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Everything posted by In.Love.D&I

  1. Do not apply they will deny you’re visa . My advice is get in contact with a USA immigration lawyer and if you’re husband and you can reconcile please do and get at least a green card it will be almost impossible to go back to the USA after this .
  2. You’re very gracious and kind my usa ex didn’t file for me and I didn’t want to move to the USA we where together about 7 years and him and I are still good friends known each other 15 years now I was 19 when we met 21 when we married. He’s honestly a good Christian man . I like to see people who treat each other well at the sad ending.
  3. Thank you for the info . I passed on this infomation and i have no outcome i have been trying to obtain my birth certificate since Jan
  4. I already have this info and contacted the high commission in London absolutely no help if they actually bother to answer you or respond to email.
  5. If you know people in Mozambique I’d appreciate the help . My family extended have not been able to do anything in months . It’s very important I get it .
  6. Hello everyone I’m seeking assistance in obtaining my Mozambique birth certificate. I don’t believe I was registered I came to live in England when I was 4 and I’m a British citizen. I would like to know how I can obtain a birth certificate or a letter saying I was not registered. regards
  7. Thank you so much . I don’t know how to post on here yet I’ll look for my birth country it’s not Kenya but we are close very beautiful country with beautiful people.
  8. Yes . There trying to help but having significant difficulties
  9. Hi I need assistance. I was born in an East African country in the 80s I moved to England and have lived here all since I was around 4 I’m a British citizen. I am trying to get a copy of my birth certificate which is proving almost impossible and I’m unsure if I was even registered I came to England on my mothers passport in the 90s . if I can’t get my birth certificate what can I do ? Anyone have any experience of this ?
  10. What is the typical waiting time for visa interview for England? if that’s the case I just spoke to him and he wants to get married .
  11. Hi I need advice my amazing USA fiancé met online last year and he has been visiting me and travelling with me in Europe . We recently got engaged and are planning a proxy Utah wedding to save money as we want a big party with both family’s who are across three continents and we want to save money for a lawyer and a deposit for a flat . I’m excited to be Mrs D however are we marrying too soon ? He really wants to start a family being we are practicing catholics . I was previously married to a USA citizen but we annulled we are on good terms he wrote me an affidavit and I never sought any immediate benefits.
  12. Yes I have detailed in the request extra information I’m requesting beyond biographical.
  13. I send my expried passports to the HO passport office to be destroyed so i perosnally have no record of anything in my old passports. I doubt my lawyer is attempting anything such as extra charges and nothing to my knowledge is false i purely want everything the government has and i am entiled to that information .
  14. What you wrote / sad / visa type etc.. matters and Immgration do look into youre history as should youre lawyer and as should the peron who is seeking immgration benfits .
  15. I have found out how to request you’re immigration record should anyone need too the link is https://foia.state.gov/Request/Checklist-VisaNI.aspx regardless of how basic the information is it will always be beneficial to you’re case and you’re lawyer to know you’re detailed immigration history even if it’s not negative.
  16. Thank you for the response which was not helpful to my question .I want all my past immigration documentation to assist my lawyer in knowing my immigration history with the USA . I have no access to forms I did over 10 years ago and so I’m requesting freedom of information.
  17. Hi everyone , I would like to know if anyone can assist me in telling me how i can get a copy of my DS-160 non immgrant visa application history . The embassys i applied where London and Belfast . Thank you
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