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Posts posted by Zeitzen

  1. 23 minutes ago, Lucre said:

    Primero... Felicitaciones!!!!

    Segundo... Muchas gracias por la info, el tax return tiene que ser el último que mi esposo tiene disponible no?

    Pusiste para retirarlo en el CAS (Av santa fe), no?



    Tax return es el último (principios de 2020). La verdad que no me di cuenta y mi esposa me dio el Record of Account y no el Tax Transcript (son parecidos pero no lo mismo), la mujer que recibió los documentos me dijo que podría llegar a haber algún problema pero dependía del cónsul, igualmente en el peor escenario los podía subir al ceac más tarde y listo. El cónsul no me dijo nada sobre eso


    Había elegido el de Av. Santa Fe. Cuando me pregunto cuando tenía pensado viajar le dije que estaba esperando a tener mi visa antes de sacar pasajes, pero que quería irme ASAP. Ahí me dijo que lo podría pasar a buscar por la embajada en vez de DHL asi era mas rapido. Después me mandaron el mail con el turno para pasar a buscar la visa el martes a la mañana, así que la idea es sacar un pasaje y viajar el próximo viernes si es posible, los precios están por todos lados (desde 600 hasta 5.000 USD) pero parece que aerolíneas argentinas está abriendo de a poco los cupos para los vuelos a miami lunes y viernes.

  2. Hoy tuve la entrevista y salió todo bien, mucho más rápido y fácil de lo que esperaba!


    Tenía turno a las 8, llegué 7:30. Te hacen esperar afuera hasta que se haga la hora y despues te dejan pasar, pasas por seguridad y ahí a una sala donde esperas un tiempo.

    Nota: Si bien la página de la embajada dice claro y en letras rojas que no tenes que llevar el celular, cuando pasas seguridad tienen lo que parecería ser un lugar para dejarlos, pero no tengo idea.


    Esperas un poco y te llaman para entregar los documentos. Me pidieron:


    Originales / copias certificadas:

    • Your original birth entry (la copia del registro, si tenes la versión digital puede ser que te digan que les envies el mail por lo que entendi)
    • Unexpired passport valid for six (6) months
    • All Previous and / or expired passports
    • Original marriage entry


    • Copy of the Yatri appointment registration confirmation
    • 1 color photographs (5 cm x 5 cm)
    • Medical examination results (They're online now, Dr Grillo told me she sent them to the embassy already)
    • Photocopy of the sponsor’s IRS transcript or most recent U.S. federal income tax return, and any relevant W-2s. (No el Affidavit of Support)
    • Proof of your U.S. petitioner’s status and domicile in the United States (photocopy of a U.S. passport, naturalization certificate, or lawful permanent resident card).
    • Evidence of the relationship between the petitioner and visa applicant (such as photographs, letters, or emails). You should gather more photos, message record or video call record. They should be different than the ones you sent on the I-129F packet.
    • Police certificate (A mi me lo pidieron por que lo había mandado sin la excepción al artículo 51, igualmente ya lo había subido al ceac también, si esta todo bien de una seguramente no te lo piden)

    Después de eso volves a la sala de espera, y al rato te llama el cónsul para verificar tu caso. Podes elegir si hablar en español o inglés. La verdad que me cayo bien, sobrio pero relajado, estaba medio nervioso antes de eso. Te toma las huellas, juras que vas a decir la verdad y despues se pone a revisar los papeles. Me pregunto cómo nos conocimos con mi esposa, de que iba a trabajar cuando este alla y no mucho más. En un momento me pregunta "Is this your first marriage?" - "yes"

     - "and your wife's?" - "her first too" - "And hopefully the last one right?" jajaja


    Y nada, despues de eso te da un papel con tu Alien Registration Number, unos papeles sobre violencia doméstica, te explica que entre devolver el pasaporte e ir a EEUU hay que pagar un fee a USCIS para la green card y listo. Si te casaste hace menos de 2 años hay que hacer el trámite para remover la condición temporal a los 2 años del casamiento, yo pensaba que eran 2 años después de emigrar, pero no.


