture where it belongs.

  4. I will calm you down right now. Same thing happened with us. We got a 221g because they wanted additional documents proving his date of birth. Something totally not expected, considering we gave them his birth certificate. I too freaked out when I saw that we got something called a "denial" under 221g. Anyway, long story short, we returned the documents they requested and after about a month my husband got his visa. The paper which they gave you (221g), does it list on the form that they need the police certificate only? It doesn't say that your case needs further review does it? If it doesn't say anything except that they want the police certificate then I really think you'll recieve your visa soon. That's just my opinion.

    Thank you. No, there is nothing in the paper saying that my case needs further review. Actually, it did not say the word "denied:. It just said "It cannot issue you a visa at this time under section 221(g)" also, " In order to complete processing of your visa application, please provide the following" and list of the additional documents, and in the last paragraph they said if your submission meet the requirements , they will ask me to submit my passport. Today I got an email from the consulate saying, "We have passed your file along with the submitted documents to an officer for review. Once the officer makes a final decision, we will let you know". Hopefully everything will be fine.

    Thank you guys for your support. It helped a lot. Just talking about it in this forum and receive others support are helping a lot. Thank you again.

    Yes, that is exactly what ours said. You should be fine. Let us know how your situation turns out. Best of luck!

  5. and if that is true, then IMO that is sooo twisted and screwed up. A woman is married to a man, and the father steps in and separates them from their bond, and basically forces the man to convert or not be with his wife. A religion is between a person and GOD, not for someone else to step in and meddle in.

    No shocker you find it twisted and screwed up, but your views on Islam have long been vapid.

    :thumbs: That's usually the only time she makes comments on the Islamic religion. When it's something negative.

    :whistle: like your feelings are hurt? I called it out like i see it.

    Maybe that's the problem...you only see one side of things. You know, I was thinking...why not change your name to TamarahatesMuslims? That would be perfect for you :yes:

  6. MrsB I wouldn't let certain people upset you. People who are critical of others complaints, are usually people that have not suffered the same problem as you...or they did and are now out of the problem, and seem to have forgotten how hard it was for them. I tell ya what! You can start reading their timelines and compare to yours! I bet it's a whole lot shorter and easier :lol: Then maybe you can have a discussion with them about it... Or better yet, just ignore people that give no help or support to your situation.

  7. 33 more minutes and I'm leaving. I miss my husband. I want to go home. Yesterday I was in a poopy mood. So I wanted to make it upto him today. I don't know what to do though. We have errands to run and still many, many fix-its around the house. I was thinking to help him paint the shed he built. Of course, I have to weigh the pros and cons. We could have a fun time and bond...or we might start criticizing each other and end up in a fight :unsure: I don't know... :wacko: Then again, since I have cut down dramatically on my smoking, I haven't been outside and I'm not even sure what the weather is like :lol:

  8. and if that is true, then IMO that is sooo twisted and screwed up. A woman is married to a man, and the father steps in and separates them from their bond, and basically forces the man to convert or not be with his wife. A religion is between a person and GOD, not for someone else to step in and meddle in.

    No shocker you find it twisted and screwed up, but your views on Islam have long been vapid.

    :thumbs: That's usually the only time she makes comments on the Islamic religion. When it's something negative.

  9. Oh and "jundp", I hope you enjoy the timeline.

    You know what? I've been kind and polite to you. Others, not so much. I tried to point out in a realistic manner why a timeline is helpful. And you come back with a smart a$$ response? Wow. With that type of attitude, I'm not surprised you haven't gotten more help.

    Your timeline does nothing to help me. Note that my husband is already here in the US. However, as this is a family immigration forum to help others going through the process and you have asked for help for a situation which others may experience it's pretty darn selfish of you to say "oh there's no need but help me anyway."

    I had some more suggestions about where you could go for free or inexpensive legal help but I don't feel inclined to help someone who is rude.

    Good luck.

    I didn't take that to be rude. I took it as a joke since everyone has been telling her to post a timeline from the beginning of her thread.

