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Posts posted by Cry_Tuff

  1. Is his job transferring? Sort of assume not so his current income is irrelevant.

    His Parents can be sponsors if they are USC's or US Resident.

    As long as he has savings he should be OK, they did not require much, check what the current number is with the consulate.

    I'm actually the USC...Pete is from England..and his parents are there as well. His father works designing their military aircraft. Pete's job isn't transferring no. His uncle owns the buisness he works at.

    I start back to school July 9th..for Criminal Justice..and had a meeting with the dean of admissions yesterday. I explained to him my situation..and he's even going to have the Career Counselor help me out..in finding me a job while I go to school...so fingers crossed I can get something! I worked at the bank for the last 5 years..and just never thought about being let go. My parents are planning on cosponsoring for Pete to come over here as well....So that will help...I hope :(

  2. He can self sponsor a K1, he will need a sponsor and possibly a co-sponsor to AOS.

    If you have insufficient income/assets that is what a co-sponsor is for.

    Reason does not matter.

    Hi Boiler..and thanks for responding.

    So if he can self sponsor...does that mean even if he WOULD say by chance need a cosponsor...would his parents be able to do so? He works as an autogearbox mechanic (transmission specialist for the USA..lol)...and I'm not sure exactly what his gross income is...but say for instance..would his parent's be able to be a cosponsor into allowing him into the United States? I know my parents are willing to cosponsor him as well.

    We never foreseen this...all this time ....and now me loosing my job and having to get on assistance is just killing us...knowing that there could possibly be a NO in our future. I start school July 9th to persue my associates degree in Criminal Justice...just had my financial aide meeting today at the school. I've also talked to the dean of admissions..as he was very interested in my story and how Pete and I met...about our problem..he's going to talk to the Career Councelors for me..he said that they have a list of employments that will work around my school schedule...and will help me in finding a job...heck..even if I can work there at the school..that'd be great..as long as I make enough to get off assistance.

  3. Ok..just to catch everyone up to speed... this was mine from a previous post:

    Hi everyone...First of all ....let me start out by explaining what's happened....

    (I have two children from my marriage that ended about 6 years ago)

    [My son has epilepsy, a seizure disorder, and thru my employment (I've been there almost 5 years)...I had filed for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) benefits. This way, if I had to call off to be with him or take him to the hospital due to the seizures, then I wouldn't loose my job. I'm suppose to call the nurse I've been assigned and call my manager reporting off as FMLA day. With that said...in January, my DAUGHTER had a seizure...she had one in the middle of the night, paramedics were called, and she was taken to the hospital....where we were there for quite a long time (I was even being questioned by the doctors "Are you sure it was a seizure?"...and of course I snapped back to them..listen...I may not hold a medical degree and I don't need one to tell me that's what it was...I also have a son with epilepsy...needless to say..they shutup after that.) Anyways......Fine, I called off using FMLA day for that..told them I would get the proper paperwork for Alyana also..Nothing was said.

    In February, my son had a seizure...and I had to take 1 day off for that...reported it accordingly...nothing was said... At the end of February..they decided to tell me that my FMLA had expired in December and they were writing me up for those two days I called off because of the kids. I said..Ok..whatever... My children come first. (which is another subject my manager and and I disagreed about..she thought the job should come first)

    Right, so I went to visit my fiance in March in England. When it was time for me to return home, it was the same time that the winter storm hit the Eastern Coast of the United States....and passengers were stranded for a few days. I was unable to fly out for 2 days because of that. When I got home...guess who got wrote up?? Yep..me. I even had a letter from Continental Airlines backing me up. I asked them what did they want me to do SWIM HOME? Needless to say, I was put on probation. The manager is a 23 year old girl (I'm 31) who was fresh out of college when she landed her job as manager of the bank...only because her parents were friends with the former vice president of the bank. I'm a plus size gal (bbw if you will ) and she's even made comments about "fat people." Now she tried getting rid of me last year when the company had laid off over 250 workers....because more or less..I don't kiss a55. Two people quit..I was able to keep my job..and it ticked her off. I had been ranked amongst the best employees for the corporation because of the buisness I produced. Anyhow...So I'm on probabtion...and on April 24th, my sister was coming to watch my kids so I could go to work ...she lives 5 minutes away...she left her house 25 minutes early...and was stuck in a traffic jam due to construction....I rang up work to let them know ..their answer was..well..I suggest you bring the kids to work... I said that's fine and dandy..but they aren't even dressed..I would be clocking in a few minutes late. I live less than 5 minutes from my work driving time. As I was walking out the door, my sister showed up...and I booked it to work. I clocked in 5 minutes late. 1 Week later...I had went to work ..got there by 8:30 am. and had to work til 6. Around 3pm..the manager comes up and says to go to this other office building..she'd meet me there..well..I knew what was going to happen....Needless to say, I get there and the Human Resources Rep was there..and they let me go (fired me) from work because of the Attendance policy. I didn't say anything except when I turned in my keys..I looked at the manager and said.."Congratulations..you've finally got what you wanted."

