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  1. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Boy1988 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Im going to see him in a few days, so I will get all docs ready to take them with me
    OMG im so happy
  2. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Boy1988 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Hi Guys, I just got approveeeeeeeeeeed. Grupo 695xxxxx
  3. Haha
    ziyzo reacted to Charlotte070 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Woah woah woah, I’ll stop you right there. You’re making WAY too much sense for the USCIS. I mean,  that would be too efficient for their subpar standards 
  4. Sad
    ziyzo reacted to dalindeck in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Hey all! I am back, I see that others have taken up my mantle while I was away Thanks for stepping in~
    57000 - 0
    57500 - 0
    58000 - 0
    58500 - 0
    59000 - 0
    59500 - 0
    60000 - 0
    60500 - 0
    61000 - 1 Approval
    61500 - 0
    62000 - 0
    62500 - 0
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    63500 - 0
    64000 - 0
    64500 - 1 Approval
    65000 - 1 Approval
    65500 - 0
    66000 - 0
    66500 - 0
    67000 - 1 Other
    67500 - 0
    68000 - 3 Approvals
    68500 - 1 Approval
    69000 - 0
    69500 - 0
    So, we're at 8 updates today. Has it been this slow while I was gone? I hope it picks up!  See you all again later~
  5. Like
    ziyzo reacted to slavaskii in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    I would still assert that K1 is faster than CR-1, which makes it better if speed is your only concern. That is, of course, speaking 'at this moment'; we've seen nothing but the K1 times compound in the last 4-5 months, so it's very, very hard to say. Regardless, keeping with your K1 now will always be infinitely better than switching to CR-1. Waiting at the end is the hardest, for sure, but you'll get your approval when you least expect it - and it will feel well worth it, I promise. My understanding, for new filers, is that spousal adjudication is somewhat of a gamble, especially because the processing centers have wildly different times. 
    What happened to I-129F processing could easily happen to I-130 with little to no notice. I-129F will need more adjudicators to bring it back under 12 months, which it has never exceeded in history. I believe it will need to speed up soon, which will, likely, mean the other petitions will suffer. It appears that USCIS shifts resources around, and that's why I really have a hard time believing that the current trends will maintain themselves. These past two years have been absolutely crazy, and I think it's just mainly important for us all to accept everything is out of our hands and keep strong. At the end of all this, we'll feel like we did the impossible. For many people, it would be, but I know from being on these forums for so long the people here are incredibly strong and will make it through. Always thinking of you troops and hoping/praying for the best  
  6. Like
    ziyzo reacted to gw-lh in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Just approved as well when I decided to keep sane by not compulsively checking. NOA2 of 14th February, talk about a valentine's day present
  7. Haha
    ziyzo reacted to SalishSea in Not getting my questions answered   
    Please issue us a cost of living increase, and we will try to meet your expectations.
    Also, someone wise once said:  I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
  8. Like
    ziyzo reacted to powerpuff in Not getting my questions answered   
    We’re all volunteers here to answer questions as best as we can. We’re not getting paid to do this. We volunteer our free time to come here and try to help whenever we have time or opportunity.  And I don’t appreciate this sense of entitlement coming from you. No, nobody here will hold your hand and spend hours explaining every redundant step on how to create a profile and answer few questions to book an interview and pay a fee. It is very straightforward. This is DYI (Do It Yourself) website and each one of us “experts” has done hours of research on our own to be where we are. Nobody was holding our hands. And again, we’re volunteers. 
     Good luck with the rest of the process. I don’t say this often but you will probably benefit from an attorney because they get paid actual money to hold a clients hand at every step of the way (if you’re even lucky to find such a decent lawyer  of course). 
  9. Sad
    ziyzo reacted to Joe98 in Not getting my questions answered   
    I guess after a while the so called experts on here must get tired of answering questions. I’m probably not the only one who feels frustrated by this but I guess it’s a good thing that I do have a lawyer helping me despite the fact some say that lawyers are not needed. I posted a question about what paperwork was needed for my fiancée in the Philippines to pay for the ds160 fees. No one has bothered to answer this question so that brings me to believe that people must be getting tired of answering my questions or whatever the case may be. So I’m guessing it would be a waste of my time to ask for any further advice on this website and just work with my lawyer. Of course I can also go to youtube as well. Why even have this website if no one will give any more advice on anything. But at least I know where not to bother going now.
