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Posts posted by Kim&Jesus

  1. Maybe that’s how they decide who is separated or not! However during our process of the whole filling for him he ended up in immigration court because we live close to the Canadian border so he was detained by ICE and I had to pay $10,000 to get him out that was in 2017 he was then let go and afterward he was given a work permit a social security and a drivers licenses. Anyways I’ll try to make a short story he had to go through immigration court on august 2019 and we were so lucky/blessed because the judge was so nice she gave him a choice to fight his case in front of her which would had been set for feb 2020 or he could go to his parents in Mexico and wait for his appointment “no longer than 6 months” well we chose voluntary departure because we were going to have to pay thousands of more to fight his case. Of course now we wished we would have done it that way! So he had to leave by Dec 24 2019 which is why we are separated! 

  2. That what I don’t understand is how this works. Our case DQ like completely done September 2019 he’s been gone since December 2019 this feels unbearable at times. Almost 2 years being separated from the kids and I! I get so many families are in the same situation but man I never expected it to be this long. 

  3. Hello I am new here but I am desperate to find some hope! My husband has been in Mexico because we chose VD but everything about our case is complete it is just awaiting on an appointment date it has been completed since September 2019 and he left to go to Mexico December 2019 the kids and I have been a few times to visit him but guys just like I’m certain others are desperate we are in an awful depression because we miss him so much!  Our attorney just keeps saying appointments are being made quickly so hopefully his will come soon. Can anyone give me maybe a tiny bit of hope? I am in dire need of it. Being separated for almost two years has taken its toll on us in every way! 

    thanks and God bless! 

  4. Oh trust me that is something we regret every single day! We talk about how we feel awful that we didn't just go ahead with it. I guess we just thought it was going to be a quick 6 months and at least this would be a time for him to spend with his siblings and parents he hadn't seen in 19 years. I feel like it causes me literal pain in my gut and heart thinking about what we should have done.  Also thank you! I pray this year is the year!


  5. Hello everyone, 

    I am here to trying to maybe get some insight to what is going on with others and their wait time. I will try and make this short. My husband and I started dating in 2014 then married in 2016 and right after I filed paperwork to start our journey on making him a legal resident of the US. He came over at the young age of 13. Anyways long story short in 2017 he was pulled over because we forgot to put the sticker on the car and of course he had no licenses so he was taken to jail they told him they would let him sign himself out soon but when i got there they told me ICE had been called so I had to pay $10,000 I drove all the way to Minneapolis and paid the bond then went to Grand forks to pick him up since then our case took a detour. After a long process we eventually were able to continue with our journey and in September 2019 our case was documentarily completed everything was accepted and paid for the only thing we were waiting on was an interview date. However the month before in August 2019 he had immigration court and the nice judge gave him the option to stay and fight his case (which would cost us another $8,000 with our attorney) or we could just do Voluntary departure and he wait on his appointment in Mexico we were told it would possibly be up to 6 months so we agreed to that. He left in December 2019 and to the date of July 1st 2021 he is still there waiting for his appointment we have not heard anything. I understand covid was never expected and of course messed that up for thousands if not more families. 


    So does anyone have any ideas of when or how much longer? His interview will be in Juarez, Mexico we have just been told our case is just at the NVC awaiting for the consulate in Juarez to give them an appointment date. I am well aware that everyone else is affected just as much, but I don't know how much longer we can do this. We have 3 children and one grandchild he was only able to see for a week as she was born a few days before he left. Anything would help! Thanks so much and God Bless!

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