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Posts posted by deepfineleg

  1. employer conducted background check isn't used for immigration.


    if it is the case of person with same name and birth date, then your spouse should be able to continue with the job. if the employer is no letting them work then there is something to investigate....there may be some background story to that charge and validity to it.

  2. On 5/21/2018 at 2:41 PM, nightingalejules said:

    There are just a few options of what might happen - no matter what happens, you have no control over your cut finger, so you might as well just prepare for the interview and hope for the best.

    1. They might not take your fingerprints at all
    2. They might take at least one fingerprint to confirm your identity at the interview but since they're just confirming they might take another finger.
    3. They need your full fingerprints (or at least the one that's cut) and they'll have to reschedule the interview to after your finger heals. *I know this one is a worst case scenario, but as I say, you have no control over it, so it's not worth fretting about.

    Good luck at your interview - I hope all goes well! (And sorry about your finger!)

    This post is misleading and will scare you.


    Fingerprints are taken during the bio-metrics appointment, not at the interview.

  3. On 5/1/2018 at 1:37 PM, KimberlyNMustpha said:

    I apologize for not knowing how to attach the conversation I am replying to.


    • I am 52, my husband is 47.......not a big difference in our ages.
    • I have all the paperwork from the interview.  I have disclosed everything I have read and explained to me by the lawyer, there is nothing to hide, my husband is the type of guy that drives 59 in a 60mph zone because he is afraid of getting into trouble.  
    • There was obviously communication breakdown before and after an interpreter was assigned to him
    • I agree on enforcing immigration laws.  I am thankful that we have them and am not playing a victim to what has happened to my husband (then fiancé) but I do believe that we have CBP Officers that fly by the seat of their pants and make decisions based on the current flavor of the day.


    I came here not to argue or defend my case.  It is what it is and I have accepted that.  I came to this forum to introduce myself and in support of how people manage their waiting time.  Every one of the cases I have read are unique in and of itself and nothing seems to be normal, just a guideline to help.  Perhaps I am using the wrong lingo.....this is new to me.  On July 12, 2017 I was contacted by CBP and told that my husband would not be entering the USA Today.   When I was faxed over the paperwork and had the several consults with the lawyer before choosing one, I was told he was banned for 5 years.  Might sound suspicious to you, but I can only go off of the paperwork/interview/ and stamp in his passport.    If there is something more to it, I am not aware of it and it was not documented int he interview.


    I am just trying to survive the waiting game.


    I sent you a message. Please check your inbox here. 

  4. If the divorce paper is drawn up, how is marriage not legal? And, how is it the case that nothing was officially ever done?


    Didn't the couple take each other as husband and wife? I'm not sure how it works in Mosque - father giving daughter to future husband in contract? There should be contract and hence the divorce paperwork.


    What if they had children? Would they have been out of wedlock because they didn't file taxes.


    I think, the major issue is that OP or their friend, did not register marriage. Experts can further opine on why such Mosques exist and how it is not criminal to not report the marriage to obtain a license.

  5. 9 hours ago, maverickmc said:

    Hi- I have questions about what happens after our I- 130 petition is approved, and feel free to direct me elsewhere if this is explained somewhere on this website. I am hoping we will be approved within the next 2 months, then 1. When can my husband work legally in the US ?

    2. When can he get health insurance?   3. When would we be able to have his mother come visit us and her new grandson- we don't think she will be able to get a tourist visa now ( from Peru) since she would be visiting her son who is not legally documented yet

    thank you!! 


    Mother can visit on tourist visa. She has to establish ties to her home country. It is a often a multiple entry visa and one can stay up to six months. Though actual stay can be limited based on the POE stamping.


    "not legally documented" = Undocumented. The person cannot stay here and adjust. Unless, it is DACA, the legal position is currently under debate.


    Leave the country and file appropriate papers. May incur ban.



  6. 1 hour ago, WeGuyGal said:

    Not everyone has an affinity for alcohol or said entertainment.

    Couple of your posts on another thread come close to trolling; pakistan vs india is it? 

    OK. If you don't have affinity then you don't. This is a free democratic country unlike others!

  7. 17 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    I would imagine that 95% plus VJ members have gone that route.

    How many of them are divorced and/or separated looking to adjust and return? It would be interesting to run some statistics. If you have statistics or know a place where USCIS or any legitimate place to find, please provide.

  8. 14 hours ago, CEE53147 said:

    Where are the moderators on this thread?  Suggesting marriage for a green card ...  stop this fraaud


    It is certainly one of the legal option. If you look at majority of the topics on this platform are related to fiance and marriage visas.


    I'm not aware of your immigration journey. Mine was through education and work visas. That doesn't mean that I consider marriage visas to get greencard a fraud.

  9. Impossible for your trade to find a work visa. Maybe try going to school to get education in business, finance and/or technology. Some of the areas easy to market your resume.


    Otherwise, you may find USC chick as your quick ticket to residency in America. And, more than 50% marriages don't last. Interesting that marriage based visa are still legal. Go figure!

  10. I suggest, you find a shelter or safe place. Potentially, contact police again for restraining order. Please seek necessary medical help and eventually legal help to divorce. I think, immigration should not be your concern. I suggest focus on your safety and detaching from the man who caused turmoil in your life. 


    As you noted, you are 50-years old; it is probably suitable that you return to your country and in favorable environment. Further, details about how you were in US initially are unclear.

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