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Dr. A ♥ O

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    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in 12 shot dead at 'Dark Knight Rises' screening in Aurora, Colorado   
    In nearly every one of these cases there are warning signs something is wrong with the individual along the lines of mental health issues. It seems the stigma of mental health issues in our society is contributing to these kinds of mass gun violence and it largely goes ignored in the National dialogue. The reasons people ignore it is because it is stigmatized. They don't want to do anything about it as they think it's not their problem, or they do say something and warn others and it goes unheeded, or people don't know how to handle someone who has it. People with mental health issues need help and the resources seem to be lacking for these individuals. Sometimes they won't get help themselves because of the stigma, or they are preyed upon by others because of their vulnerability. The ACLU has also stepped in to protect their rights by saying you can't put rich Auntie into a facility and take her money, and they don't have to take medication if they don't want to. When the other side of it is that some of them really do need the medication or help.
    The question of maintenance of mental health and prevention and mitigation of mental illness - treatment - should be asked. These days, unless you have money, most mental health treatment is provided in jail. I wonder if treatment will be more available with the Affordable Care Act?
    The neuroscience program he was pursuing is highly stressful and they are under a lot of pressure. The professors advise their students to not come into the labs on their weekends and instead go and be outside among people. Socialize and develop a life outside the high stress and pressures of the rigorousness of the academic career. It sounds like he didn't follow that advise nor cope very well. Also he was far away from his family and friends in CA and somewhat isolated. Perhaps for the first time in his life totally on his own. This can be very lonely and difficult on top of a highly stressful program where the expectation to preform well is a lot of pressure and his relief valve was unhealthy to say the least.
    I highly doubt that the atmospheric pressure contributed to him or others like him suddenly snapping.
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    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from HAL 9000 in FBI: No evidence George Zimmerman is racist   
    Zimmerman was the aggressor because he defied the dispatchers advice and pursued Trayvon Martin. A 17 year old boy running an errand to the grocery store for a snack on the night that it happened to be raining and he just so needed his hoodie up.
    Trayon was innocent. Zimmerman was stupid. Now if Zimmerman was black they'd send him to jail for the killing but Zimmerman is half white so he might have a chance with the being stupid plea. Is ignorance defensible? I guess we'll find out what the jury believes. I think in most cases though ignorance seems to be punished with those who have a percentage of minority ethnicity. The black, hispanic, white ratio in the jury may play a key to jury selection here in addition to income level. They're all going to see things differently and the defense wants the kind of jurors that fit the demographic funding Zimmerman's website, bail bond, legal fees, ect. I think historically social media and internet solicitations may play a vital role in the legal ruling of the justice system. It's sort of the first of its kind type situation that I can recall.
  3. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from Sofiyya in FBI: No evidence George Zimmerman is racist   
    Zimmerman was the aggressor because he defied the dispatchers advice and pursued Trayvon Martin. A 17 year old boy running an errand to the grocery store for a snack on the night that it happened to be raining and he just so needed his hoodie up.
    Trayon was innocent. Zimmerman was stupid. Now if Zimmerman was black they'd send him to jail for the killing but Zimmerman is half white so he might have a chance with the being stupid plea. Is ignorance defensible? I guess we'll find out what the jury believes. I think in most cases though ignorance seems to be punished with those who have a percentage of minority ethnicity. The black, hispanic, white ratio in the jury may play a key to jury selection here in addition to income level. They're all going to see things differently and the defense wants the kind of jurors that fit the demographic funding Zimmerman's website, bail bond, legal fees, ect. I think historically social media and internet solicitations may play a vital role in the legal ruling of the justice system. It's sort of the first of its kind type situation that I can recall.
  4. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in FBI: No evidence George Zimmerman is racist   
    Zimmerman was the aggressor because he defied the dispatchers advice and pursued Trayvon Martin. A 17 year old boy running an errand to the grocery store for a snack on the night that it happened to be raining and he just so needed his hoodie up.