    That was May 1st. Now I've went ahead and took the rest of the month off because of the kids finishing up school. I've been out since June 1st hunting for a new job..and I do have 1 prospective one with the government.

    This has got my fiance and I so nervous tho because of the Affadavit of Support. (and my parents as well as his parents are willing to do what they have to do for the Affadavit of Support if need be for co-sponsors) Since I was just let go in May...and I'll be starting a new job (hopefully soon) ...we don't know how that will look on the application. We've got our NOA1...and by the timelines, we should have the NOA2 by July sometime. I'm sorry if this seemed a bit lengthy..I just felt it was necessary to explain the entire situation instead of just "I got fired" and left it open for scrutiny.

    Now, I have been actively putting applications in and dropping resumes off for 2 months now..and have yet to secure a job..which has my fiance and I even more so nervous. I have went thru what savings I had paying bills which included household, loans, and medical. I have cut back even where I could. I had no choice but to apply for benefits and assistance until I am able to find something..as my children HAVE to have medical coverage being that my son is special needs. I have enrolled in school and am going for a 2 year associates degree in Criminal Justice..but I'm only attending from 9am-11:50 am (I will qualify for grants and student loans..I am also getting extra money per month that is being attached to my loan so it can help me pay what I need to..of course, I will have to pay it back once I've graduated and secured a job). The job I want is with our local sheriff's department as a dispatcher. I am getting my associates degree in Criminal Justice...so it is related coursework..and when I go for my externship, chances are, I can get in there as well (hopefully before hand since I've already applied).

    My parents have agreed to do the co sponsor for Pete to come over. It's just hard times like this was completely unforeseen by me. Has anyone had any similar situations at all...or know how the USCIS looks at a student?? I mean..I'm bettering myself going to school to secure a better job. I can't stand being on benefits as it is..and don't want it to be a long term thing. Pete is a workaholic..so I know that he won't be sitting on his rear either when he gets here. Any comments will be appreciated :(

  4. I went to Washington DC a while back when I was in the Civil Air Patrol (a nonprofit organization with the US Air Force) We were warned that there are people out there that do impersonate homeless people. I came across one of those. He was a very large man had his young child out there with him... and they both were dressed head to toe in nice NEW Nike clothes..very clean cut as well. He held a sign saying, " We are Homeless and need money".

    Now here where I live..there are people that I know are homeless...one man has been walking the streets for over 20 years! But he goes to homeless shelters and stays. He also has a bank account (cause he banked with us)...with thousands of dollars in it. So, for some, I do genuinely feel sorry for...but others I do not....and me being a single mother for so long...can't say I'd give up my hard earned pennies when there are so many programs out there to get them help. They just have to want the help.

  5. This is the stigma that is imposed on America...where we are suppose to be the richest country in the world..HOWEVER we have millions of people living in poverty, living pay check to pay check, or just barely getting by. I do agree that some people choose to be where they are at...and abuse the system...living off of government benefits. Others however cannot help it. Especially if there is a medical/mental condition, or someone becomes displaced. There are job opportunities out there, but unless someone has a college education, alot of times you won't be given a second look. I know in the UK, my soon to be step son is paid to go to college. Here, the colleges are alot more expensive and you're looking at the price of a home before you actually get your degree for the costs. Just because someone may live in poverty, they shouldn't be judged, as you don't know their situation or what's lead to it. If the government was more willing to help their own people than they were to help other countries, then sure the American people just might be a little better off. But..that's my opinion.

  6. I don't feel sorry for her... She drove drunk, and then drove under a suspended license. Any regular joe would have been locked up...why shouldn't she...Instead she plays the innocent victim ....crying for mommy to bail her out..That private psychiatrist that was hired to go in and I'm almost betting "coach her" on how to act mental...not that she needed much help... to get her out to go home. She probably couldn't stand being alone with herself in the jail cell...maybe she's realized just how annoying she is. She got off lucky this time...hopefully sometime in the jail cell will give her some time to think... If she had been drunk and killed someone..then what. Things could be worse. I'm glad the judge imposed the maximum sentence. Shows no one is above the law...FINALLY!

  7. Well...if it tastes like fish...I won't like it anyways..lol When I was pregnant with my daughter...the smell of fish alone made me ill. I can eat Tuna fish, and some breaded and battered fish (which is a good thing since I'm marrying a Brit..lol) ..and I like shrimp cocktail and lobster..but that's the extent of my seafood liking....My daughter will be 10 this year..and I still haven't had the stomach for it. My sister made some fishy fish the other night..and hid my car keys so I would have to stay for dinner... I took one bite and got sick..lol

  8. I suppose we are fortunate when it comes to this. Pete's and my parents are both supportive of us. I love his parent's and he does mine. They both just want what's best for their children. Of course the natural concerns will come up like employment...but Pete's a workaholic...so I don't see that as a problem..lol

  9. Thanks Karen :) .. There was another girl who had worked at the same bank as I ...we actually grew up together..our kids went to the same schools together, and her daughter had sever epilepsy...she was even told at one point that she could die because of the tubers that had formed on the brain. Thankfully she's had surgery and it's corrected the problem..but they did the same thing with her. It isn't fair for those of us trying to make a living...having to choose between our families (mainly children) or work. I feel some employers need to get a clue..but until this country goes less corporate.. I doubt if we see it. :(

  10. :unsure: Hi everyone...First of all ....let me start out by explaining what's happened....

