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  1. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from bren6969 in Beware bad information on AOS deadline for K1 (fresh out of jail)   
    How about this - he could write the NOA1# in a sharpie on his forearm and paint over it with liquid bandage so it’s always available if needed😀. Like if swimming and there’s a reason ID’s are being checked.
  2. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Passenger dies of COVID-19 amid outbreak on Carnival cruise ship   
    CNN article dated August 13, the other one is August 24, after she had died. 
    They also believe she came on board with the infection and have changed their protocol to require negative Covid test within 3 days of sailing.
    UK cruises look more hazardous 
  3. Thanks
    SLV123 got a reaction from Crtcl Rice Theory in Officer cannot walk after first jab   
    Where are your accurate numbers on those that have died or have been injured from the vaccine?
    One off stories? Small events reported on VAERS?
    public health
    the health of the population as a whole, especially as the subject of government regulation and support. Israel, with its small population, would never take a risk and vaccinate as many as possible 3 times if it was so deadly and harmful. 
    Average number of new infections reported each day in Israel falls by more than 4,500 over the last 3 weeks, 38% of its previous peak
    COVID-19 infections are decreasing in Israel, with 3,706 new infections reported on average each day. That’s 34% of the peak — the highest daily average reported on September 13.
    Per Dr. Reiner:
    "We've lost 700,000 Americans now and fully 200,000 of those folks have died since vaccines have been available almost to everyone in this country, and every one of those deaths is unnecessary," he said. "So even though the news is great for this antiviral agent, really the message that people need to receive is 'get vaccinated.' No one needs to die from this virus."
    These are numbers that are traceable, not yours without a prove-able factual basis.

  4. Thanks
    SLV123 reacted to laylalex in Officer cannot walk after first jab   
    Hey, that's not what I said AT ALL. My sister had COVID long before she could even get vaccinated, and her long COVID symptoms pre-existed before she was vaccinated. She has no regrets about getting vaccinated. She also had no side effects from the vaccination besides feeling injection site pain and some tiredness. What is causing her misery (besides being halfway through a pregnancy) is the lingering effects of the virus itself. 
    I am someone who had an actual bad reaction to my first dose of Moderna. I am in VAERS, reported by a doctor. I spent four painful months recovering, four months that seriously affected my mental health. But guess what? I GOT BETTER. In August, my rheumatologist told me there was nothing wrong with me any longer, that all of the inflammation in my body caused by the massive surge of antibodies had gone down to normal levels. I have had no pain at all since the beginning of last month, when months before I couldn't get out of bed, couldn't type at a keyboard, couldn't hold a fork. I have no regrets about taking the vaccine. All along, doctors made it clear to me that it was likely my reaction was temporary, even if it was terrible. What am I left with? I am fully vaccinated. I can be in the world with fewer worries about spreading the virus or contracting it, and if I do, I am extremely unlikely to suffer serious illness. Given that I had no reaction to the second dose besides injection pain, I will have my booster when called to do so. That is what every single medical professional I have consulted has told me is safe. I have weighed their advice against my worries and I am convinced that I did the right thing.
    Please don't put words in my mouth, about me or my family, thanks.
  5. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Officer cannot walk after first jab   
    Where are your accurate numbers on those that have died or have been injured from the vaccine?
    One off stories? Small events reported on VAERS?
    public health
    the health of the population as a whole, especially as the subject of government regulation and support. Israel, with its small population, would never take a risk and vaccinate as many as possible 3 times if it was so deadly and harmful. 
    Average number of new infections reported each day in Israel falls by more than 4,500 over the last 3 weeks, 38% of its previous peak
    COVID-19 infections are decreasing in Israel, with 3,706 new infections reported on average each day. That’s 34% of the peak — the highest daily average reported on September 13.
    Per Dr. Reiner:
    "We've lost 700,000 Americans now and fully 200,000 of those folks have died since vaccines have been available almost to everyone in this country, and every one of those deaths is unnecessary," he said. "So even though the news is great for this antiviral agent, really the message that people need to receive is 'get vaccinated.' No one needs to die from this virus."
    These are numbers that are traceable, not yours without a prove-able factual basis.