    Trayon was innocent. Zimmerman was stupid. Now if Zimmerman was black they'd send him to jail for the killing but Zimmerman is half white so he might have a chance with the being stupid plea. Is ignorance defensible? I guess we'll find out what the jury believes. I think in most cases though ignorance seems to be punished with those who have a percentage of minority ethnicity. The black, hispanic, white ratio in the jury may play a key to jury selection here in addition to income level. They're all going to see things differently and the defense wants the kind of jurors that fit the demographic funding Zimmerman's website, bail bond, legal fees, ect. I think historically social media and internet solicitations may play a vital role in the legal ruling of the justice system. It's sort of the first of its kind type situation that I can recall.
  5. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from PalestineMyHeart in PA boy taken in Egypt   
    I wonder how many cases there are like this each year. I hadn't heard about the one from Boston. Thanks for posting the link. I think in these cases there is always two sides of the story and we don't get to hear the Egyptian side of it. In the case I posted the father kidnapped the son taking advantage of the mother's willingness to share custody. In the case you posted it was the Egyptian mother who took her two boys to Egypt. I wonder if there is anything that can be done by our two governments to negotiate a treaty about parental custody in the near future.
  6. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O reacted to Cathi in looking for MENA success stories   
    Thank you Inluv, I couldn't have said it better myself. I feel for Beauty for Ashes, I truly do.. She is torn between still loving her husband, and how to end her marriage to him. It's hard to put an end to a relationship when you still love that person, been there done that. I hope that she can find some peace and closure to her current situation. I don't like the personal attacks. I am not good at confrontation and I hate seeing it. I am thankful to everyone who has posted on this thread, and appreciate their comments. Today my husband and I sent the ds-260 and documents electronically to the NVC. I hope they finish up with our case and forward it to the embassy soon. I will travel to Amman to be with my husband for his interview, I just returned from Jordan a few weeks ago and I'm dying to see him again. Once again thanks to everyone who took the time to comment on this thread. And good luck to everyone on their journeys!!!
  7. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O reacted to Lisamarie in looking for MENA success stories   
  8. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O reacted to Shoot Em Straight in looking for MENA success stories   
    If you are approaching me with your post...I only copied the OP original title and pasted...to bring it back to the subject of this thread before it took its turns.
    So you will have to ask OP if she will still reply to you.
    But my take on it...is "happy ending" is for the Visa Journey. I believe that is what all the ladies posting with active petitions are here for. I am not asking for anyone's take of happy endings but it couldnt hurt to have a few good ones written in the MENA forum....
    Since I am contributing...I will add
    I can read all the posts from the ladies that have been here longer and have seen more and still make a sound decision on what I agree with and dont agree with...
    the engaging in or accepting jabs from different personalities. The "experienced" ladies have seen, read, known and sparred with far more varied stories than my own and I respect that but ....the negativity and gang up that is mixed within that freely given knowledge is a complete turn off.
    One's good message gets lost when it comes at a person like negative lecture, dismissal of the others opinion validity or personal jabs... discussion or offer of help is buried behind one ugly word.
    I honestly have no judgement with either lady...and couldnt care less but,
    The calling of ones stated belief in marriage/no divorce could have been disagreed with...WITHOUT the word #######. And then she really had a right to tell her that she finds her on a consistent basis harsh with your comments...
    WITHOUT telling her to shut her yap.
    Both comments were rude and unnecessary...it is just one began it and the other went for the throat. Then another zooms in from else where to back up the first...the like buttons are pushed...etc, same scenario different thread.
    I met with the "experienced" ladies before on another thread and have my own conclusions and opinions about the way everyone posts...and sometimes I have need to restrain myself from really saying what I want to... not worth it.
    I will say it is more productive to spread the news (good or bad) or share what we feel we HAVE to say in a more cohesive manner.
    It is so invaluable that I found this site,
    for all to share their minds and also come back to pay it forward.
    If anything can be taken from my post it is hopefully this
    It is really OK for everyone to be a nice person ...even secured behind the anonymity of a monitor.
    little lightening humor...even when Beauty for Ashes takes over... I know I can still learn from somewhere in the off topic.
