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Posts posted by michellemilitza

  1. Hello everyone I sent my I-129F to the Texas Service Center last week, and as I was looking through the forums I found out that it will be forwarded to California. My question is, since the fees change after the 31st, and since it will probably be a good 2-3 weeks before I receieve my first NOA1, will I still be charged the old fees for the rest of the process? I've read numerous messages but haven't wuite found the answer because my petition is the "lucky" few that has to be forwarded to another Center to begin the process. Alsoe I sent a money order instead of a check is there a way to "track" when they cash it? I appreciate the help you guys and Good luck to everyone!


    As long as its postmarked before the 30th, you will be charged the old fees.

    Depends on who provided the money order. You will have to ask them.

    Thanks a lot, I guess that eases my mind a little, and I found out that my file will be forwarded to Vermont....does anyone have any input on how this Center is?

  2. Hello everyone I sent my I-129F to the Texas Service Center last week, and as I was looking through the forums I found out that it will be forwarded to California. My question is, since the fees change after the 31st, and since it will probably be a good 2-3 weeks before I receieve my first NOA1, will I still be charged the old fees for the rest of the process? I've read numerous messages but haven't wuite found the answer because my petition is the "lucky" few that has to be forwarded to another Center to begin the process. Alsoe I sent a money order instead of a check is there a way to "track" when they cash it? I appreciate the help you guys and Good luck to everyone!


  3. I sent my I-129F packet on Friday July 20 to the Texas service Center, and USPS confirmed that they got it on Monday July 23 and It even stated the name of the person who signed for it, so I guess I'm "patiently" waiting for the NOA, my package was pretty thick, it was har to fit 7 years of being together in just a few pics and keepsakes, but I know that it's more than enough. I prayed before sending that package so I know that it's in God's hands now. But you know what after sending the packet I thought "wow, I can truly say that in a matter of months we can truly be together!" I'm talking too much..........I hope everything goes well with all of your applications as well ;)


  4. hello all, I have a quick question, My forgein fiance and I are getting the papers together to send the first packet, but he has a child with another woman whom he never had a relationship with (just a fling, never married, never anything). This all happened prior to our relationship. Anyways he says that he will not be bringing over the child and that she will stay with the mother in Panama. They've already discussed the issue and that's how everything will be. Now my question is, Since he has NO intention of bringing the child over, do i still have to include that info on the I-129F form? Also on the affadavit I-134 affadavit (the one where you have to prove your income) i don't have to mention the child either correct? Hoping to hear from you guys soon. Thanks!


  5. Yeah I've read those, but the reason why I'm asking is that I have know people who are here as a tourist or a student, or even illegal aliens and they get married to a US citizen, and they've never had to leave the US. But could it be because they had lawyers? so my question now is: I having a lawyer make all the difference?

    Where is your boyfriend? Is he here as a tourist or a student?

    If not, then you can't compare your situation to those people.

    Having a lawyer is not what makes the difference.

    He is in panama right now, and when he visits me it will be on a tourist visa, as a matter of fact my roomate/landlady she got married like that, she came as a student met her husband in the states, but by the time they decided to get married her visa expired so technically she was illegal when they put the papers thru. But, now she's a US citizen, with her house and a good job, so i was wondering if having a lawyer makes a difference or not.

  6. Actually I haven't started the process yet. We're just tired of being apart and we're looking for the best thing to do to make things quicker and easier. Also I wanted to know some "real" info about all the immagration stuff because to tell you the truth what I see on the immigration website is no good, they make it seem complicated on purpose you know what I mean? So, should we just get married without doing the process? By the way thanks for the info.......I did not know this, you were a great help ;)

    It's illegal to enter on a tourist visa with the intent to marry and stay and adjust status. If it was that easy and legal to do that, we'd all have done it instead of going through all of this. :)

    I know you're tired of being apart, we all are! :P The fastest legal option would be to file for a K1.

    Have you read the Guides in the tab at the top?

    Yeah I've read those, but the reason why I'm asking is that I have know people who are here as a tourist or a student, or even illegal aliens and they get married to a US citizen, and they've never had to leave the US. But could it be because they had lawyers? so my question now is: I having a lawyer make all the difference?