  10. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Pacca in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    March 8th NOA1... and after over 10 months, 310 days.... we got APPROVED today (January 12th - NOA2)! 😭 Don't stop believing!
  11. Like
    ziyzo reacted to I129f49619 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Please love all of us USCIS! Have a good weekend March fam! We'll get through this one weekday at a time, hold strong!
  12. Like
    ziyzo reacted to gjd2017 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Probably a very unpopular opinion, but we have no idea what goes on in the USCIS. At the end of the day, for them this is just a job that they may have been doing for years. From a realistic point of view, do you think you could continuously work with urgency and the weight of thousands of people waiting and applications that never end? Like, never end. They are not doctors savings lives, they are just normal people. And I imagine that they need to subscribe to the mindset that people filing just need to wait. I totally understand that it's hard and I definitely have my days, even weeks of wasting too much time and spinning down the rabbit hole of internet searching desperately looking for an answer that does not exist. The most important thing is that people are getting approved, they are receiving visas, and they are entering the US. I'm by no means defending USCIS, but I think perspective is important during these next few weeks/months or you're going to stress yourself out more than necessary. I think venting and complaining is important. But to the best of our ability, let's be patient, celebrate each other, and stay positive. You've made it this far already!
  13. Haha
    ziyzo reacted to KSVJ in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    I think we're all qualified for these open positions at USCIS at this point lol

  14. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Charlotte070 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    There are a ridiculous amount of March filers in general 😂 I guess everyone had the same idea that the pandemic was dying down and it’s a good time to apply. Happy to see the approvals rolling in today 
  15. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Joan11 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Approved today
    NOA1 march 10th
    We filled two enquiries through uscis and one enquiry through our congressman. Long and hard wait, I hope everybody’s get approved soon. Best of luck to everyone 
  16. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Paulos in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    I got our approval yesterday too! 😊🍻
  17. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Amanda&David in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Somehow on a slow day today, we finally got our approval and let me tell you the feeling is unreal after such a long wait!😄 It will be so worth it when every one of you sees the good news and hopefully it will be soon! 
  18. Like
    ziyzo reacted to sunshine11111 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    Hello Everyone! Good news! I am a March 8 filer and I got my approval today December 23 2021! I hope everyone here hears something soon! 
  19. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Ivan&Maja in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    NOA1 March 8th and got our NOA2 today December 17th! :)))))
  20. Like
    ziyzo reacted to MarkPajr in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    March 1st NOA1, Just received NOA2 today on 12/15! Time to move to the next steps 😁 Good luck to everyone!
  21. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Sara&Rich in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    I am a March 1st filer and I received approval today 😀
  22. Like
    ziyzo reacted to J&D1008 in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    If your received date is Jan 29, then you are a Jan filer. Have you contacted ombudsman? You have been outside normal processing for a while now. 
  23. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Vanessa & Isaac in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    We won’t keep quiet until all of us have our visas in hand! 🤝
  24. Like
    ziyzo reacted to Amanda&David in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    No, this means that you should expect a reply to your inquiry by that date. Eventually, this will likely be the generic reply that many people have been receiving that states that basically they cannot give a particular time frame on when they will review your case. I also received this response from them after sending an inquiry at the end of October.
  25. Like
    ziyzo reacted to slavaskii in March 2021 K1 I-129F filers   
    The screen will light up with fireworks and pop-ups and the computer will blue screen before you're ever able to take a screenshot to prove it really happened
    In all seriousness, I actually just got the inquiry response and it was the generic one stating that no timeframe could be given and they'll get to it when they can. Disappointing it wasn't even one of the ones that inspire a bit of hope. I don't understand why they won't just adjust the inquiry times to something more realistic because they must be getting inundated with requests and nobody's getting anything of value. 
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