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The Correct Side

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Posts posted by The Correct Side

  1. 32 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    But we are told CRT is just an advanced academic theory only discussed by those in Law School (the supposed elite).  I know, it is all bait and switch, and I believe it is Merrick Garland's son-in-law that is raking in big bucks providing anti-racism material to regressive schools. 

    Because they'll get behind this and get paid while holding back black people at an elementary level. It's going to destroy the younger generation.  

  2. 13 hours ago, I751&waiting said:

    Who said anything is right?   People poke at Chicago.    I bet you can find a link to every city in the US where a kid does something on a school bus.

       Why only point out Chicago and ignore the others?

    Except few cities have  the violent crime rate that Chicago has. More children have been murdered there than soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Mike E said:


    per https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/types-of-gender-identity#support 


    in addition to the 3 you mentioned there are: agender, androgynous, bigender, butch, gender expansive, transgender, gender fluid, gender outlaw, masculine of center, non binary, Omni gender, poly gender / pan gender, trans, two spirit, cis-<gender> (the gender assigned at birth … any of the above)


    Really surprising that a cis-human primate like you wouldn’t be on top (pun not intended) of all this. Reported  


    I’m rather smitten with “gender outlaw” though. 




    You missed a few...

  4. 22 hours ago, Crtcl Rice Theory said:

    Anti-Asian hate crimes rose 73% last year, updated FBI data says

    Corrected FBI numbers show a disproportionate increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans. 

    “The way that the media is covering and the way that people are understanding anti-Asian hate at this moment, in some ways, draws attention to these long-standing anti-Asian biases in U.S. society,” Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, told NBC Asian America in June. “But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it’s predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there’s not really an empirical basis in that.”



    It's not racist when you point out factual information. Here's the issue:

    You can't have a discussion about black people in any kind of negative way without it being racist, that's a default setting. This prohibits making any kind of positive change, everything is blamed on supremacy or slavery, which allows them to avoid 100% accountability for any of these actions. 

  5. 14 hours ago, seekingthetruth said:

    Black on Asian hate crime has been going on for decades.  Of course, not covered by most media, until the recent rash of hate, in which they could accuse Trump as the cause. 


    It is more about thug life than anything else, IMHO.  How many times do you hear of teenage girl beating on someone and find out it is another race?  Another symptom of the lack of 2 parent nuclear families in the community and the bad influences bombarding them everyday.  Go on You Tube and you can find plenty of this thug life activity, usually black on black.  Did Trump cause some of it with his China talk?  Perhaps, among low iq / mentally ill people who can't tell the difference between talking about a communist country, and a race of people.  Then, they see one incident on social media, and they imitate.


    When I was young in L.A. in the 70s / 80s, black on Asian hate crime was rampant.  Asian businesses in poor areas were attacked and/or robbed frequently.  A lot of of it was gang related but also mixed with resentment and jealousy, which I think is part of the problem now too.


    I am a firm believer that black and Hispanic conservatives are going to be the leaders who bring the U.S. out of this downward spiral of progressive wokeism and democrat party divisiveness.  Everyday, they are opening more eyes to the falsehoods being preached by the progressive left, and those opened eyes are realizing that the progressive left just want to keep them controlled.  Additionally, sometimes, we have to endure a really bad administration to wake people up, like now.



    Nope,  woke is now unstoppable.  It's going to destroy the country if this keeps up. 

  6. 50 minutes ago, elmcitymaven said:

    Hello, new friend "The Correct Side." What brings a new VJ member directly to our esteemed CEHST (the artist formerly known as P&R) on our humble message board? As part of the unofficial welcome committee, color me curious.



    Hey maven,  just passing though,  I heard this place is the cat's meow on vj. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    I have actually quoted my boy Tupac several times. Huge fan. 


    I think the point our exalted leader is trying to make is that a lot of rap is filled with racial slurs. Also certainly blatant sexist degrading of women.

    And yet we blame everything except violent music that glorified this kind of behavior  

  8. 48 minutes ago, Crtcl Rice Theory said:

    I am blaming every adult, especially the former president  who have leveraged the origin of the virus to model racist behavior and language. 

    A direct link between a statement by the former president and this assault may or may not exist, but young people don't learn bad behavior in a vacuum, it was taught to them by an adult.



    But in this case,  he didn't influence these perps. I'd wager rap has done way more damage. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Crtcl Rice Theory said:

    The important point is not the race of the assailant, it is that our children are learning that racism is normal and even expected. Terms like "Kung Flu" and "China Virus" are a gateway to hate, and sadly are terms that get used in this forum and by the former president.   Children are watching and will reflect the bigotry adults around them model.

    Nope,  can't blame President Trump on this.  No excuses, they need to be punished and we need to start treating all that act like this in the same way equally. 

  10. 20 hours ago, B_J said:

    If, instead of saying to boycott white companies they said to support black companies, this wouldn't be a problem for me.  Especially if they said to support black-owned small businesses.  But, for some reason, they chose to go a different direction.  

    Because it's allowed this way, but can you imagine if this was reversed and a white group boycotted black companies? They're counter productive. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    I just got back from watching JO KOY live



    Anyway I read the article.  I was wondering wow he is in to IVY League women's swimming. 


    But it was a man? I support lbgt rights. The folks I had Thanksgiving with have a transgender daughter who us to be a man. I am cool with if it makes them happy.

    But them competing in women's sports.  No


    This. It's always funny how they go into women's sports and dominate after being a man for a decade or more.

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