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Posts posted by Cry_Tuff

  1. I had joined an international chat/forum/download site off of my mobile phone of all things called Prodigits (it's also on the web now too)...but it's just a simple site. I went on to chat and go in the forums ....meeting people from all over the world (mostly Australia, England, and Scotland)...I had a pic up...the one below :P and I was getting all sorts of messages...even some pervy...or some wanting me to marry them just for a green card to the US then we could get a divorce :jest:

    I only added those that I knew of to my "buddy list" ...never accepting any random buds. It was sometime in March of 2005...I got like 6 bud requests in one day....I read thru each of them laughing at the ridiculous comments some had made....There were two that struck my eye...one was my mate Wayne from England..he and I are still the best of mates....he rings me up every so often still just to see if I'm ok...and the other was Pete....Pete sent me a real nice message talking about my smile. It just captured my heart at that moment....and something inside of me kept telling me to ADD HIM to my bud list...so I did...and haven't looked back.

    It took us a couple months to get talking real well with one another.....once we did...it was texting all the time...then of course I was skeptical for a while..and didn't believe he was from England...so I said..ok, if you're from England, let me ring you up. (The first night was very late...and I was just made aware of the time differences lol)...the next night..I rang up...and low and behold...a British Man! lol Bestill my heart. lol..... We talked and texted hour after hour....phone bills to prove it...it was like we had known each other for years....Pete made arrangements to come meet my children and I that September of '05.....the first time he had ever been on a plane...let alone out of the country....but he took the chance....as did I.

    I was questioned and given the 3rd degree from several people about letting a stranger stay in my home....I said...If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't have him in my home. And if there are any bad vibes, then there's always a hotel....but...as I suspected, nothing bad at all....It was just as we had said on the phone....it was as if we had known each other for years...So, he's been flying back and forth...and I've been over to England (met the family).....My kids love Pete to death...and are excited he is going to be their stepdaddy...We just want to "officially" start our lives together finally....

    The pic that started it all....


  2. Ohhhh you guys!! I'm so happy everythings worked out for ya....Have a wonderful reunion...and keep us posted!!! Pete and I are hoping within the next week or two (well..it had better anyways) of getting our NOA2 Can't wait!! Congratulations to you both!!

  3. This is just all heartbreaking to read. :(

    My fiance's son has just turned 18 back in January. He lives with his mum in England...but I know it's not a healthy relationship. Of course Pete's parents are still there, and he's always over visiting/staying the night. He's never said owt about moving here to the U.S. Just has asked me alot of questions about customs, life, jobs, etc...here. I've told Pete that if his son wanted to move here after we get him situated, I would have no problem...cause I know he'll want to see his dad. Pete said something about him coming on a passport and just visiting for 3 months at a time for a while...see how he likes it first.

    I guess I never realized how long it took to bring one's child over.

    Now as the USC, are we allowed to peition for the child??? (no matter what age?)

  4. Awright lads, got another quickie ere

    My fiancee (US citizen) who filed the petition on my behalf is currently unemployed and was when she filed the petition (and so put unemployed on the forms).

    She is gettin a job within a few days, got her interview n stuff

    Is that gonna affect the petition the fact she is unemployed and I am too? (I was a student when this was filed)

    Also, if her parents added a statement saying that they would support us n stuff (financially and stuff) is that good or bad we added that?


    This matters at the interview stage, and if your fiancee doesn't meet the requirements, her parents or another co-sponsor can also fill out the I-134. You don't need to show anything in the initial petition as far as support goes.

    I lost my job May 1st after 5 years....I have since went back to college in pursuit of a criminal justice degree..and have 2 possible job leads... even if I don't have the income by the time the interview rolls around to meet the 125% above poverty level...I am having my parents cosponsor... they will have to fill out an afadavit of support (which your fiance may have to inquire about having someone else aid in sponsoring you to come over.)

