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Posts posted by Pacia

  1. That is so comforting to hear. After two and a half years of waiting for this K1 visa only to find out that it was a mistake tearing the plastic made us so stressful. There are too many you tube bloggers in Manila how to open the plastic and most filipino groups i mentioned about this plastic tearing told us to call the embassy and return it to them to replace the plastic.


    thank you so much.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Allaboutwaiting said:

    There should be two envelopes: a main one containing the passport and a second envelope inside. 

    That is correct. My concern is we ripped the plastic open but the yellow envelope is intact. Is that ok?

  3. Sorry Mike. I got you confused. My K1/k2 just had their succesful interview and is waiting for their visa to join me here in NY and get married and so forth. Now my question is can i take the shortcut for my k2 that is apply for passport directly upon her lawful entry she being a minor automatic citizen.
    But somebody above replied that she needs to be admitted lawfully as a greencard holder before she could automatically apply US  passport which i told him I was thinking the same too and needed confirmation.

  4. Yes both correct. I became a US Citizen because i was a minor when i entered US through i-130. Then after getting my green card applied directly for a us passport. Now i have a K1/k2 will be joining me next year. Unfortunately i did not meet the criteria of US residency that is why i did not take the CRBA route. Now upon entry of my K1/K2 one of the requirements fora minor automatic citizenship is should have at least a green card thereby i can not take the shortcut of K2 directly applying for passport upon entry

    Thank you so much for your replies

  5. 8 hours ago, jan22 said:

    No.  One of the requirements of the Child Citizenship Act is that the child is admitted into the US as a legal resident (and is under the age of 18 and living in the US in the custody of the US citizen parent).  So, US citizenship is not acquired from an entry on a K-2, as the child does not have legal residency. 


    However, once the marriage to the K-1 occurs and the Adjustment of Status is completed, the child then becomes a legal resident and acquires US citizenship with no additional requirements of papeework (except for a US passport application if desired).

    Well said. Inwas thinking the same, too and needed that confirmation. Thank you so much.

  6. On 1/8/2022 at 4:09 PM, Carpe Vinum said:

    On what form did you misspell it? 

    Ustraveldocs.com while i was scheduling my K1 appointment and i have to fillup personal details, name, adress, etc. now i can not edit the name on the website so when i receive my interview confirmation i had the wrong spelling and no way i can change it. I emailed them already and dont receive a clear reply. It takes forever calling them, too. I am in NY and i am calling on NVC number. 
    thank you for response

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