    Me dijo que no están atendiendo todos los días y tienen staff limitado, así que tampoco imprimen visas todos los días. Igualmente a las horas me mandaron un email diciendo que mi caso fue aprobado y puedo pasar a buscar mi pasaporte + visa el martes que viene por la embajada (es más rápido que esperarlo en una sucursal de DHL)


    Otra cosa, ahora es todo digital así que eso de llevar el paquete cerrado no existe mas, ahora solo vas con el pasaporte y la visa y ellos ven todo en el sistema.


    Overall 10/10. Rapido, fácil y toda la gente es muy amable.

  3. 9 hours ago, peony said:

    Hi @Zeitzen!


    The procedure to get the art. 51 exception online, is: after you get the .pdf normally, without the exception, you go to Reclamos -> Ingreso de nueva gestión -> "Reclamo - Tramitación" en el tipo de gestión, y luego seleccionás "El trámite no fue entregado con excepción al art. 51 del Código Penal."


    Luego de unos días, te llega por email un nuevo .pdf corregido!






    Edit: HAHA I just realized I code switched to Spanish after writing the options in Spanish.


    Edit 2: If you can't find the Reclamos option, is on the https://www.argentina.gob.ar/justicia/reincidencia homepage, go to "Sacá el certificado de antecedentes penales" ->  and then below where it asks if you have a DNI, you click on "Reclamos" in the "Sistema de Gestión e Información al Usuario" section.

    Thank you so much!! I'll give it ago and see if they answer me!

  4. 1 hour ago, Gonzalaz said:

    Hello! My husband just had his CR-1 interview on August 13. Your list looks complete....though I would advise you to bring the tax returns/tax transcripts that you submitted to the NVC from previous years. I seem to recall that they asked my husband for those (I will double check with him tomorrow, and post an update if that was NOT the case). 


    You do not need to fill out a new I-864 with 2019 tax info. 


    They did not ask my husband for the DS 5540, but he took it just in case. He also took health insurance rate quotes for unsubsidized health insurance plans to show the officer incase they asked if he would be able to be insured within 30 days of arrival. (but, to my knowledge, the health insurance mandate part of the Public Charge rule is currently not enforceable because of a court injunction). I would be curious to know if they ask you for this or the DS 5540....you should post back afterwards and update us!


    What do you mean "con excepción al artículo 51 del Código Penal” is no longer an option? We were not 100% sure when the police report expired, so my husband just went and got another one (with the excepcion al 51)  por las dudas. You can make an appointment online and it only took him like 10 minutes in the officer to get the new one! Where did you read that you will need to present a valid one upon entry? Do you mean at the airport? I don't think that is the case. All the info for your immigration process will be electronically available to the officer at the port of entry. Instead of giving them the sealed envelop, you give them your case # I believe and they access your file online.


    Also, if you happened to study in the United States in the past, bring your I-20s!!!


    Hope that helps! Suerte! You are almost there!

    Thanks for the info, that's really useful!


    I'll print the I-864 we sent to NVC and keep the latest tax returns and W-2 at hand just in case


    Last time I requested my criminal records through https://www.argentina.gob.ar/justicia/reincidencia/antecedentespenales, that URL takes you to the RNR (Registro nacional de Reinicidencia). You can fill out a form and they just send you a PDF with the records, there's no "con excepción al artículo 51 del Código Penal" option, last I checked this was the only way to get them. It might be because of the pandemic, but I'll call the registry on monday to check!




    Edit: I read about the criminal records being required on arrival in this thread and in some other website (cant recall which one), so that information could be completely wrong

  5. 42 minutes ago, Gonzalaz said:

    Hello! My husband just had his CR-1 interview on August 13. Your list looks complete....though I would advise you to bring the tax returns/tax transcripts that you submitted to the NVC from previous years. I seem to recall that they asked my husband for those (I will double check with him tomorrow, and post an update if that was NOT the case). 