    I was married to a MENA for plenty years and am married to another MENA.....I am not coming here a child not knowing of life...just need to kill time waiting for my NOA2, maybe help a friend or two and learn as much as I can to get my spouse here.
    Ok Safi! Enough Kumbaya fireside talk from me.
    Thanks for reading.
  9. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from PMartin37 in George Zimmerman Bought Gun to Shoot Neighborhood Dogs   
    That's good. Black dogs get a bad rap. They're less adoptable.
  10. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from PMartin37 in George Zimmerman Bought Gun to Shoot Neighborhood Dogs   
    What if the dog barked then growled and as Zimmerman drew closer the dog attacked and drew blood. Is Zimmermen justified then at killing the dog or was the dog provoked?
  11. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from PMartin37 in George Zimmerman Bought Gun to Shoot Neighborhood Dogs   
    Was the dog wearing a hoodie, at night, alone, in the dark, where they've had problems with dogs before?
  12. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from ScramJet in Minute-by-Minute Timeline of Trayvon Martin’s Death   
    I think this blog post was possibly made before the police pictures came out of the blood on Zimmerman's head. The video quality from the police surveillance is poor and difficult to tell the details from the distance. I work with the raw video and the video equipment so we have ways to zoom in and look at things. It doesn't improve the quality but you can see the blood on the back of his head with a closer look through the equipment. I think that will be a weak point in the prosecutions argument trying to disprove Zimmerman's head was being bashed. The recent police photos show he sustained those wounds that go along with what he said happened.
    Also this could just be me but when this whole story started gaining momentum I had a difficult time buying that it was about racism or stereotyping. Zimmerman looks Hispanic but the black folks in the community said he was white because one of his parents is white. Sorry but Obama looks black to me even though his Mom is white. I guess that's not the point though. It's about Martin being stereotyped as a hoodlum for wearing a hoodie, at night, in the dark, outside, alone, in an area and time of night where they've had problems with people stealing before. Zimmerman as neighborhood watch had justifiable reason to be suspicious. However, Zimmerman shouldn't have ignored the dispatch advise to not follow the suspicious person. He should have left it up to the police to follow through from there. To me that's where it gets vigilante.
    In my mind Zimmerman's perspective was to protect the neighborhood and people he loved and cared about. Martin's perspective is to get a snack and he was probably freaked out as to why the creeper was following him. Then the confrontation and struggle ensued and we'll probably never know what really happened.
  13. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from B_J in Minute-by-Minute Timeline of Trayvon Martin’s Death   
    I think this blog post was possibly made before the police pictures came out of the blood on Zimmerman's head. The video quality from the police surveillance is poor and difficult to tell the details from the distance. I work with the raw video and the video equipment so we have ways to zoom in and look at things. It doesn't improve the quality but you can see the blood on the back of his head with a closer look through the equipment. I think that will be a weak point in the prosecutions argument trying to disprove Zimmerman's head was being bashed. The recent police photos show he sustained those wounds that go along with what he said happened.
    Also this could just be me but when this whole story started gaining momentum I had a difficult time buying that it was about racism or stereotyping. Zimmerman looks Hispanic but the black folks in the community said he was white because one of his parents is white. Sorry but Obama looks black to me even though his Mom is white. I guess that's not the point though. It's about Martin being stereotyped as a hoodlum for wearing a hoodie, at night, in the dark, outside, alone, in an area and time of night where they've had problems with people stealing before. Zimmerman as neighborhood watch had justifiable reason to be suspicious. However, Zimmerman shouldn't have ignored the dispatch advise to not follow the suspicious person. He should have left it up to the police to follow through from there. To me that's where it gets vigilante.
    In my mind Zimmerman's perspective was to protect the neighborhood and people he loved and cared about. Martin's perspective is to get a snack and he was probably freaked out as to why the creeper was following him. Then the confrontation and struggle ensued and we'll probably never know what really happened.
