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Posts posted by john1231

  1. 23 hours ago, From_CAN_2_US said:



    An additional note - I don’t believe that the consulate would compromise on the security check despite any expedite that may be approved. 

    The only way the approval would be faster is if the consulate has already received security clearance but waiting on the consulate for final processing. We have seen this happens often, where the security clearance is obtained and then visa issued about a month later. It is possible there are cases just sitting there at the consulate waiting even longer after security clearance is obtained. In these situations it appears a nudge from a senator/ congressperson helps in making the consulate act faster. I think an emergency situation if brought to their notice would be similar.


    In short, if your security clearance (which depends on various external agencies/ countries) is not complete, I personally don’t think an expedite is possible. But if your security clearance is complete it could help.


    Good luck. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you to not be able to be there to support your spouse…


    Thanks @From_CAN_2_US @Ontarkie, indeed it is difficult the wait and surgery. Probably won't help but worth a try- i guess desperate times call for desperate measures :) We already got the senator to email them but they got the same generic reply. I will see how it goes.


    Yeah, I am worried that my extensive travel and living in several countries might take forever to get the clearance. Plus, the war is probably causing further backlog in DC given the increased asylum cases. 

  2. Cannot visit the US as I need a visa (don't have Canadian passport). 


    Interesting, i see that embassies in a few countries (not Montreal) say this: "Except in cases of emergency travel (i.e. serious illnesses, injuries, or deaths in your immediate family), before making inquiries about status of administrative processing, applicants should wait at least 180 days from the date of interview or submission of supplemental documents, whichever is later." source 1 (saw in a few other places)


    So makes me think that in case of emergency they might be a bit faster 

  3. 2 minutes ago, darth vader said:

    Yes, most likely rejection due to "immigrant intent". Are you not a Canadian citizen? Canadian citizens do not need a visa to travel to the U.S.

    Thanks for the reply @darth vader. No, I don't have Canadian passport unfortunately and need a visa to travel to the US. It is just hard to comprehend that they think it is OK to separate couples for so long.

  4. Hi All, hope everyone is hanging in there. This absurdity shall be over at some point.


    It has been almost 6 months now since the interview and no progress. I am thinking of visiting the US but I need visa to get there, does anyone know if I can apply for nonimmigrant us visa if my immigrant visa is under administrative processing? 


    Will they automatically reject it or will it cause any issues for my immigrant visa?



  5. @Hello100 @ice-qube, looks like we are getting censored by the Great Firewall ;)) 


    I honestly think this AP process is based on pretty loose technical ground and anything such as common names, an accent on the last letter of your name, a suspicious name of your dog in FB post, and many other random facts could trigger it. Alas, we will never know if it was the dog's name or cat's name the main culprit:))


    In terms of being from Canada, it might not make much sense to see the border and wait 2yrs to cross it but who told life is fair. In terms of risks, there are 45 other countries out of 93 that are ranked better than Canada in terms of Overall Terrorism Index Score and I am sure US gov knows about this:  https://www.visionofhumanity.org/maps/global-terrorism-index/#/


    Anyway, no point to be mean or angry about others as many are going through this hell. My visa is in AP for 150 days now and my medical is expiring in a week. Multiple follow ups from me, my petitioner, and a US senator office are not helping at all. It seems like the follow ups are not doing anything.

  6. 9 hours ago, Danii said:

    Hmm that's interesting, I wonder why they'd ask you things already listed in DS260? If they've confirmed both submissions, I don't think it'll be an issue. I submitted mine in Nov9th, but have been approved. My case would not always be updated when they emailed me (especially when they answered questions about the second submission). 

    Yeah, it is strange but glad to hear that your visa went through similarish process and was approved. Congrats for getting it!!  

  7. 18 minutes ago, Danii said:

    I got a second one! They sent it to me 3 weeks after the first one, and my status updated that day. I sent them about 3 emails asking to clarify if they need a second submission or if it was a mistake. Finally, I found out about the public inquiry form (linked in the FAQ in my signature), and suddenly they replied to my email/inquiry. They basically said it was a mistake 😵💫 (idk why my emoji turned into this LOL) probably the first time they read my email properly cause it wasn't a copy paste response. One officer said that if a second DS isn't asking for any new info, its most likely a mistake. Did your second one ask for anything new

    hmm, the second request had all first round questions plus the following new questions: my place of birth, date of birth, education, and parents names (despite all these questions being in my visa application). They replied to my email and confirmed that they have received both rounds of the information and that my case is still in admin processing. When did you submit your documents and is your case status updating when they email you

  8. 1 hour ago, Federico said:

    Wao you should inquiry them about this to see if there is any error, I wondering if was your case updated since you sent the first one?

    Yes, after i sent the first round of info my case was updated multiple times and I would get status updates every time they replied to my emails. But after 2nd round of info request (about a month ago), my case status never gets any updates even when they email me. The status updates stopped from the day when my case creation date was updated and it turned into non-immigrant visa from immigrant (i have K1 visa). 


    I emailed them multiple times including after 2nd round of info and always get the same generic answer "your case is in under admin processing and we cannot do anything. It has been more than 4 months now and I am worried that if they might have made a mistake and now are doing a new check for another 4 months..



  9. Very interesting discussion people. I got DS-5535 request 2 days after my visa was approved during the interview. Then again consulate emailed and asked for DS-5535 in about 3 months after i submitted the first DS-5535 answers. Did anybody get a bonus DS-5535 request as well? Any idea what does it mean? My case creation date was updated a few days before the 2nd DS-5535 request.

  10. Hi All, my K1 visa was stuck in administrative processing for more than 3 months now and no case status update.


    - Interview in mid Oct  >> CO says visa approved and keeps my passport

    - in 2 days got an email asking my travel, work etc records for the past 15 years (sent right away)

    - multiple case status date updates. Any time they emailed me the status date was updating

    - mid Jan, my case switched from immigrant to non immigrant. The case creation date was updated the same day.

    - 2 days after the new case creation date, embassy contacted and asked for all my info again (most of the questions in visa app) - sent right away

    - status updates stopped even when embassy emails me

    - 10 days after providing 2nd round of information and no news


    I was wondering if anybody experienced similar situation when the embassy asks for the same info twice? Thanks



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