  6. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Officer cannot walk after first jab   
    My take on the story I shared:
    1. had an extremely rare reaction to Pfizer’s COVID-19 . (395 MILLION COVID Vaccine DOSES in the US have been administered so far)
    2. Your take: unnecessary  
  7. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower   
    Still scratching my head why VisaJourney isn’t monitored for misinformation 
  8. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Officer cannot walk after first jab   
    Where are your accurate numbers on those that have died or have been injured from the vaccine?
    One off stories? Small events reported on VAERS?
    public health
    the health of the population as a whole, especially as the subject of government regulation and support. Israel, with its small population, would never take a risk and vaccinate as many as possible 3 times if it was so deadly and harmful. 
    Average number of new infections reported each day in Israel falls by more than 4,500 over the last 3 weeks, 38% of its previous peak
    COVID-19 infections are decreasing in Israel, with 3,706 new infections reported on average each day. That’s 34% of the peak — the highest daily average reported on September 13.
    Per Dr. Reiner:
    "We've lost 700,000 Americans now and fully 200,000 of those folks have died since vaccines have been available almost to everyone in this country, and every one of those deaths is unnecessary," he said. "So even though the news is great for this antiviral agent, really the message that people need to receive is 'get vaccinated.' No one needs to die from this virus."
    These are numbers that are traceable, not yours without a prove-able factual basis.

  9. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Crtcl Rice Theory in Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower   
    Still scratching my head why VisaJourney isn’t monitored for misinformation 
  10. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from iy2020 in Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower   
    Still scratching my head why VisaJourney isn’t monitored for misinformation 
  11. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Lemonslice in COVID Vaccine Proponents Need to Remember the Thalidomide Tragedy   
    To all that share the above poster’s sentiments:

    I’m grateful your views were not in vogue when the government implemented speed limits, a legal drinking age and limit, seatbelt laws and No Smoking in public all in the guise of loving power. 
  12. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Lemonslice in COVID Vaccine Proponents Need to Remember the Thalidomide Tragedy   
    I guess natural immunity failed these folks!
    Coronavirus Death Toll
    4,652,269 deaths 4,652,269 people have died so far from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of September 14, 2021, 02:57 GMT.

    Let me get John Hopkins counter :
    Or are there counters also not significant to you?
    Or should we shrug and say: Oh well, that’s life? These humans just did not have that good old natural immunity. 
  13. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Lemonslice in COVID Vaccine Proponents Need to Remember the Thalidomide Tragedy   
    Let’s not ignore his misinformation:
    “Keep in mind that there are now countless millions of individuals who have contracted COVID-19 and survived. Those individuals will now have a natural immunity that does not require vaccination and appears to be superior to it. “
    The above opinion is not backed by any study and completely contradicted by Israel real population examples.
    “Have the vaccines shown efficacy in stopping COVID-19?
    Stopping, no. Diminishing symptoms and hospitalizations, yes. As someone who is actively treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients, I cannot deny that a majority of those currently admitted are unvaccinated. This is a fact.”
    I kind of liked that part, he mixes fact with more fiction…
    I don’t recall anyone PROMISING the vaccine would eradicate COVID- I - recall that the push was to lessen hospitalization. 
  14. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in COVID Vaccine Proponents Need to Remember the Thalidomide Tragedy   
    To all that share the above poster’s sentiments:

    I’m grateful your views were not in vogue when the government implemented speed limits, a legal drinking age and limit, seatbelt laws and No Smoking in public all in the guise of loving power. 
  15. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Ksenia_O in COVID Vaccine Proponents Need to Remember the Thalidomide Tragedy   
    Here’s another one to add:
    More kids were shot in Chicago than have died from COVID-19 nationwide
    According to the American Medical Association 
    “With approximately 40,000 Americans dying from firearm-related injuries each year in the United States, we need bold action to confront this public health crisis. Most of these deaths are preventable, and now is the time for lawmakers, policy leaders and advocates on all sides to seek common ground and save lives.”
  16. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in COVID Vaccine Proponents Need to Remember the Thalidomide Tragedy   
    Let’s not ignore his misinformation:
    “Keep in mind that there are now countless millions of individuals who have contracted COVID-19 and survived. Those individuals will now have a natural immunity that does not require vaccination and appears to be superior to it. “
    The above opinion is not backed by any study and completely contradicted by Israel real population examples.
    “Have the vaccines shown efficacy in stopping COVID-19?
    Stopping, no. Diminishing symptoms and hospitalizations, yes. As someone who is actively treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients, I cannot deny that a majority of those currently admitted are unvaccinated. This is a fact.”
    I kind of liked that part, he mixes fact with more fiction…
    I don’t recall anyone PROMISING the vaccine would eradicate COVID- I - recall that the push was to lessen hospitalization. 
  17. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    #1. I didn’t author that statement. It’s a quote from a preprint, and it’s based on Israel’s study of Covid neutralizing antibodies. I’m also not trying to predict what will happen to everyone. I’m trying to keep myself safe and to enjoy my senior years. That requires the pandemic to end.
    #2.Actually scientists are trying to figure out some of the answers to your questions, especially why Covid is so much more mild for children as compared to other respiratory  illnesses, possibly related to having fewer ACE2 receptors in their smaller noses and also possibly their immune systems don’t mount the same cytokine response as adults.
    Again I wish you health during this pandemic.

  18. Thanks
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    Not sure what bonafides you have to label Israel’s studies ’supposition’. I’m genuinely interested in hearing the research you’ve done that refutes their methodology, but until you supply facts
    (like show me that that people are dying from the jab), 
    and not opinions which are like …), you can be certain your opinions will convince me of nothing.
    I’m an information junkie, a data analyst and IT professional who evaluates test results every day of my professional life. Someone telling me their code works is not the arbiter of whether it gets to production. Proving the code works through test cases, gets the application installed.  And then we monitor, to see what real life situations failed our testing. 
    I follow the same methodology in regards to my health. Studies matter, and Israel has openly shared their data as they get it. They are still gathering the facts and new information is available daily. I’m flexible to be able to adjust as it becomes available. 
    And on that 98% that have survived Covid, it seems awfully cavalier to discard the magnitude of the number that actually didn’t.

    I wish you and your loved ones health during  these trying times. For me, I’m grateful to everyone who was brave enough to participate in these clinical trials so that those of us that believe in the science and the data have a vaccine to take.
  19. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    We have been discussing public health and let’s be honest, how some facts get politicized by people with an agenda. I’ve been very clear about my agenda -  I am a supporter of public health backed by science and data, and for my personal consumption, the facts support masks properly worn and for the majority of people to get vaccinated. 
    In regards to myocarditis, the potential that a child could unfortunately encounter that adverse reaction is definitely a topic a parent should be aware of and discuss with a pediatrician, as they make a decision, rather than 2 people sharing partial information on a social media site. 
    We will all wait for the FDA/CDC to gather the facts/testing before authorizing the vaccine for younger than 12. 
    On a totally different topic, let me share with you that I have an entry on the VAERS database. My mother was administered the Tdap vaccine in 2014, as a frail 86-year-old woman, by a gerontologist meeting her for the first time.  That vaccine had not been tested in the senior population (tho with the Covid vaccine trials some elderly were included). My mother experienced a great deal of nausea and stomach pain so she didn’t take her blood pressure medication (which shot up to an unsafe level), then she was aggressively treated in the emergency room of our local hospital, fell  into a coma, intubated and subsequently died. The CDC still recommends that vaccine for the elderly population. The vaccine did not ‘cause’ my mother’s death - I blame the physician for not knowing his patient and not being aware of potential adverse reactions and not informing my very bright mother so she could participate in the decision.
    So that’s my story. I’m still a proponent of vaccination with reliable information. 
  20. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    Once again, the use of ‘benign’ in this instance is taken from medical experts. In these cases it is BECAUSE  the myocarditis resolves within a week of treatment (mainly medication and rest).
    Here’s the medical language PERTAINING to the vaccine:
    Patients have typically had symptoms of chest pain, and were subsequently found to have elevated levels of troponin, abnormal electrocardiograms, and cardiac MRI patterns consistent with myocarditis. Thankfully, feared serious complications of myocarditis such as circulatory failure or dangerous arrhythmias appear to be exceptionally uncommon.
    Sharing MORE FACTS from your Wikipedia reference:
    Note: All this preceded COVID/vaccines:
    Myocarditis is most often due to a viral infection.
    In 2013, about 1.5 million cases of acute myocarditis occurred.[6] While people of all ages are affected, the young are most often affected.[7] It is slightly more common in males than females.[1] Most cases are mild.[2] In 2015 cardiomyopathy, including myocarditis, resulted in 354,000 deaths up from 294,000 in 1990.[8][5] The initial descriptions of the condition are from the mid-1800s.
  21. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    1. My father died of Covid, it hit him early and within 4 days he was gone.
    2. I am a proponent of staying informed as science gathers more data on how we can best live with this disease. Today’s headline:
    For those who have put off getting vaccinated because they’ve already been infected with the coronavirus, a growing body of evidence suggests vaccination plus natural immunity leads to particularly robust protection, including against variants of the virus.
    3. Remember the math teacher said, please show your work? Please share your extrapolation equation that somehow the entire population (of American male teenagers?) resulted in 350,000 impacted by myocarditis, to support your ‘statement’. (Full disclosure: I am a seeker of substantiated data. I am a data analyst by trade.)
  22. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    your article says 9% of 9,240 adverse reactions were related to myocarditis (rounding up that’s 832 people)  please share your source showing 350,000. 