  14. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from xebec in Minute-by-Minute Timeline of Trayvon Martin’s Death   
    I think this blog post was possibly made before the police pictures came out of the blood on Zimmerman's head. The video quality from the police surveillance is poor and difficult to tell the details from the distance. I work with the raw video and the video equipment so we have ways to zoom in and look at things. It doesn't improve the quality but you can see the blood on the back of his head with a closer look through the equipment. I think that will be a weak point in the prosecutions argument trying to disprove Zimmerman's head was being bashed. The recent police photos show he sustained those wounds that go along with what he said happened.
    Also this could just be me but when this whole story started gaining momentum I had a difficult time buying that it was about racism or stereotyping. Zimmerman looks Hispanic but the black folks in the community said he was white because one of his parents is white. Sorry but Obama looks black to me even though his Mom is white. I guess that's not the point though. It's about Martin being stereotyped as a hoodlum for wearing a hoodie, at night, in the dark, outside, alone, in an area and time of night where they've had problems with people stealing before. Zimmerman as neighborhood watch had justifiable reason to be suspicious. However, Zimmerman shouldn't have ignored the dispatch advise to not follow the suspicious person. He should have left it up to the police to follow through from there. To me that's where it gets vigilante.
    In my mind Zimmerman's perspective was to protect the neighborhood and people he loved and cared about. Martin's perspective is to get a snack and he was probably freaked out as to why the creeper was following him. Then the confrontation and struggle ensued and we'll probably never know what really happened.
  15. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O reacted to Shoot Em Straight in March 2012   
    Hello MENA ladies a few gentlemen!!! It is Saturday morning in Temara and right now it is Thunderstorms and light rain....soooooooo neat. Staying inside under the blankets
  16. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O reacted to SaharaSunset in Feeling Guilty....???   
    Thanks, and I agree about marriage being marriage. I think the challenges of combining lives from tow countries is difficult, but even states within in the US can be light foreign countries! And I do try to think along those line too. Marriage is full of sacrifice, and I guess we are lucky when anyone loves us enough to make life altering sacrifices.
  17. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O reacted to Usui Takumi in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    Has Obama accepted the money or has a super pac accepted the money?
  18. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O reacted to Usui Takumi in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    How Romney responded to comments during the 2012 election.
    "It's not the language I would have used,"
    How Obama responded to comments during the 2008 election.
    "Let me be very clear about this, and if there are members of the media who are listening, I hope they hear me loud and clear," Obama said. "I have said already that people’s families are off limits. They are civilians and they didn’t choose to run for office, and how qualified we are for office … isn’t determined by what our children do. And I’m very protective of my two kids. They’re 10 and 7 and at some point I expect they’re gonna make a mistake. They’re not perfect, although I think they are and I don’t want them, particularly if I’m successful and I end up being in the White House — I don’t want them to not be able to make mistakes or live … out their childhood without it being in the papers.
    "So, family, particularly children, I believe are off limits," he said.
    "Now the second thing," Obama added. "I’m a Christian and I believe deeply in my faith."
    The crowd applauded.
    "So, the fact that Gov. Palin is deeply religious, that’s a good thing," Obama said. "You know, I give her all the credit in the world for that, and for people to start poking around and trying to, you know, paint that as if it’s, as if it’s strange and wrong, I think that’s offensive. I don’t think we should be doing that.
    "Now if she’s got positions or John McCain’s got positions or I’ve got positions or Joe Biden has positions, public policy positions, that … are part of government’s function, then I think it’s legitimate to have a debate about those positions, but don’t give people some sort of religious litmus test," he continued, "because I don’t want somebody to question my faith and I’m certainly not gonna question somebody else’s.
    "I feel very strongly about that," Obama said. "This is a nation of believers. This is a nation of believers, and I’m one of them, and we may not agree on every single aspect of our faith, but what we can agree to is that faith is important in our lives and it shapes our values, and we should be respectful of each other’s faiths."