  7. Actually I haven't started the process yet. We're just tired of being apart and we're looking for the best thing to do to make things quicker and easier. Also I wanted to know some "real" info about all the immagration stuff because to tell you the truth what I see on the immigration website is no good, they make it seem complicated on purpose you know what I mean? So, should we just get married without doing the process? By the way thanks for the info.......I did not know this, you were a great help ;)

    Technically what you would be trying to do is not 'kosher' . If he was here on a tourist visa and you met by chance and decided to get marry then adjust status that would be okay. But you're in the process of a K-1 so you have intent to marry. If he comes here as your fiancee on a tourist visa and you marry and try to adjust status you may run into problems. I think it would be viewed as trying to get around the immigration process. However, I base that only on what I've read here so hopefully others can offer more insight.
  8. Hello all, I have a question for all who wish to see this post....

    What if my fiance comes in as a tourist and we get married over here, and we file for a change in visa status? I've read on the Immigration Website that in order for me to get married or for my finace to go into the states as my fiance he has to leave the country first. As you can see I am very confused and don't know what exactly I have to do. I mean we've been apart long enough, wouldn't it be easier to get married and file for a change in his status? Thanks for your help everyone


    Michelle B. :help:

  9. well then I don't know, becuase from what she has told me this process was way easier back then, less paperwork, less time, etc.


    Make up your mind - never or not recently. The question is not restricted to recently.


    No she has never done this, but my dad was an immigrant and he got his green card because he married her the US citizen, but this happened in the early 70's.......but recently she has never filled out anything like this before

  10. No she has never done this, but my dad was an immigrant and he got his green card because he married her the US citizen, but this happened in the early 70's.......but recently she has never filled out anything like this before


    Your mother should answer the questions according to her circumstances (not according to the circumstances of some unknown example person, which might be different).

    Has she previously submitted affidavits of support or visa petitions? You don't say.


    ok guys so I finally figured out how my co sponor can fill out this form, now I have specific questions (you can tell I'm a pharmacy student...always asking questions LoL)......... the co-sponsor will most probably be my mother, looking at the form on questions

    9:That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following persons

    10:That I have submitted visa petitions to the CIS on behalf of the following persons

    What would the co-sponser answer there? I'm looking at the example forms and I can see how to fill out the form it's just those two questions. Also when putting: "relationship to sponsor" in question 3, it would be: daughter's fiancee or son-in-law?

    You guys are the best, I'm sorry about the questions but I want to get everything the first time around

  11. ok guys so I finally figured out how my co sponor can fill out this form, now I have specific questions (you can tell I'm a pharmacy student...always asking questions LoL)......... the co-sponsor will most probably be my mother, looking at the form on questions

    9:That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following persons

    10:That I have submitted visa petitions to the CIS on behalf of the following persons

    What would the co-sponser answer there? I'm looking at the example forms and I can see how to fill out the form it's just those two questions. Also when putting: "relationship to sponsor" in question 3, it would be: daughter's fiancee or son-in-law?

    You guys are the best, I'm sorry about the questions but I want to get everything the first time around :luv:

  12. One last question: what's the form that the co-sponser (my mother) has to fill out? Sorry about asking so many questions it's just that I want to make sure I understand everything and do everything right the first time..........But thanks so much again :dance:

    Here you go:


    Hey guys I just saw the 125% poverty lines , and let me tell you I get more than that from financial Aid, and If I were to put my mother as a sponsor even better, and it's a good thing that my future fiancee get's a long with my mom (she considers him as a son) LoL.....I feel a little better now, I have a little more piece of mind.......the only thing is making sure I fill out the form the form correctly, does this site have an example form I can go by to make sure everything is correct? Thanks again to all of you!!!


  13. Hey guys I just saw the 125% poverty lines , and let me tell you I get more than that from financial Aid, and If I were to put my mother as a sponsor even better, and it's a good thing that my future fiancee get's a long with my mom (she considers him as a son) LoL.....I feel a little better now, I have a little more piece of mind.......the only thing is making sure I fill out the form the form correctly, does this site have an example form I can go by to make sure everything is correct? Thanks again to all of you!!!



