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Everything posted by LucindaLou

  1. Thanks for the help anyways! I think I need 3 weeks of holidays in the Caribbean once I finished this paperwork. Military life does not make NVC applications too pleasant 🙂
  2. The problem we have is that he has a home of record address that has been sold by his parents, he lived in Germany since 2007 as a government employee. We can use the address of our friends where we will first stay for the time being. We also own a house in Huntsville, AL which is rented. He is currently applying for jobs, but does not have one yet. As a last resort he would take a transfer for his current job, but that cannot be done 3 months in advance. So there will be no orders. Am a bit stumped as to what to give to them 😞
  3. Hello VJ-Community, I have a quick question, is an APO address considered to be an American address or does my husband have to establish domicile in the US. We are currently both living in Germany, but he is still fully integrated in the American system as he is here through the SOFA agreement based on his job. Do we need to do anything in particular to establish domicile. We have an American address that we are currently using for immigration purposes, but naturally he can't live in 2 places at once.
  4. Ich war von 98 bis 04 schon mal in den Staaten. Zu dieser Zeit gab es einige Deutsche in der Kaserne (Mann war Soldat), andere hab ich nicht getroffen. In den 6 Jahren hatten wir vier Mal Besuch aus Deutschland. Da aber meine Mutter mittlerweile verstorben ist, gehe ich nicht davon aus, dass wir crazy viel Besuch bekommen werden. Nichtsdestotrotz haben wir deutsche Freunde in Hampton, war mit einer der Gründe weshalb wir uns für Virginia entschieden haben.
  5. Uih so viele in Virginia, wir werden so bald das Visa durch ist aus dem Frankenland nach Hampton, VA ziehen.
  6. Just to add if anyone files a police report you will always receive a letter from the district attorney regarding the outcome. If it says the "Verfahren wurde eingestellt" it means they take no action. For instance somebody hit my car and drove off. For the insurance I had to go to the police and about 3 months later I got a letter informing me the "Verfahren wurde eingestellt". Verfahren" in this sense simply means that there had been a file that has been closed nothing more, no criminal charges there as they don't even know who hit my car.
  7. As a German I am currently going through the process the second time. As Mike E pointed out, you will need to file the I-407 before you are able to file the I-130. For me the I-130 seemed incredibly fast this time around, it took just about 4 months. This could be simple luck or because I our marriage had been deemed bona fide before. Aside from that is is essentially the same process as it was during our first go.
  8. Update: PD April 20th, 2023 Just received NOA2 Hang in there good things will happen.
  9. My heart goes out to all those still waiting for their approval for their I-130, but at the same time I am happy to report that my I-130 was approved today and forwarded to NVC. My PD is April 20th, 2023 and NOA August 18th, 2023. Don't give up, good things will happen to you as well!
  10. You might want to look into the laws regarding marriage in the US vs. Myanmar, there might be differnces
  11. Not so much considering that intellectual disabilities will most likely rule out the reasonable understanding. Find the guidelines on this Dutch government site: https://www.government.nl/topics/euthanasia/euthanasia-assisted-suicide-and-non-resuscitation-on-request And some more detailed information here: https://wfrtds.org/dutch-law-on-termination-of-life-on-request-and-assisted-suicide-complete-text/ Not sure why so many Americans have such a big issue when it comes to assisted suicide, I think we should have the right to choose to wait until something like cancer, MS, .... finishes off or call it quits when life no longer seems to be worth living
  12. I have never denied being the worst of the worst 😉 All I am saying is that some people make choices they can live with but might not favor. IF I had a problem living in the US I would not subject myself to the insanity, but at the same time I would be ok not going. However I feel my parents would haunt me forever would I give up my citizenship 😉 On a more serious note, depending on what you want for your life the US can be wonderful, but that largely depends on what you want in life.
  13. You assume that every future LPR desperately wants to live in the US. I honestly am going there for my husband. Will I mind living in the US? Not really, you can make it a good place to live in. Nonetheless, I am not sure that I would like to sacrifice my family history and ties to my native country. Aside from that my current passport does offer me the chance to return home and a few perks the American passport does not come with. Sorry but I think that I am not the only pragmatic person who is looking at the benefits versus the risks, considering the only reason I will be moving to the US for is my husband.
  14. By ensuring diversity you stand a much better chance to fill niche markets. It also will prevent certain societal changes that might be detrimental to the country. Homogenous societies do often not fare well do to the lack of outside impulses. Every person sponsoring an immigrant is financially responsible for said immigrant, meaning the sponsor is liable for cost. Also many parents and most siblings are still of working age when coming to the US and able to contribute. Additionally for some countries retirement benefits of the home country carry over, so little risk, decent pay out. Alright, I will bite. Marriage to a US citizen by no means is a short cut. As a German citizen marrying a US soldier in Germany the paperwork started even before we were married. We needed to file papers with the post commander to even get married, jump through hoops at the German court for my husband`s previous divorce from a USC and all that was not even starting the process of getting a green card. While in the US I attended a community college and a university, worked, paid property taxes, ... and all while not being entitled to anything from the US government. We have been back in Germany for some time and now my husband would like to return home. Guess what after 27 years of marriage I still have to jump through all the immigration hoops for a good year to two. A short cut it is not! So you do not believe that families should be allowed to live together. Why not prioritize the spouse of an American tex payer over someone without any ties to the US?
  15. If the Staatsanwaltschaft (District Attorney) drops a case, you are informed by a letter that the matter was dropped, but not entirely sure if there is anything left on the persons record. I guess you no longer have a case file or anything, else I would suggest writing to the court it came through.
  16. Did you check the German and the Dutch record? If it happened in Germany the record would be there after all
  17. As far as I know you just go to city hall and ask for one, it costs about 13 Euro. If you have the PIN for you Personalausweis (ID Card) you can order it online.
  18. USC filing for spouse, as the lawyer sent our application I am not sure of the date, but NOA1 was April 20, 2023 Our processing happens in Vermont and expected Case Completion is 6 months, according to USCIS case tool Good luck to everyone
  19. I just noticed that I am already discussing politics without even as much as introducing myself 😉 I apologize for the bad manners. As I mentioned in my first post I am applying for a green card the second time around. While we did live in the US for some time my husband and I spent most of our married life in Germany. Nonetheless it is time for a change and we chose to apply for another green card beginning of this year. With filing the I 407 (old card expired 2009) and all that we filed the I 130 in April and will see how long it takes. Despite filing with a lawyer as our first green card was one the worst nightmares in my life, I am finding the process as utterly dysfunctional as the first time around. Nonetheless I am in good spirit that we will get through it again. Thanks for having me on VJ.
  20. And this is exactly the issue at hand, women should be able to make that choice. It should not be dictated by random laws made by old white guys, by the super religious, the inlaws, .... it must be the choice of the woman. As far as the financial side of things goes, some people manage to be happy with what they got, however especially in the US the neighborhood you grow up in will to some degree be responsible for how hard you have to fight in life to get to a better place. And as long as we, as a society, are not willing to pay a few more cents in taxes to provide decent schools to all neighborhoods, I don't think women should be forced to have children. At the very least a child should have the right to be a wanted addition to a family.
  21. While I am somewhat of a bleeding heart liberal, it would be a sad world without men out there. Personally I would just like to see the chances evened out a bit.
  22. I suppose you can't have it all. Either let women decide for themselves whether they want children or not by allowing for affordable birth control, abortion, ... when a woman wants to travel that road or be willing to share the cost. And lets not kid ourselves, the finances are not necessarily the highest cost.
  23. They also have charts like this on https://www.casestatusext.com. It is kind of nice to see when the majority is being processed for any given filing number:
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