  19. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from james&olya in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    According to this logic the timeline of when Bristol Palin came into the spotlight was the same time her Mother was on the team of Obama's competitor and therefore he was not President at the time and not subject to an apology. Regardless of that fact if you'll recall Sarah Palin had even said in her interviews that when she was approached about being the GOP VP nominee she asked her family and they agreed to support her and be in the media spotlight thus subject to public scrutiny. Prior to that Palin and her family were relatively unknown outside Alaska. Bristol Palin had a choice prior to her Mother's nomination to not step into the spotlight but decided to be in it. Given her career path after the fact where she has spoken publicly in a campaign around the US at Universities and other public insititions about the value of abstaining from sex before marriage and her stint on DWTS I can only conclude that this is a further media ploy from a family that makes their living promoting and protecting the Palin brand.
  20. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from Usui Takumi in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    According to this logic the timeline of when Bristol Palin came into the spotlight was the same time her Mother was on the team of Obama's competitor and therefore he was not President at the time and not subject to an apology. Regardless of that fact if you'll recall Sarah Palin had even said in her interviews that when she was approached about being the GOP VP nominee she asked her family and they agreed to support her and be in the media spotlight thus subject to public scrutiny. Prior to that Palin and her family were relatively unknown outside Alaska. Bristol Palin had a choice prior to her Mother's nomination to not step into the spotlight but decided to be in it. Given her career path after the fact where she has spoken publicly in a campaign around the US at Universities and other public insititions about the value of abstaining from sex before marriage and her stint on DWTS I can only conclude that this is a further media ploy from a family that makes their living promoting and protecting the Palin brand.
  21. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from one...two...tree in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    This quoted original post is incorrect in it's philosophy.
    There are different laws that apply to public personalities and private citizens in regards to the media and society making comments on them. Bristol Palin is seen as a public personality and thus open to criticism by the public and media. Fluke is a private citizen that provided testimony in a public way. She does not make her living off of the public spotlight as Bristol Palin and her Mother have. Those of us that are required to take Media Law know this. I wouldn't expect the political scientist who wrote this to know it, so I can see how they would get it wrong on calling it a "perfect catch 22". The situations are not equal in the eyes of the law.
  22. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from Usui Takumi in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    This quoted original post is incorrect in it's philosophy.
    There are different laws that apply to public personalities and private citizens in regards to the media and society making comments on them. Bristol Palin is seen as a public personality and thus open to criticism by the public and media. Fluke is a private citizen that provided testimony in a public way. She does not make her living off of the public spotlight as Bristol Palin and her Mother have. Those of us that are required to take Media Law know this. I wouldn't expect the political scientist who wrote this to know it, so I can see how they would get it wrong on calling it a "perfect catch 22". The situations are not equal in the eyes of the law.
  23. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from yachachiq12 in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    This quoted original post is incorrect in it's philosophy.
    There are different laws that apply to public personalities and private citizens in regards to the media and society making comments on them. Bristol Palin is seen as a public personality and thus open to criticism by the public and media. Fluke is a private citizen that provided testimony in a public way. She does not make her living off of the public spotlight as Bristol Palin and her Mother have. Those of us that are required to take Media Law know this. I wouldn't expect the political scientist who wrote this to know it, so I can see how they would get it wrong on calling it a "perfect catch 22". The situations are not equal in the eyes of the law.
  24. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from james&olya in Bristol Palin Sets Perfect Catch-22 for President Obama   
    This quoted original post is incorrect in it's philosophy.
    There are different laws that apply to public personalities and private citizens in regards to the media and society making comments on them. Bristol Palin is seen as a public personality and thus open to criticism by the public and media. Fluke is a private citizen that provided testimony in a public way. She does not make her living off of the public spotlight as Bristol Palin and her Mother have. Those of us that are required to take Media Law know this. I wouldn't expect the political scientist who wrote this to know it, so I can see how they would get it wrong on calling it a "perfect catch 22". The situations are not equal in the eyes of the law.
  25. Like
    Dr. A ♥ O got a reaction from ^_^ in Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria   
    Alright cheeky. I'm going to bed. G-nite.
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