  5. For those who missed it before. :):):):):)


    Call 1.800.375.5283

    follow these prompts

    1,2,2,4,2,1 then enter your receipt number then press 1 to verify that is is correct,1.

    This will transfer you to the Service Center your petition is at.



    Remember this will most likely result in a touch. This touch most likely does not mean your case is being processed.

    I've just rang up...lol... They've said there's been no action taken as yet on my case...But..I got the typical "we are working on cases that were received in January speech...that mine will be looked over within 3 months or less". Of course I didn't say anything about me being on visa journey...and knowing that they are processing the end of March/begininng of April!! lol :innocent:

  6. To save your tag...click the black box above your tag..to enlarge to original size, right click on the tag and save.

    Here's the tags for: Lisa & David, Lina and David, Tasha and Chris, Sarah and Marlon ....






  7. Hoping for some advise. We are both previously divorced and got married last year. Looked at the check list from packet 3 and it seems that they possibly want my marriage certificate from my first marriage. I don't have it, solicitor took it when I got divorced. Called the State department and she said she didn't think I would need it, just the divorce decree.......not convinced. Thought maybe someone here would have gone through this and be able to give me first hand knowledge.

    I guess it wouldn't be too hard to get hold of another copy, but don't want to if I don't have to. Not sure if my Husband would need his from his first marriage either......he also does not have it.

    I will be so glad when this is over......but we are so close!!!

    If anyone can help, I would be really grateful.

    I'm divorced...and Pete, my fiance from the UK has never been married. All they needed was a copy of the divorce decree. The marriage certificate itself is invalid in regards to you and your ex spouse. They just want to see that you are legal to marry again. A certified copy of the divorce decree is what they will need, so a trip to your local courthouse to get that just so it has the "official watermark/stamp" on it would be suffice. Good luck! :)

  8. Please help me get a good Webcam website. The problem I am having is that the computer locks up and the signal is choppy. We have tried Yahoo, MSNmessenger, Skype (almost damage the computer), Camfrog. None are reliable. Anyone know of any other free Webcam chat websites?


    June 7 sent 129f

    June 13 check cashed

    June 15 shows up on USCIS website as received

    haven't heard squat since

    Have you given your computer a good cleaning? I use MSN and Skype...and as with any service..you're going to have some problems... go to your START MENU....then RUN...and then type in %temp% and hit the ENTER button. All of those little files in the %temp% folder can be deleted. All it is, is a place where your computer is "taking pictures" of what you've used and where you've been more or less. Also if you go to your control panel...click on INTERNET OPTIONS...and go to DELETE...click ALL (and check the box)...that will get rid other stuff ya don't need. Try that...after you are done cleaning.. shut down your computer...and reboot. Your pc should actually run a little smoother after that...and the IM programs should run better as well.

  9. Nahh..lol..I'm always making tags for him and me..lol... :D

    I seriously thought of this tag for everyone here in VJ....and just thought I'd offer it :blush:

    FutureMrs....LOL..don't let that get around VJ...I'll be at the computer all night lmao...


    My fiance and I have listened more times than I can count now to Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting." Pete made mention tonight of the song...and I had a brainstorm. (I make tags for several MSN groups online...and thought...why not offer one here)

    So to anyone here from the United States who's fiance is still in the United Kingdom///or vice versa.... I am offering to make you a tag like the one below...


    If you would like, leave your name and your fiance's name and I will be more than happy to make you one. I will post all the tags for pick up in this post. (All you will have to do is right click and save)....I've got mine as my desktop background...it looks purrrrrtttttyyy ;) lol

  11. For me, Canton, Ohio is a pretty diverse place....I have met others that have immigrated over to be with their special someone, but no one from the UK as yet. I just tend to get the "OHHHHH he's in England..(weird look) SO, how'd you two meet?....then I explain we've been together about 3 years after meeting online......and it goes to another weird look and Ohhhhh I seeeee" <_<

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