    MrsB, I don't know what to tell you. You really need to get more senators/congressmen involved. Definitely contact the Ombudsman. USCIS really does not give a darn about you or your case. You and your husband are the ones that have to make this happen. I know it's not fair and I know that your situation is ridiculously flawed by THEIR errors... but as you can already see, they are not going to fix the problem so you have to. Why don't you try writing letters directly to the service center and address them to the director? I know it seems far fetched, but you might get somewhere with it. It might just happen to fall into someone's hands that actually has a heart, who can find your case and see what is really going on with it. I would write a long, heart felt letter, explaining that it's been so long, all the steps you've already taken, and literally beg someone to pull the file and look at it and tell you what is the delay???

    I wish you the best of luck!

  10. I will calm you down right now. Same thing happened with us. We got a 221g because they wanted additional documents proving his date of birth. Something totally not expected, considering we gave them his birth certificate. I too freaked out when I saw that we got something called a "denial" under 221g. Anyway, long story short, we returned the documents they requested and after about a month my husband got his visa. The paper which they gave you (221g), does it list on the form that they need the police certificate only? It doesn't say that your case needs further review does it? If it doesn't say anything except that they want the police certificate then I really think you'll recieve your visa soon. That's just my opinion.

  11. I was also trying to figure out what to do this weekend without breaking the bank. I was thinking of taking husband on a tour at the botanical gardens, which focuses on landscapes that don't use alot of water. He's hose happy. He spends hours watering the yard everyday. Flowers look lovely, but I'd like to try and conserve. There was also something at the museum here called "clocks in the sky" about stars. I thought that would be fun. Plus a quick trip to the farmer's market for our weekly veggies. I must say, I do get out more now that he's here. Do more things and go more places. Since I haven't been downtown in a really long time I was thinking to take a drive down there and spend a few hours also, if it's not scorching hot out :unsure: I really do need to get myself moving and not fall into a sickly slump.

    Hope the weather gets better for ya Que!

    What is everyone else's plans????

  12. Oh You poor thing.....If you are tired and not getting enough sleeps, doc usually come up with sleep Apnea. Good idea to get it check out ad a CPAP machine is a quicl fix for sleep apnea. Now quit the smoking!!!! :unsure:

    I can't believe that CA will make you take your lic again too... :ranting: I guess they need some avenue to make income.

    Hey Seren...I will see what they say, but eventually I will make someone order a head scan for me. If they had done so for my aunt, she might still be alive. This all started when my aunt was still here with us. I'm just concerned I may have caught an infection or virus from her. She did have multi-drug resistant infections on top of her condition. Since I also recently had my radioactive shots, my immune system was not at its strongest. I don't know...it could be just the hot weather. But sometimes you just know when something isn't right...and I feel like something isn't right inside.

  13. I'm so darn tired! I told my husband I want a maid! :angry: I don't know how my grandmother did it. She worked full time in a factory and raised 5 kids. She also cooked every single day and did the laundry and major cleaning.

    I can barely walk to the door of my home after work is done :cry: I have a migraine almost every day :cry:

    I finally went to the doctor (because I felt paranoid as my aunt was always tired and headachy before when she was still alive). Doctor thinks I might have sleep apnea. I don't snore or anything like that. She thinks my breathing might be too shallow. I have to do a sleep study. They were going to schedule me the same day, but I couldn't bear to part from my husband this soon. It's like I don't want to sleep alone again!!! So i scheduled it out into July.

    I'm so tired that I am down to like only 3-4 cigarettes a day! :lol: Because when I get home I'm too tired to make a pot of coffee and I can't smoke without coffee :( I also figured if I'm not getting enough oxygen, I should probably stop smoking. Even with this decrease over the last several weeks, I feel even worse! Lisa, what do you think? Should I start smoking more again? Maybe my body is rebelling? :lol:

    Seren, sucks about the test. That is so stupid. Then again, California is one of those states that always makes you take things over. I know for my work license, California does not reciprocate and I would have had to take the tests over again. They also don't accept higher degrees from our state either. It's weird.

    Waving (tiredly) hello to everyone :D Hope all is well!

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