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Posts posted by Melissa12

  1. 12 minutes ago, Chanel H. said:

    Wow that is a lot faster than it seems to be going based on the Facebook group. If we get our interview in that amount of time then I could be home by like February  😳 Did you have an expedite?

    Yeah I have noticed a lot of people are experiencing delays in the Facebook group - not too sure why :( It's really horrible how backlogged our immigration system is.

    I am a K1 visa which might be why it's faster (people in the Facebook group mentioned K1s were getting interviews) - but not too sure. We didn't do any expedites and we didn't use an attorney so I've been pleasantly surprised at how easily it has gone so far (albeit lengthy). I had posted in this thread initially ages ago hoping to hear something as I wasn't in the Facebook group and the forums were so quiet.


    I had anticipated him moving around March of 2023 but we are now expecting his move in early November as people in the Facebook group seem to say that it takes a couple weeks after the medical/interview to get the approval/rejection notice and then some time for getting the visa in hand - though I think my fiancé arranged to pick it up so that shouldn't take too long.

    I hope that you hear back in your process soon! Being separated and away from home for so long is hard. It's good to finally see some movement in the Consulate though. I was very concerned several months ago when they were still closed.

  2. Hopefully they can start looking at May soon. I’ve got a NOA 1 date of May 7, 2021 and can relate with the frustration of remaining March, April and us May folks in seeing June cases get reviewed before us. I’m totally understanding of the Ukraine crisis and other emergency situations getting priority but I believe the order they are going in right now is very unfair. I have a inquire date of June 21, 2022 currently. But it seems as we get closer it just keeps getting pushed out :(

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