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Posts posted by AERNESTOC

  1. 12 minutes ago, L and E said:

    everyone goes through AP (administrative processing) depending on the case it can last up to a year... but it sounds like your case is simple and approved with no questions to explore further.. I'd agree with Mara, give it a week. Do you have flight insurance or anything that would allow you to reschedule just in case? for your own peace of mind.. But really my *guess* is you will be ok... congratulations! 

    Insurance? What's that???


    I kid. But no, I intentionally did it without. Not super concerned cause the cost of insurance is just under the cost of the penalty i pay for having to change a flight (paid tickets for airline X with airline X credit card, insurance built in). It's really a matter of just "enough already." If you're reading this you understand the feeling.


    Process for us started in October of last year under an a 5-7 month (6 average) turnaround expectation. Nine months later until the date today and we're just so eager. Finally able to set a wedding date, etc, y'all know the feelings. 


    🤞 Everything will play out right🙏

  2. 1 hour ago, Roel said:

    Big mistake to buy a ticket without visa in hand. 


    If they told her up to 2 weeks then hope it will be there on time. 


    What if her case will go to AP? It can be weeks or months before she gets her visa. That's the worst case scenario but it's possible. 

    What is AP? She's already been approved by the Consulate. What more processing can be done?


    Our case is particularly in our favor all throughout:

    -I, the sponsor am a discharged Veteran with honors.

    -Financially make well above the required minimum to support my spouse.

    -We have a child together, Citizen since birth, that lives Stateside with me for the past three years. 

    -We visit Colombia every two months to be with her.


    So yeah, there was never a doubt my case would be denied or delayed, just had tu shuffle through the system like everyone else, and under the current administration. 


    But what, praytell is AP?

  3. So as my fiance was in the interview I got excited and bought her ticket to US. She got approved by the consulate today and I bought her ticket for the 16th. The embassy told her it could take up to two weeks. Anyone have any experience in how long it might take for her to receive her actual Visa in Bogota? She opted for the Visa to be delivered directly to a DHL pick up location, does not go through the embassy.

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