    Are you comfortable that you are getting enough money, from whatever sources, to be sure that you can feed, clothe, and house your fiance for a period of time until he can obtain employment? Figure on at least 4-6 months.

    If so, document those sources well. Document the amount and document that it is ongoing (not scheduled to end on some specified date or with some specified event that will occur in the near future). Document assets that you may have that can be turned into cash should the need arise, and have your fiance document his assets that he can cash-in and bring the money with him to the USA.

    Meeting the public charge provisions of the law to qualify for a K visa is rather subjective. Use that subjectivity to your advantage by painting the best possible picture of your financial situation, putting forward what you've got and not being overly concerned about what others show that you do not have to show.


    hey guys I'm new on this website and I'm glad I found it. To make a very long story very short my boyfriend (Panama) and I want to get married, we've been together for 6 (almost 7 ) years now.........we met in high school so this is definetly the real thing he's 22 I'm 23.....

    We have everything except what the I-134 (financial info) requests..........I'm currently a student at the college of Pharmacy @ UF (Go gators!) and I'm basically living off of financial aid and the help of my mom, they give me at least 24,000/yr to cover everything: food, housing, expenses, gas etc. I was working but because of school I had to stop. So what do I do to show that even though I'm not working my boyfriend/fiancee will not be a burden to society? I have never had welfare and niether has my mom, and I know that my mom will gladly put her info that she supports me, but beginning 2007 I will be considered an independent student b/c I'll be turning 24, therefore she can't claim me as a dependendent on her tax return........HELP! we want to be together but this is the only obstacle that I've found.......

    Hoping to hear from you guys soon...

    -Michelle :blush:

  14. I mean I get money, it's just not from working it's by financial aid, and I'm not considered to be "in poverty" (or at least I hope not)........ so let's say that my mom is a sponsor, I read somewhere that they have to fill out another form........or is it the same? because I saw the form and it referrs directly to the fiance.... before I actually start the application process I want to be clear on everything..........by the way thank you sooo much for responding I love how we all can sympathize with each other about our long distance relationships :P

    You need a "sponsor" since you are not working.

    Perhaps your mother, for example, would be willing to fill out an I-134 on your Fiance's behalf?

    For the record, you as the petitioner, must meet the poverty guidelines of income. If not, you need a "co-sponsor". Or more appropriately in your case, a sponsor.

    Good Luck!

    hey guys I'm new on this website and I'm glad I found it. To make a very long story very short my boyfriend (Panama) and I want to get married, we've been together for 6 (almost 7 ) years now.........we met in high school so this is definetly the real thing he's 22 I'm 23.....

    We have everything except what the I-134 (financial info) requests..........I'm currently a student at the college of Pharmacy @ UF (Go gators!) and I'm basically living off of financial aid and the help of my mom, they give me at least 24,000/yr to cover everything: food, housing, expenses, gas etc. I was working but because of school I had to stop. So what do I do to show that even though I'm not working my boyfriend/fiancee will not be a burden to society? I have never had welfare and niether has my mom, and I know that my mom will gladly put her info that she supports me, but beginning 2007 I will be considered an independent student b/c I'll be turning 24, therefore she can't claim me as a dependendent on her tax return........HELP! we want to be together but this is the only obstacle that I've found.......

    Hoping to hear from you guys soon...

    -Michelle :blush:

  15. hey guys I'm new on this website and I'm glad I found it. To make a very long story very short my boyfriend (Panama) and I want to get married, we've been together for 6 (almost 7 ) years now.........we met in high school so this is definetly the real thing he's 22 I'm 23.....

    We have everything except what the I-134 (financial info) requests..........I'm currently a student at the college of Pharmacy @ UF (Go gators!) and I'm basically living off of financial aid and the help of my mom, they give me at least 24,000/yr to cover everything: food, housing, expenses, gas etc. I was working but because of school I had to stop. So what do I do to show that even though I'm not working my boyfriend/fiancee will not be a burden to society? I have never had welfare and niether has my mom, and I know that my mom will gladly put her info that she supports me, but beginning 2007 I will be considered an independent student b/c I'll be turning 24, therefore she can't claim me as a dependendent on her tax return........HELP! we want to be together but this is the only obstacle that I've found.......

    Hoping to hear from you guys soon...

    -Michelle :blush:

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