    Most cases of myocarditis occur after the second shot, most cases are labeled ‘benign’, and they are investigating whether 1 shot is sufficient for that age group. And most importantly, they are letting science and statistics drive the recommendation, not fear and disinformation.
    I’m a firm believer in public health. If people actually consulted their Dr’s about getting the vaccine, we’d probably be having a different conversation. 
  23. Thanks
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    1. Hmm…not counted? Those are the ones being counted with ‘natural immunity’. They get Covid again, too, I know a few people in that statistic and for one South African, the second time was way scarier than the first, and yes he is vaccinated to prevent a third time. The people that I know who’ve gotten Covid after vaccination have primarily suffered a mild response not requiring hospitalization.
    C’mon, what’s your source of that misinformation? When people give incorrect information as facts instead of obvious falsehoods, is there a moderator on this site? I rarely comment on any social media, but here, when fake opinions can be deadly, I must. Israel was able to show a significant decline in their Covid cases and to also reduce hospitalization.  That’s what’s documented in the preprint, and we’re just waiting for the data to be fully published in a peer reviewed journal (I read somewhere it will be JAMA)
    On this we agree. But for now, the numbers show, effective preventive public health measures include masks and vaccines and those that ridicule, condemn or deny that are not only harming themselves but the rest of us. 
  24. Like
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: 'I Don't Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That'   
    I recommend that you inform yourself before making an assumption of what i shared so I will take the time that you didn’t take by sharing facts:
    In academic publishing, a preprint is a version of a scholarly or scientific paper that precedes formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly or scientific journal. The preprint may be available, often as a non-typeset version available free, before or after a paper is published in a journal.
    When you question the science of vaccines you are asking to go back in time. Is that what you’re proposing?
  25. Thanks
    SLV123 got a reaction from laylalex in COVID Vaccine Proponents Need to Remember the Thalidomide Tragedy   
    Let’s not ignore his misinformation:
    “Keep in mind that there are now countless millions of individuals who have contracted COVID-19 and survived. Those individuals will now have a natural immunity that does not require vaccination and appears to be superior to it. “
    The above opinion is not backed by any study and completely contradicted by Israel real population examples.
    “Have the vaccines shown efficacy in stopping COVID-19?
    Stopping, no. Diminishing symptoms and hospitalizations, yes. As someone who is actively treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients, I cannot deny that a majority of those currently admitted are unvaccinated. This is a fact.”
    I kind of liked that part, he mixes fact with more fiction…
    I don’t recall anyone PROMISING the vaccine would eradicate COVID- I - recall that the push was to lessen hospitalization. 
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