    You do not need to fill out a new I-864 with 2019 tax info. 


    They did not ask my husband for the DS 5540, but he took it just in case. He also took health insurance rate quotes for unsubsidized health insurance plans to show the officer incase they asked if he would be able to be insured within 30 days of arrival. (but, to my knowledge, the health insurance mandate part of the Public Charge rule is currently not enforceable because of a court injunction). I would be curious to know if they ask you for this or the DS 5540....you should post back afterwards and update us!


    What do you mean "con excepción al artículo 51 del Código Penal” is no longer an option? We were not 100% sure when the police report expired, so my husband just went and got another one (with the excepcion al 51)  por las dudas. You can make an appointment online and it only took him like 10 minutes in the officer to get the new one! Where did you read that you will need to present a valid one upon entry? Do you mean at the airport? I don't think that is the case. All the info for your immigration process will be electronically available to the officer at the port of entry. Instead of giving them the sealed envelop, you give them your case # I believe and they access your file online.


    Also, if you happened to study in the United States in the past, bring your I-20s!!!


    Hope that helps! Suerte! You are almost there!

    Thanks for the info, that's really useful!


    I'll print the I-864 we sent to NVC and keep the latest tax returns and W-2 at hand just in case


    Last time I requested my criminal records through https://www.argentina.gob.ar/justicia/reincidencia/antecedentespenales, that URL takes you to the RNR (Registro nacional de Reinicidencia). You can fill out a form and they just send you a PDF with the records, there's no "con excepción al artículo 51 del Código Penal" option, last I checked this was the only way to get them. It might be because of the pandemic, but I'll call the registry on monday to check!





  6. Hi Guys! I have an interview for my CR-1 visa Sep 3rd and I'm getting a bit paranoid because sites have different information so I feel a bit lost 😅


    These are all the required documents I've found:


    • Copy of your NVC interview letter
    • Copy of the Yatri appointment registration confirmation
    • Confirmation page from the Form DS-260 Application 
    • Original DNI and photocopies
    • Your original birth entry and a photocopy.
    • Unexpired passport valid for six (6) months + photocopy of the biographic page (where your name and photo are located).
    • All Previous  and / or expired passports
    • Two (2) color photographs (5 cm x 5 cm)
    • Medical examination results (They're online now, Dr Grillo told me she sent them to the embassy already)
    • Form I-864 Affidavit of Support for each financial sponsor along with a photocopy of the sponsor’s IRS transcript or most recent U.S. federal income tax return, and any relevant W-2s.
    • Proof of your U.S. petitioner’s status and domicile in the United States (photocopy of a U.S. passport, naturalization certificate, or lawful permanent resident card).
    • Evidence of the relationship between the petitioner and visa applicant (such as photographs, letters, or emails). You should gather more photos, message record or videocall record. They should be different than the ones you sent on the I-129F packet.
    • Original marriage entry and a photocopy.
    • Police certificate
    • Fill out DS-5540 https://eforms.state.gov/Forms/ds5540.PDF

    I just have 3 small doubts:

    1. Am I forgetting something?
    2. We already filled Form I-864 (Affidavit of Support) when submitting documents for NVC, does that mean that they require an updated one with the last tax returns?
    3. I also sent my police certificate to NVC in May (“con excepción al artículo 51 del Código Penal” is no longer an option, NVC bounced my certificate back and I had to re-submit it explaining that there was no option in the form), but I've read that I need a valid one (they expire in 90 days?) upon entry to the US. Do I need to request another one?



  7. Got our approval today!




    Sent all documents to NVC on 2020-05-20, got an email 2 days ago regarding my police records being wrong, submitted them again explaining that that was the only thing I could get (Argentina's consulate website had a step by step guide on how to get it, and even that was outdated) and just got our approval email!


    There's one thing I don't understand though, the email says "NVC will work with the U.S. Embassy/Consulate General in BUENOS AIRES, ARG to schedule an interview appointment for you", but everywhere I've seen it says I should be the one requesting the appointment, did this procedure change?



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