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Captain Baghdad

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Posts posted by Captain Baghdad

  1. What a great day , I can’t explain how happy I’m after 3 years waiting my wife has already got her visa today, she had interview on October 28th this year in Doha and she got 221g refusal for missing original birth certificate, and she provided it after couple days, today they called her and told her visa is ready and she got her passport back with her visa , Thank you VJ family for all the support and I wish you good luck 😊😊😊

  2. What a great day , I can’t explain how happy I’m after 3 years waiting my wife has already got her visa today, she had interview on October 28th this year in Doha and she got 221g refusal for missing original birth certificate, and she provided it after couple days, today they called her and told her visa is ready and she got her passport back with her visa , Thank you VJ family for all the support and I wish you good luck 😊😊😊

  3. My wife has the same status, she interviewed on Thursday in Doha but she was missing her birth certificate, so the refusal was based on missing documents and they told her make sure you send your birth certificate along with your passport via Aramex and you should be good.


    I hope that help!

  4. On 10/19/2021 at 12:04 AM, Chancy said:


    Do you mean that the status on CEAC used to be "Ready" and now it is "Refused"?  Note that CEAC status "Ready" does not mean that the visa is approved and ready for delivery.  "Issued" is the status that indicates visa is approved.  Also, "Refused" does not necessary mean visa is denied.  It usually means visa is pending completion of administrative processing.  Just wait for status to be "Issued".


  5. Good morning,


    Does anyone know how to get Tourist Visa to Qatar, my wife lives in Baghdad and we trying to get her visa to Qatar so she can attend her interview, we tried Qatar airways the said we don’t provide visa , we tried Qatar embassy they said we don’t provide visa , we’ve been waiting a year and half for Qatar to open the borders and they just started allowing visitors on July 12th .


    please share any information if you have been in this situation.



  6. @Quarknase I’m really nervous with Amman as I have friend here in VA his wife had been scheduled for March last year and got canceled due COVID until now she didn’t get a new appointment, I checked Beirut they are not processing any immigration visa yet , my case is at the embassy in Doha , in fact we got an interview request in November last year but my wife hold an Iraqi passport and she couldn’t attend , I’ve been monitoring Abu Dhabi group and they seemed to be getting a lot of interviews that’s why I was really interested to contact my Congress man here which his office said we can definitely do that. But I just wanted to see the timeline for the interview request in Abu Dhabi if I transferred.


    thanks for your response!

  7. Hello everyone ,

    My wife still waiting for Qatar to open for visitors visa so she can attend the interview “CR1 or IR 1, she’s in Iraq now and her case was transferred to Doha in Feb last year as US Embassy was shut down , we got an interview request in November 2nd last year but she wasn’t able to travel since Doha wasn’t allowing anyone to get in so we explained that to the NVC and The embassy and we’ve been told that they will reschedule it as soon as Qatar open for visitors, I contact my Congress man to transfer her case to different countries, I’m just afraid that will slow down her case, all I need to know should I have her wait for Doha to open or just transferring it to different country, your help much appreciated.


    Thank you!


  8. Hi everyone,


    I’m actually frustrated from waiting for Doha-Qatar to open the visitors visa it’s been since March last year and it seems it won’t open soon, so I contacted my Congressman and they send me a form that I have to fill, and I will request to transfer my wife’s Case from Doha to Abu Dhabi , please advise whoever had an interview in UAE recently please let me know if it was faster than other locations because they suggested that I can choose 3 countries in case UAE won’t be able to accept the transferring.



  9. We have same situation here , but my wife case had been transferred to Doha in Feb 2020 , NVC emailed us on November saying your interview had been scheduled and they gave us 5 days to attend the interview, but Doha wasn’t allowing any visitors to travel so we replied to NVC and explained that situation, they said we will reschedule it as soon as Doha will open for traveling again, so we’re just waiting until everything get back to normal.

  10. On 2/22/2020 at 9:32 PM, HKS said:

    Erbil only conducts interviews for NON-immigrant VISAs. 


    I just got reassigned to Doha. No interview date yet. Inshallah soon. 

    They are reassigning all Iraq immigrant VISA interviews to either Qatar, UAE or Turkey. 


    Hi there, did you get your interview in Doha yet ?

  11. Did anyone have an interview in Doha for CR1 Visa for Iraqi cases who’s been transferred from US embassy in Baghdad, My wife had an interview request back in November 2020 but she couldn’t attend at that time as Qatar won’t allowed anyone to enter to Doha , I contact the Embassy in Doha and explained her situation and they said we thought she’s local in Doha we will reschedule it for her and let you know when, until now haven’t heard anything.


    please let me know if anyone has attend an interview in Doha .



  12. Did anyone had an interview in Doha for CR1 Visa for Iraqi cases who’s been transferred from US embassy in Baghdad, My wife had an interview request back in November 2020 but she couldn’t attend at that time as Qatar won’t allowed anyone to enter to Doha , I contact the Embassy in Doha and explained her situation and they said we thought she’s local in Doha we will reschedule it for her and let you know when, until now haven’t heard anything.


    please let me know if anyone has attend an interview in Doha .



  13. 14 hours ago, WonderingLoudly said:

    I’ll try to be brief but I also have some basic questions that I believe I know the answers to; however, my brain is muddled after reading many variations of cases. 

    I am a 32F from Canada in the US with 52M boyfriend who is an American citizen. I came down to the US when our office in Canada went to remote work (I’m not asking tax questions, I know that’s a whole other ball of wax). 

    So I entered on a standard B2 visa expecting to be here a month or so but with COVID have stayed. I submitted an extension (I-539) at the end of July but wait times are 7+ months. I consulted a lawyer and at their suggestion chose to remain in the US past the end of my B2 and also at the suggestion of the same lawyer I submitted a second extension in case the first wasn’t reviewed before my requested end date. 

    When I came down here in March we didn’t know what to expect but our relationship has blossomed and we are looking to get married and have me technically move down here permanently. 

    Here is where it would be helpful for some guidance. I’ll refer to specifics seen in other posts:


    - I understand that the age difference might impact approval; this relationship stated legitimately - literally through gaming online and we had met before March 2020


    - I have a Master’s degree, 10 year employment in Canada with same firm, and savings and investments of $350K


    - I mention the above because my boyfriend had to close down main parts of his owned small business due to COVID so his income will not look great for 2020 or 2021; I know he has to meet minimums so I’ll have to speak to him about that


    My basic questions are:


    - Would we literally go to the courthouse (COVID dependent) and get married and then submit an application to change my status from B2 to CR1? I feel I am over simplifying tremendously


    - Since his financials, besides owning property (with some mortgage remaining), are weak will my comparatively strong financials be taken into consideration?


    I want to follow the process and the rules and I just feel uneasy not being able to fully understand. 


    Thank you. 

    I will advise you to apply for Fiancé Visa instead of CR1 , that will save a lot of time for both of you!

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