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Posts posted by sl1pstream

  1. 1 hour ago, royryan said:

    According to Vaers, a government site, there have been over 7k deaths from the vaccine and tens of thousands of serious injuries also caused by the vaccine.  You think these are all imaginary?  https://openvaers.com/covid-data


    Vaers is not a source. Anyone can add anything to it.



    The chief problem with the VAERS data is that reports can be entered by anyone and are not routinely verified. To demonstrate this, a few years ago I entered a report that an influenza vaccine had turned me into The Hulk. The report was accepted and entered into the database.




    I'm not saying the reports are imaginary. I'm saying they're false and uploaded for the sole reason of having people like you point to them.

  2. 1 hour ago, laylalex said:

    I know it sounds bananas but we're not allowed to criticize "news" sources on here.

    You know something and I know something but we have to pretend we don't know that something. That goes for people criticizing

    as well. Just don't want people getting reported when this rule isn't widely known. :) 

    I was merely responding of his criticism of my sources. :)


    I wasn't attacking his source. Their logo speaks for itself and I have no further comment on it. :)

  3. 1 minute ago, LIBrty4all said:

    So how do you feel about Fauci and Biden?

    This feels like a weird question given Fauci's accomplishments and the fact that Biden isn't even a doctor or part of this conversation. But sure, let's compare Fauci to the guy who goes on Alex Jones to talk about the vaccine he can't even spell right.

  4. 8 hours ago, brendaaa said:

    You say it's safe and there is no danger but I personally know 4 people who got the vaccine months ago in Israel, that got injured and their world turned upside down, doctors admitted this was caused by the vaccine. one is 40 years old who is now paralyzed after the booster shot. 

    Uh, no you don't.


    They got injured? That's the best you can come up with? The anti-vax "vaccine injury" lie? 2.97 billion people got vaccinated worldwide, but somehow you know four whole people who got "injured"? That's not even a lot, even if it was true. Also, doctors? What did these imaginary doctors have an actual doctorate in?


    Not that any of this matters because it's about the vaccine requirement that's now actually in place. Even if it causes imaginary vaccine injuries like people stubbing their toes and then blaming it on the COVID shot. People can either get the shot or take a trip elsewhere.

  5. On 9/26/2021 at 10:28 AM, radharose said:

    The powers that be really need to stop forcing a dangerous, ineffective injection on the populace by means of outrageous human rights violations.

    Are you talking about the smallpox vaccine or any of the other vaccines you're required to get to participate in society?

    Or specifically the COVID vaccine, which has proven to actually work right now and has shown no actual signs of danger, whereas being unvaccinated significantly heightens your risk of ending up on a ventilator, overcrowding hospitals and dying a horribly painful and lonely death? I honestly can't wait to get my booster in the next few weeks. I'm also super excited to finally see my family again, who can now travel here while I wait for my travel authorization to get through the stupid system.

    EDIT: In before "but why do you need booster shots if it works so well".

    All of these need a series of 3-4 shots within 18 months:

    Hepatitis B (3 shots)

    Rotavirus (3 shots)

    Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP) (4 shots before 18 months, then a shot every 4 years)

    Haemophilus influenzae type b (3 shots)

    Pneumococcal conjugate (4 shots)

    Polio (4 shots)

    Hepatitis A (2 shots within a year)

    Human Papillomavirus (3 shots)

  6. 20 hours ago, Mannydude22 said:

    Hell, i would have spent tens of thousands if I had to, so my wife wouldnt have to take the vaccine. Her health is more important than money.

    ...and that's why you want her to end up on a ventilator if she ends up getting COVID?

    Someone my wife knows here and who I've met a few times was anti-vax, anti-mask and anti-common sense. COVID was a hoax, masks were evil, etc.

    Fast forward to about a month ago, her 11 year old just got out of the hospital after not being able to eat anything for weeks and her husband is stuck to a ventilator until at least New Year's while she's stuck at home taking care of their three kids. Considering that she didn't have a job to begin with, they had to go to Indiegogo, on which their dumb campaign is currently stuck at 120 dollars out of the 20000 they set as a goal. At least she'll get half a week of groceries out of that, I guess.

    And that's not even taking into consideration making others sick, but if you cared about that you wouldn't have requested the waiver in the first place.

  7. We sent it in on the 31st and got a text notification on the 2nd. We got the informed mail thing a couple of days ago and then USPS lost the NOA letters. So that's cool. We did get the online account letter the day after, so they probably put the NOAs in the wrong mailbox.

    I'd contact USCIS, but apparently we have to wait a month, so that's fine, I guess.

  8. 4 hours ago, payxibka said:

    No.  Reread the instructions carefully.   It can only be used if it was in the medical that you handed over at the POE.   Medical information REQUIRES  chain of custody.   A photocopy of your personal record included with the i485 fails that requirement. 

    No one is saying that a photocopy of your personal record is valid. You need either the document handed to you by the doctor who did your K1 interview, or you need to do the medical over again and use the vaccination record you get from the approved doctor in the US. You need to send something in.

  9. Make sure the doctor in your home country hands you a paper that has your vaccination stuff on it, not just the envelope. Mine didn't and I realized that I needed that paper when we were ready for AoS. If not, you get the pleasure of having to spend hundreds of dollars to get a new examination, plus you'll be able to file later than planned. If you're extra lucky (like me), the blood tests won't show certain antibodies and you'll have to get them again, which means more waiting.

    Also, I hate the doctor that did my examination back in Belgium.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    No more ridiculous a story than the yarn we got with the Hunter Biden evidence.

    If only someone had some hard drives laying around specifically labeled "Hunter Biden". Finally, we'd get the truth about this thing we've already rehashed dozens of times.

    I hope the scenario in this interview gets turned into a sketch. It'd be so easy. They can have a bunch of oversized arrows pointing towards the hard drives. Have Guilliani pointing towards it, but the agents completely ignoring it. I hope they go over the top with it. Maybe with a '60s Batman-type sign next to it just reading "Hunter Biden drives".

  11. 34 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    If he was smart like someone else from NY, he would have bleached all of his devices and electronic equipment.

    If he was smart he wouldn't have made up multiple harddrives as if they were a stack of floppy disks. When was the last time he actually used a computer? How much data does he think a hard drive holds?
    Also bleach doesn't wipe all of your data. It'll just damage the drive, but it won't completely wipe the data.

    Still, I enjoy the Monty Python-esque visual he painted with that ridiculous story.

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