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Posts posted by Nyc2011

  1. @wbeem yes I m very exhausted to the point almost givin up.

    N I kept forgiving her over the years so she can be around the kid.

    He s the reason she s still here.

    The boy is really close with her cuz she s home with him all day.

    N I never wanted to break his lil heart , n kept givin her chances.

    But she doesn't want a nrml life, n I can t do this no more.

    She hangs out with homeless ppl n drugg addicts,  I don t want my son to grow up n think that s normal,  cuz it s not. Not judging anyone here, but I do not come from that life

  2. I don t want my boy to grow up n be a druggie addict or alcoholic like his mom.

    She grew up around that life.   N that s wat she became,  she has never worked in her life. She has a big criminal record that even mc donalds won t hire her.

    I ve taken so much,but I can t continue like this. I d rather take my boy n go back to my home country,  rather than living a miserable life here. 

  3. Thanks a lot to everyone of u guys who took their time to answer.

    Wat I forgot to mention is that I caught her rollin weed plus there has been a few times where I did doubt a lot that she was on drugs.

    She couldn't see.

    N I have a few recordings on my phone conversations with me n her where she talks about the weed is not bad , n this n that , I don t agree with that.

    Plus another time that she talks about the cheating.

    Is it legal that I got those recordings to use those for court purposes?

    Thanks n god bless

  4. Hi, I m a 10 year green card  holder, been with my usc wife from about 10 yrs now, we have a kid about 7 yrs old.

    Came to usa with a k1 Visa, struggled till i got my work permit,  but after that i thought the hard part was part of the past but i was wrong.

    Long story short,  she has an alcohol problem,  she has never worked since I got to the states,  I been doin it all in my own, workin 6 days a week 7 to 7, n barely making it,  no welfare Cuz I didn t want it.

    So basically,  i worked while she was drinking all day,  I use to come bk from work I d not even find a plate of food ready, just her puking all over the place, n fighting with me n complaining about everything. 

    Until 1 day they arrested her at our kid s school for going there intoxicated. 

    So dcf got involved,  they almost took my boy away, they put her on a program for alcohol.

    They stayed around for about a year until they thought she s good, the very next day I caught her drunk, dcf doesn t care, they r there just to get paid .

    Anyways, during this time that dcf was stil around I caught her drunk n during arguments she assaults me with nails,  I just called cops n got her arrested,  didn t hit her or anything. 

    Now, she still doin her thing,  doesn t work.  Doesn t help with anything in the house n drinks whenever she can.

    People on the neighborhood always telling me including my landlord,  hey dude she hangs out with dudes when u r at work.

    Brings them here down the building n hugging n , I told her n she was like nah that s a lie. 

    Now 1 day her mom was here, n my son was playing with her phone n he gave it to me,  to open him a different video on YouTube, and I see that her messenger window with my wife was open.

    Gave my boy my phone to watch his video, while I was checkin wat they had talked about in the past 3 yrs.

    They both were not in the house during this.

    And I read all the talking about me. 

    But the more shocking was on January 2018, my wife was askin her money to abort Cuz she thought she was pregnant and she was tellin her if I find out I ll take her to court n take our son away from her.

    N her mom asks her so it s not his kid?

    N she answers no.

    I called her, n told her I kno everything now, n she needs to come bk home immediately, she got worried .

    N then they both came bk home, her mom lives in a diff state but she visits us a lot. 

    Took my wife to the room n started talkin to her, told her about wat I read, she was like yes it happened with 2 guys.

    One in the neighborhood,  and 1 other guy in the aa meeting .

    Later she said no it was just 1.

    N then she says she was never pregnant but she thought she was.

    Now my parents are here for a visit n my mom tells me she gets so mad when u call her, but she s on the phone all day with other people. 

    She hangs out still with ppl from the street, my mom says she seen her hug a guy down the building a few times  

    I ask her n she  was like that guy s wife passed away n I just ask him if he s doin ok.

    She s just a cheater n a big liar.

    I went thru everything with her. But this cheating situation I m not beein able to forget,  i can t stop thinkin about it,  it got me sick .

    Now , I don t even kno wat question to ask first.

    I got dcf reports about her problems. 

    Plus screen shots of her conversations with her mom about the abort n watever.

    Plus pics of guys on her phone.

    Now , if I take her to court n divorce, 

    Can i take my citizenship with the proof of cheating. N not working. N drinkin problems.

    Plus , if I divorce her, wat help can I get to raise my boy on my own.

    And if I try to keep my parents here, can I keep them here if I don t have the passport yet.

    So they can watch my son. 

    Idk wat to say more.

    Please help, n make questions , cuz I did not kno where to start cuz it has been a lot of things Happening. 



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