    (I have two children from my marriage that ended about 6 years ago)

    My son has epilepsy, a seizure disorder, and thru my employment (I've been there almost 5 years)...I had filed for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) benefits. This way, if I had to call off to be with him or take him to the hospital due to the seizures, then I wouldn't loose my job. I'm suppose to call the nurse I've been assigned and call my manager reporting off as FMLA day. With that said...in January, my DAUGHTER had a seizure...she had one in the middle of the night, paramedics were called, and she was taken to the hospital....where we were there for quite a long time (I was even being questioned by the doctors "Are you sure it was a seizure?"...and of course I snapped back to them..listen...I may not hold a medical degree and I don't need one to tell me that's what it was...I also have a son with epilepsy...needless to say..they shutup after that.) Anyways......Fine, I called off using FMLA day for that..told them I would get the proper paperwork for Alyana also..Nothing was said.

    In February, my son had a seizure...and I had to take 1 day off for that...reported it accordingly...nothing was said... At the end of February..they decided to tell me that my FMLA had expired in December and they were writing me up for those two days I called off because of the kids. :blink: I said..Ok..whatever... My children come first. (which is another subject my manager and and I disagreed about..she thought the job should come first)

    Right, so I went to visit my fiance in March in England. When it was time for me to return home, it was the same time that the winter storm hit the Eastern Coast of the United States....and passengers were stranded for a few days. I was unable to fly out for 2 days because of that. When I got home...guess who got wrote up?? Yep..me. I even had a letter from Continental Airlines backing me up. I asked them what did they want me to do SWIM HOME? Needless to say, I was put on probation. The manager is a 23 year old girl (I'm 31) who was fresh out of college when she landed her job as manager of the bank...only because her parents were friends with the former vice president of the bank. I'm a plus size gal (bbw if you will :D) and she's even made comments about "fat people." Now she tried getting rid of me last year when the company had laid off over 250 workers....because more or less..I don't kiss a55. Two people quit..I was able to keep my job..and it ticked her off. I had been ranked amongst the best employees for the corporation because of the buisness I produced. Anyhow...So I'm on probabtion...and on April 24th, my sister was coming to watch my kids so I could go to work ...she lives 5 minutes away...she left her house 25 minutes early...and was stuck in a traffic jam due to construction....I rang up work to let them know ..their answer was..well..I suggest you bring the kids to work... :blink: I said that's fine and dandy..but they aren't even dressed..I would be clocking in a few minutes late. I live less than 5 minutes from my work driving time. As I was walking out the door, my sister showed up...and I booked it to work. I clocked in 5 minutes late. 1 Week later...I had went to work ..got there by 8:30 am. and had to work til 6. Around 3pm..the manager comes up and says to go to this other office building..she'd meet me there..well..I knew what was going to happen....Needless to say, I get there and the Human Resources Rep was there..and they let me go (fired me) from work because of the Attendance policy. I didn't say anything except when I turned in my keys..I looked at the manager and said.."Congratulations..you've finally got what you wanted."

    That was May 1st. Now I've went ahead and took the rest of the month off because of the kids finishing up school. I've been out since June 1st hunting for a new job..and I do have 1 prospective one with the government.

    This has got my fiance and I so nervous tho because of the Affadavit of Support. (and my parents as well as his parents are willing to do what they have to do for the Affadavit of Support if need be for co-sponsors) Since I was just let go in May...and I'll be starting a new job (hopefully soon) ...we don't know how that will look on the application. We've got our NOA1...and by the timelines, we should have the NOA2 by July sometime. I'm sorry if this seemed a bit lengthy..I just felt it was necessary to explain the entire situation instead of just "I got fired" and left it open for scrutiny. Any comments or help on this would be great...Thanks!

    PS...for a co-sponsor for the Affadavit of Support..is that still the I-134 form?

  11. I'm a Taurus ( 100% btw :yes: ) Pete is a Libra...so he does balance me out completely...

    In the Chinese Zodiac (which I do take into consideration)...I am a DRAGON ....(my ex hub was an OX...and he and I just did not get along) ....Pete is a Snake

    Dragons are most compatible with : Rat, Snake, Monkey, Rooster

  12. I USE to drink...prior to having children...now, I can't even finish one cooler...it's pretty sad cause I use to have a high tolerance... I've never gotten sick tho, and after eating, I'm usually fine.

    **Note to self..don't give friends water when they've got dry heaves after drinking...lmao! :jest::D:P

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