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Posts posted by Jas&Skip

  1. Idee: lasst< uns in Braut- und Bräutigamkleidern vor dem Frankfurter Konsulat demonstrieren,  das würde mit Sicherheit viel Aufmerksamkeit erregen,  da wäre mit Sicherheit viel Presse und Öffentlichkeit. Es geht ja lediglich darum das wir endlich unsere Termine bekommen und wir in dieser schrecklichen Zeit mit unseren Partnern zusammen sein können. Und über ein Nichtschengenland nach 15 Tagen in die USA zu fliegen.  Etwas sehr menschliches , selbstverständlich unter Corona Regelungen. Und selbstverständlich würden wir uns testen lassen und in Quarantäne gehen um endlich mit unseren Liebsten zusammen sein zu können!

    Wer würde mitmachen?

  2. So if it's possible to travel with staying out of Schengen 15 days traveling into the US with a K1, why they don't work on K1 cases as soon as the embassies are open?

    Just as an idea, how about doing a process the court  with a group of people who are in the same situation?  Nobody knows how long this virus stays and if and when there will be a  vaccine.  We all know how painful the separation especially in this time is.

    Our life  time is running.  


  3. On 7/11/2020 at 12:28 AM, Greenbaum said:

    The only interviews that are going forward are for expedited or emergency visas. ALL embassies are not doing standard, run of the mill visas. No one can say with any certainty when they will reopen. Best place for you is camped out on your embassy's website for further instructions when they do open.

    So how I can get an emergency appointment for my interview,  what can be a reason? 


  4. Ok hello,  so I live in  Schengen zone, if I make 2 weeks holidays out of Schengen I cantravel into the US using a direct flight?

    And how about  binding ties, I still have a house in Germany is that enough?  I am self employed and I don't need to work so much.

    It web horrible to do that and be neglected at the customs.  I just miss my fiancee and want to  visit him.


  5. A letter to the white  house could be an idea. I think also it's not fair that spouses can travel and people waiting for as K1 not. I just got a request to our NAOH1 and the UCIS  got the information yesterday from us. So I really hope that the NAOH2 comes soon.... but if it sticks than at the NVC.... it feels like from one long waiting list to the other...

    I didn't see my boyfriend 4 month... sitting on packed suitcases....


  6. On 5/30/2020 at 1:18 PM, Greenbaum said:

    Welcome to the thread. We are glad you are here, and you have made a giant leap by submitting your I-129f, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e). Good luck and stay engaged. 


    We need a little housekeeping on your end. Many of our answers are predicated on the information you supply in your profile. When we look at the left column and can't determine your timeline OR your Embassy it's hard for us to give you a factual answer. Our answers will sometimes be tailored to a specific Embassy hence the reason for you to complete your profile. If you look at the profile of others here, they have a flag for their country, so it makes it easy for us to reply as we can quickly determine their Embassy. The country that should be used is the country where the interview will take place.
    So, if you could help yourself out and complete your profile that sure would help us out when we want to reply to your question with factual information.

    Timeline: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RTx4pIFfcIXyW15L-nyLuBGzwqYRx5lI/view?usp=sharing

    Country and Visa Type: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RyJiLo_7WTmqvkzXXqLuOlVHm9oyhAES/view?usp=sharing

    Once you finish that then return and you will see a flag in your profile. Select it and see what wonderful information will open up for you.


  7. Hallo!

    Mein Liebster und ich haben im Dezember  NAOH1 bekommen und nun nach 5 Monaten und Cornoch immer nichts gehört.  Meine Fragen nun..wie lange dauert es noch und selbst wenn die Botschaft hoffentlich bald öffnet.... könnte  ich dann einreisen oder nur über ein nicht Schengen Land? Dann würde ich halt Freunde in Costa Rica besuchen...

    Es nervt halt arg überhaupt nicht vorwärts zu kommen. 

    Noch jemand hier dem es sk geht?

    Liebe Grüße 


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