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Posts posted by Elzmd

  1. 1 hour ago, AW1704 said:

    You're very welcome. Best of luck for the upcoming move! 


    And do reach out in case you have any other questions. If I may point you towards one other issue you'll need to think about shortly, it's getting a social security number. I myself have just come to the end of my own saga with this, but it is a process you can smooth over (as much as possible) by being prepared. There's lots of threads about it on VJ. :)

    Thank you! I've read that its best to try and get one sorted before marriage, at least, but I'll be looking into it a bit more if this initial move-over works out. Can I ask what your experience was like with POE? Did you have to hand over evidence of relationship and so on?


    I'm also flying from LHR/London to ATL/Atlanta with a stop for a few hours in JFK/New York - Do you know if I'll go through the customs process in New York instead of Atlanta?

  2. I'm still trying to grasp that it was accepted (and I'm exhausted from the journey and stress alike) - Now I'm waiting for the visa/passport to be delivered. I'm hoping to fly early November (though won't book anything until I have the passport), but is there anything I need to do between now and then? I am going to take all my files as I made copies when I go, as well as the envelope I believe you get from the courier, but is there anything else for going through POE? I also believe I wait 48 hours after entering before trying to apply for a SNN and marrying after that, there seems to be a couple threads on that but I'm not 100% if that's correct.

    Apologies if I'm repeating things said elsewhere, I'm a fair bit scrambled today. I'll do a review when I can for the embassy, my only hiccup was that my name had changed from birth name to another after my mom married and I only had their marriage certificate as evidence. She said ultimately it was okay but to keep it in mind it isn't like that in the US, and that this was a UK thing, still approved me after that and said it'll be a few days.


    ( Also big thanks to @Wuozopo for replying to these threads - you're a great help to me and others! )

  3. When I booked my medical the email they sent me added that UK passport photos were also fine, and they were easier to get from any photo booth. The interview however wants I assume the S ones, which I admit I do not know if they are different or not. Does anyone know if a post office may know the size and be able to take them there? 


    It also states photocopies of all documents, which I can do easily enough, but do they take all original and photocopies - If so, do I get them back at a later date? Sorry if that's a daft question, I couldn't find anything on it.

  4. I think if you get what you can, they'll be able to advise and help you when you get there. It was a nightmare trying to get everything from my own GP and eventually I got access online but it only dated back to about 2016, and I didn't even need to show these several pages I got printed anyway, just the nice summary explaining current medications, last several visits and reasons, general information etc.


    I had all my vaccinations so I can't really help there, and it likely will get a bit costly if you need to have multiple, you're right. But without them being able to confirm what you've had I don't think there's a way around it, and some members on here have suggested it be much easier to get it done with the medical place instead of waiting to be in the US. I believe they're wanting Covid vaccinations as of the 1st October there too, so if you've had that, take some evidence of it (you can get it printed from NHS app).

  5. Have you called the Visa Medicals place to enquire about it? They were quite helpful on the phone with my own queries, and they may have an answer for you. When I had mine they only cared for a brief summary of the last few years, which you should be able to get from a current GP as just a 'medical summary' and not entire medical records (unless there's something that comes up as an underlying health condition, etc, which I can't answer for). I also don't have a red book, if I did I don't know where it was but I managed to get a print out of my vaccination record anyway. Does your book have your childhood vaccines in it? You might cover a lot of them that way and can pay for the extra ones there that they need you to have, iirc.

  6. I checked for almost a week every day, and I saw one appear at 11pm at night for an interview 1-2 days later, which I couldn't get, and one for 12th October a few days later at about 1am oddly, I checked before I slept and got that one. To summarise, I think its just a matter of trying each day and seeing if something comes up, just don't get stressed or overwhelmed with it, you'll get one soon with a bit of patience. :)

  7. I had my medical at London on the 16th September, and whilst waiting the appointments they were making they were explaining on the phone that from the 1st October it would be required to have the Covid vaccine. I've had both jabs, the woman who checked it said that it's good I have them and she's made a note that I have in advance for AOS. So really I think it'd be a lot less of a hassle if you can get them if possible, it might come up later.

  8. I've finished my DS160 and set up on the courier website - I have two questions regarding it as I cannot see the later steps yet. I had to choose a courier location as if to pick it up, will it give me an option after I've picked an interview slot to have it delivered/give my address and so on? I assume so, but I wanted to ask in case I missed something. The other question is the actual 'appointments' themselves, as there are none available right now. Will they occasionally pop up, is there a set day they release a bunch? Is it incredibly hard to grab one before they run out? I was hoping for one mid-october but no longer know if this is feasible. Thanks. :)

  9. It's this one, it says I need to fill out the DS-160 on here. I started it (via this site) https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/ - But it's been over 30 days and I think that's why I cannot retrieve my application ID (it states 'no matching data found'). I have not yet booked my Interview because I wanted to ensure the medical went smoothly first (completed it today, no issues) and I cannot finish the courier sign up to book an interview without finishing the DS-160.

