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Posts posted by Nina~

  1. Whatz with all the Christian bashing here, anyways? Is it really necessary? There are always bad apples in any sect, group, club or organization. Tell us what memberships you belong with, and no doubt a 30 second Google check would bring up a pile of dirt. It really is tearing people down, instead of boosting people up.



    Nobody is Christian bashing here. I am taking issue with fellow Christians who talk-the-talk but fail to walk-the-walk. "Christians" who think that there is nothing wrong in hitting a kid and leaving him injured.

  2. See this is where you people get it all screwed up, (at some point it goes deeper than a bumper sticker.)

    There is a wide gulf between innocent people (fetus) and the guilty, stupid, violent etc. people. (Occupy, killers and libs in general)


    More seriously,

    God hates the shedding of "innocent blood".

    << Proverbs 6 >>

    16There are six things the Lord hates,

    seven that are detestable to him:

    17haughty eyes,

    a lying tongue,

    hands that shed innocent blood,

    18a heart that devises wicked schemes,

    feet that are quick to rush into evil,

    19a false witness who pours out lies

    and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

    Psalm 106:38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and ...

    They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed

    to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. ...

    Deuteronomy 19:10 Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed ...

    Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the LORD your

    God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty of ...

    Jeremiah 26:15 Be assured, however, that if you put me to death ...

    Be assured, however, that if you put me to death, you will bring the guilt of innocent

    blood on yourselves and on this city and on those who live in it, for in ...

    Isaiah 59:7 Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed ...

    Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. ... Their feet run to

    do evil. They hurry to shed innocent blood. Their plans are evil. ...

    That's the beauty of the Bible.. Any bigot can do a word search and pick out obscure verses and use it out of context to justify their hypocrisy :thumbs:

  3. When we ask the question WWJD, we have to consider "The father and the Son are one" as scriptures teach.

    IN that context you will find two sides of the same coin.... Both mercy and love and the too long ignored "other side of the coin" ....harsh Lord of action.

    No doubt you prefer Christians to run soup kitchens, homeless shelters and fund the feeding and educating of third world peoples but that side is way out of balance.

    The kid will heal and perhaps even more importantly.... read the track.


    So that justifies people acting like "Lords" and running kids over in the street? :wacko:

  4. Finally I see hope.

    I am sick and tired of the current wave of "sweetness and Light" CHristians who only think of reaching out to others and babbling on about how God is like a flower...... n all that #######.

    Here you have a women who saw someone J-walking and wanted to give him an -Old school lesson in life.

    Sure she got a little soft by getting out of the car to throw him a Jesus-track..... but it's good to see progress is being made.

    Not saying this mini-movement is enough to resurrect the Western World to it's former glory but...... It's a start.


    So let me get this straight. She ran into a kid, A KID FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! and left him hurt in the side of the road and drove off without calling for help, or waiting for the police to arrive. Is this want you call an Old-School lesson??? Because that is so WWJD :rolleyes:

  5. Ask him to check out his dealship too. Sometimes they have really good deals. I just bought a set of 4 Hankook high performance run-flats from the dealership. The dealership had a buy 3 get 1 free sale, plus there was a manufacturers rebate. So I ended up paying around $300 which was more than 50% of the regular price.

  6. Model Christian hits student, throws religious pamphlet, runs

    In a heartwarming tale of practicing what you preach, a 58-year-old holy-rollin' woman ran into a high school student with her '96 Accord, then threw a Christian pamphlet at the kid before driving off.

    The Houston Press reports that on October 14th, Hillen hit high school student Jonah Garcia while he was crossing the street. Then Hillen stopped and asked him if he was allright. He said "No," and she decided to throw him a Christian pamphlet and drive away rather than do the right thing, something she might have learned from said pamphlet.

    Police tracked Hillen after a nearby student managed to write down her license plate number while she was driving away. That intrepid witness had tried to flag down Hillen as she fled the scene, but she only waved and kept driving.

    Hillen's Facebook profile has been taken down, but the Houston Press has this quotation from a post she made on the "I Love Jesus My Saviour" group page:

    "Worry is the Opposite of Faith! You must understand, we all endure challenges. We all face mountains in our lives. Knowing this, it is very important that we live our lives knowing God can and He will. Thought to Ponder: When was the last time your worrying helped you?"

    We all endure challenges, Aida. Sometimes these challenges involve insane hypocrites dishing out sermons and hit-and-runs — or an emergency room bill for $730.50 for a bruised ribcage.

    Or even, as Aida Hillen now does, facing a felony charge for accident causing injury.


  7. Lets test your reasoning: It is even possible for a human to even be a weasel?

    A better question might be: Does a person who defends child-porn with such great passion... probably have a connection to it?


    I was merely pointing out the absurdity of your logic. Just because someone empathizes with _______ (Insert topic du jour) does not make them that. As a Jesus lover, do you seriously consider Jesus as a sinner because he consorted with so many of them? Similarly, I do not have to be an animal lover to defend an animal being abused. Or have a Black boyfriend to speak out against racism.

