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Posts posted by Dana89

  1. 1 hour ago, Maeph said:

    Hi guys. Have a good day to all.


    We been approved

    No1 old site April 26

    No1 new site May 1

    Approved date October 29


    My fiance received a text then he went to USCIS old site and it was an approval notice.

     I feel so frustrated on the past days coz ive seen an approval ahead of my notice date. And my fiance has a minor crimal record when he was 18 years old but he didnt disclosed so im a little bit confused if they gonna deny us or i will get a rfe but thanks God the long wait is over.. For those who was not approve yet just pray and it will be given to you.




    OMG I love this congratulations so happy for you

  2. 1 minute ago, Sarge2155 said:

    On a brighter note April filers are in full swing now lots of approvals today &^%$ we are on deck folks I am 5 months in, in a couple of days. I must admit even though I don't want to the time has been rapid to reach this point. I am hoping it's the same for all of you.

    Wish you for all of you the fastest NOA2 God bless you 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Sarge2155 said:

    As what was pointed out to you, you have gotten yourself involved with a "BOY" men don't do things or say things like you have quoted. If you are having these problems NOW just think what life will be like once you are together and he plays these stupid games. I can sense by your writing that you love him, but do yourself a favor and save the future heartache and find yourself a real man who will love you. I know you will do what your heart tells you regardless of what we are telling you here in this forum, just be prepared to suffer the consequences. By the look of your time line you don't have much time to decide.

    You're right 

  4. Just now, Dana89 said:

    Only one time I haven't been rush about to get marry he wanted it I suggest wait at least after 8 months because that time I worked in American company in third country so I thought maybe I can transfer to America so we can know each other better but he said it's too long time to wait also we are not so young we wanted at least five children build a big family get old together 

    Even we created names for our children so many plans ... Sorry that I'm so honest to tell everyone here about my life but I'm so sad and nobody understand me When he proposed me my parents reaction were like so far who is he then I said to my fiancé that they just need time 

  5. Just now, Dana89 said:

    Is this question for me?

    Only one time I haven't been rush about to get marry he wanted it I suggest wait at least after 8 months because that time I worked in American company in third country so I thought maybe I can transfer to America so we can know each other better but he said it's too long time to wait also we are not so young we wanted at least five children build a big family get old together 

  6. 17 hours ago, LarryHickman said:

    You sound sincere so I’ll give you my opinion, I hope it helps or you can throw it out the window either way but one thing is for sure you don’t sound like you can talk to your boyfriend.


    You need to find someone else, it sounds like he wants a money back guarantee, your human not a car.


    He wants to live together and try it out first. People have different views and I respect that but my personal opinion is ask yourself one question, would he wait on intimacy until after marriage and listen to you? In my humble opinion deep down women want a man who will wait on them and accept them for who they are. Never get with a guy who wants to try things out first. 


    Would he allow you both to go through ups and downs? Allow you to have your bad days and still love you?  You will have bad days.


    If he is not ready what are you going to do if you get pregnant and he wants to break up and send you back home? As greenbaum said put on your big girl panties and send him packing there are many other men who have their head on straight.


    If your about the same age you are more mature, generally speaking girls mature faster boys this could be part of his problem but there are exceptions to this rule.


    you want a family? If your feelings this way now before marriage you can forget about it changing after you are in the ‘test’ stage with him. Remember a zebra never changes its stripes. 


    Never sacrifice your feelings, that translate to you having to change for someone.


    I think you already know what you need to do I wish you the best.


    good luck and god bless

    We also already applied for K1 but after that he started like testing me one day he can say I love you next day I don't want get marry etc Finally he said I can't do anything I asked what do you mean he said exactly what I said and he said at first he will not do anything with K1 then he said he will cancel it I said ok as you want but still he didn't cancel it I am getting crazy by checking every day and waiting when he will cancel but still I love him also before he said that we need to live together

  7. 26 minutes ago, mushroomspore said:

    Actually I would argue it is even MORE important to take your time with a romantic partner if you have children. It's a very delicate situation to introduce your children to a new partner. Kids naturally crave stability in their family and house. It confuses them if they see their parent go through many romantic partners but none stick around or fully accept the co-parent role. It shapes how they perceive and behave in their own relationships as they grow up into adults. The kids' feelings should be taken into account too. Pretty selfish for a parent to not do so and just rush into relationships because "omg my feelings."



    Surely you're right about children also I'm sure that they knew what they were going to do and with conditions as I can see not because of feelings of course 

  8. 7 hours ago, JFH said:

    I’m just amazed that anyone can be ready to marry someone after one visit. And that someone can be sure that someone else is a suitable step-parent for their children after one meeting. This aside from all the immigration matters. 


    How good is her English? Or do you speak Russian? Have you petitioned anyone before? Was she married to the father of her children? If so, how long ago did that marriage end? 

    When you know you know that's it its just a love and you can't explain to somebody People are get marry to person that they lived together for over two or more years and get married but finally divorced I can understand him his feelings 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Target2020ForN400 said:

    LoL, I also ran into this confusion sometime back. My conclusion: Ignore https://egov.uscis.gov/ account.

    Register with the myaccount.uscis.dhs.gov. Here you can find case status (much more detailed than the other site) by adding your cases to your account.

    More secure(2 factor auth is a must, I used it with the google auth app on my mobile). Also you can file all online petitions from here.

    So, I have shelved my egov.uscis.gov.

    Thank you so much for information You're 100% right the latest one is the best more secure 

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