  10. Over a month ago I started the DS-160 after getting the letter from the embassy, but could not complete it as I was waiting on some other information. I figured I'd wait to do my medical and get back to it, but I realise now it clears it/deletes it (I think) after 30 days and that is likely why my ID isn't working. I don't want to mess anything up, I didn't submit anything and didn't get more than 4 pages in, should I restart a new application instead now? Is that alright to do? 

  11. With Covid, my fiance has had a lot of troubles with employment and moving about (staying with grandparents to help them out for example). We applied in January 2020 and the case went to the embassy about 2 weeks ago. He's getting a new job within the next 1-2 weeks pending a few things and I've not booked the interview yet (planning on sorting the medical stuff soon, pending some documents). My question is if this is enough for the income aspect of a K1? If he got a job within a couple months of the interview, will they deny it based on that? We don't really want to use a sponsor and the options there are limited, but we're really worried about this. Anyone experiencing similar? Any help appreciated.

  12. I also have a few more questions:


    Vaccination - It states 'with original certification', what does this mean? I have printed paperwork from my GP surgery with what I currently have, but I'm not sure what it's asking for there beyond that.

    AOS - I've been so focused on the K1 process that the 'what next' has slipped my mind a bit. I assume I have to do this once I'm married, and I extend my '90 days' into I read somewhere 2ish years? Does this process require me to return to the UK at any point?

  13. Thank you so much for the replies, I feel a lot more relieved for it!


    I was not adopted by him, but I figured I'd take their marriage certificate with me to show why my name changed and all my documents are in this name already too, so I'm thinking it will be fine but I'll take extra things in case (something from my mother for example). I do not currently have any savings and I've not worked in the last several years, which worries me a bit, but I'm hoping the focus is on what my fiance provides there.

  14. Apologies if a lot of these have been asked already, I'm not entirely sure where to look and I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment too. I've just got the letter saying to schedule an interview and so on, we got the email maybe 2 weeks ago, so I've been trying to get everything I need. I've a few questions if anyone can help:


    Birth Certificate - I've sent off for a 'full' one with both parents names on it, as I only have a short one at the moment. It however says 'yourself, your spouse' on the 'Required Documents' page. Do I need to bring my fiance's (he is in the US) birth certificate too, or am I misunderstanding? 

    Photos - Are these the same as current UK passport photos? Can I head to the post office and just get two colour prints?

    Name - My name on my birth certificate is what I was born with, but it changed some 15-20 years ago with my mother marrying. Do I bring their marriage certificate? Is that enough? Does it matter?

    Evidence of Support - My partner has had a hard time with jobs through Covid, and has recently gotten one within the last few weeks. Is this enough? Can he email me the form and I print it out, or does he need to submit it separately?

    Fees - How much are the fees that I believe you submit with the courier service business? I printed my medical questionnaire out and it says on there something about a visa fee as well, are these separate? 

    Place of Living - On the DS-160 I need to state where I am going to live, and currently this is a little difficult with my partner still searching for an apartment. All his letters currently go to his parents house and he's suggested I just use that address for now. Should I wait and do the form when he gets a place, or go with his parents address for the time being and explain it if it changes?

  15. 5 hours ago, Wuozopo said:

    This is the page for updates. It was updated today. https://uk.usembassy.gov/visas/u-s-visa-and-travel-faqs/

    Unfortunately you started the visa process in the middle of a pandemic. You are going to experience significant delays while they clear a year-long backlog of approved K1 petitions that have been building up at the NVC. Your embassy must follow local (England) health and safety rules. Considering the country’s lockdowns and that it’s still not “business as usual” in England,  the embassy in London has many working from home or furloughed like other businesses. The government had planned to lift all legal limits on social contact on 21 June, but this was delayed amid concern over the spread of the Delta variant. Covid is not over yet and is affecting your visa.

    You will get your visa, but trying to guess a timeline is futile because, as you know, things change constantly during this time. It’s really hard on you and the others waiting. My best advice is don’t hover over it too much. You are just going to be disappointed daily if you keep checking all day, every day. Then you’ll get all mental and whiney and won’t be the adorable person your fiancé fell for. Get on with your life as it is and push your immigration expectations to 2022.  Keep your relationship happy instead of worried all the time. Have you had a chance to visit? Maybe plan a vacation getaway to Mexico if that’s possible. 


    Yeah, I had hoped the June date would open things up a bit more but I'll see if there's news by the end of July on the front. I have not been able to visit for a few reasons, but thank you for the response. It is at least somehow comforting to see so many in the same boat, I had worried for a while that I'd done something wrong but this does not seem to be the case. 

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