    However, it is unnatural and sick to obsess about what someone else does behind close doors in the privacy of their own home. If you dont like homosexuality, then don't bang a guy, or think of a guy banging another guy, and move on with your life. There are plenty of other important things like starving kids, disease, famine, rising healthcare costs and world peace to worry about.

  8. File a police report saying that your documents were stolen. Then you can contact the SSN & USCIS to request new cards.

    Have you tried contacting the Catholic Charities in your area for legal help?


    Here is a link for free/low cost attorneys in Howard County. As an LPR, you have just about the same rights an USC and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  9. There's a NCAAP, United Negro Fund, Black colleges, etc... but I don't see any "White college funds, any "White advancement organization(s), "White colleges", etc.. I mean can you have your cake and eat it too? Where does it end?

    It ends when the playing field is equal. You seriously think that centuries of racial subjugation will be wiped out within 50 years? It will take a lot longer for that to happen.

    And there are plenty of colleges that have predominantly white population, same way there are black colleges with a large Black student body. But if you chose to go to a black school, they will not and can not reject your application solely based on your skin color. And for that, you can thank NAACP and other Black organizations who fought for The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ;)

  10. Steven, I know your white guilt prevents you from seeing discrimination in other forms, but open your eyes a bit and take a look around.

    Seriously, where did you get that idea from?

    Your argument might be valid if NAACP tried to subjugate other races in order to create a group of second class citizens for their personal gain. However they do not do that. They try to promote Blacks to equalize racial disparity. Same thing with the Negro Fund, they provide Black students with scholarships so that they can be in the same playing field as White or Asian kids. Nothing racist about that. If they start screaming about wanting separate classes and water fountains for Blacks, then there might be in some truth in what you are saying.

    Go and subscribe membership to NAACP. I am sure that you wont get the same reception as a black guy trying to join the KKK. In fact, here is a link to a membership form and they don't even ask you to specify your race to join NAACP. Sheesh :blink:

  11. ...and yet on the battlefield, every soldier is expected to risk his life to save his wounded comrades - people who were shot through no fault of their own

    Weird how that works, but nobody wants to spend 2 cents helping their neighbor who got cancer through no fault of their own

    Why is it that in matters of abortion and war, everyone has to be helped (including eggs), but once we are civilians and not babies, we can be left to rot

    We argue about when life starts, but when does the 'undeserving of assistance' life start ?

    18 ? 21 ?

    In this culture, its all about fertilized eggs and the military, and nobody else is worth a spit

    Reminds me of something George Carlin once said.

    Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna ** in the first place? Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fcuked. Conservatives don't give a sh!t about you until you reach 'military age'. Then they think you are just fine. Just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life... pro-life...

  12. Thanks for the quick reply Dave. My LPR for 5 years will be July 2012. So, April 2012 I can file my Naturalization. I think I'll just do the #2 option. If we can file jointly in our taxes with my new name, no need to worry about my green card. My new husband will petition my minor daughter, my name will cause any problem with the petition?

    Just include your husband's death certificate and your current marriage certificate with the application. And fill out the application with your new name.

  13. How about country clubs and golf courses? Those are private organizations that've been forced by the government to integrate against their will.

    Country clubs tried that argument in the 1960's, and this is what the court ruled.

    Following the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1965, dozens of businesses and facilities – including swimming pools – tried to argue that they were "private clubs" so that they could exclude African Americans. The courts quickly developed a test to distinguish between truly "private" organizations and those that only claimed to be. Very few facilities qualified as truly "private."

    In order to be exempt from the civil rights laws, a "private" club must truly reserve its facilities for members, and must have genuinely exclusive membership criteria – a club that will admit anyone who is not African American does not qualify. Courts deciding whether a club is “private” in this sense will consider the history and purpose of the club (including whether it was created to circumvent desegregation), the club advertises for members, it is directly controlled by its members and operated solely for their benefit, and the club is operated for profit.

    Since when are religious institutions bound to abide by civil rights?

    I was specifically talking about private clubs. Your arguments are extremely circular.

  14. How about country clubs and golf courses? Those are private organizations that've been forced by the government to integrate against their will.

    Country clubs tried that argument in the 1960's, and this is what the court ruled.

    Following the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1965, dozens of businesses and facilities – including swimming pools – tried to argue that they were "private clubs" so that they could exclude African Americans. The courts quickly developed a test to distinguish between truly "private" organizations and those that only claimed to be. Very few facilities qualified as truly "private."

    In order to be exempt from the civil rights laws, a "private" club must truly reserve its facilities for members, and must have genuinely exclusive membership criteria – a club that will admit anyone who is not African American does not qualify. Courts deciding whether a club is “private” in this sense will consider the history and purpose of the club (including whether it was created to circumvent desegregation), the club advertises for members, it is directly controlled by its members and operated solely for their benefit, and the club is operated for profit.


  15. I stand by my statement, and the quote from the I-751 instructions below is why (key point in italic):

    So based on these instructions, the date of arrival is when conditional resident status is accorded and filing to remove conditions on that residence must occur 90 days before the second anniversary that status is accorded (the date of arrival).

    And you conveniently skipped the next line which says "This is the date your conditional residence expires." It says nothing about date of arrival.

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