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Posts posted by michellemilitza

  1. Hello I'm in the same situation and everyone's tips are great but I have a question to add

    do we have to fill out part 4? this form is confusing because it says right after part three: If you are applying for an Advance Parole Document, skip to Part 7.

    but then it goes on asking you where you want this document to be sent....

    so back to the question: do we have to fill out part 4 giving an explaination of travel and where my husband wants to travel?

  2. Hello all, it's been a while since I've logged on.........since then My fiance came on his K-1 visa and now we are husband and wife :D and now comes the "good part" filling out the AOS and all those other documents that go with it and now I'm stumped on the I-131...

    I'm getting confused on how to fill out parts 4-7 on this form. I checked the example forms on the site and these were left blank...

    Part 4 is asking me to put the purpose of travel.....my husband want to visit his family for the Holidays....should I put that or should I put something that sounds more "important" We just put "

    Part 5: Complete only if Aplying for reentry permit..........I have no idea which box to check here

    Part 6: doesn't apply to us, my husband is not a refugee

    Part 7: Complete only if applying for Advanced Parole.....still no idea...

    Any example forms, feedback or help is greatly appreciated!!! :help:

    Example forms are here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...p;page=examples

    4. We put "in case of family emergency"...we were approved for AP.

    5. Re-entry applies only if you are out of the States for more than a year AFTER you have your green card in hand.

    6. If it doesn't apply, put N/A.

    7. Complete only if applying for Advanced Parole means just that...you ARE applying for AP.

    Thanks you pretty much cleared this up for us! :thumbs:

  3. Hello all, it's been a while since I've logged on.........since then My fiance came on his K-1 visa and now we are husband and wife :D and now comes the "good part" filling out the AOS and all those other documents that go with it and now I'm stumped on the I-131...

    I'm getting confused on how to fill out parts 4-7 on this form. I checked the example forms on the site and these were left blank...

    Part 4 is asking me to put the purpose of travel.....my husband want to visit his family for the Holidays....should I put that or should I put something that sounds more "important"

    Part 5: Complete only if Aplying for reentry permit..........I have no idea which box to check here

    Part 6: doesn't apply to us, my husband is not a refugee

    Part 7: Complete only if applying for Advanced Parole.....still no idea...

    Any example forms, feedback or help is greatly appreciated!!! :help:

  4. Hello everyone!

    I love this website, maybe someone can relate....here is a story...happened a few weeks ago

    A very good friend of mine (Brazilian citizen) recently had an interview in a US Embassy in Brazil for a B-2 Tourist visa to visit the USA, she is a curently employed in her city and does volunteer and paid work for a christian church and very terminally ill children, basically she is an angel, I think so!... :)

    Anyway, she was "declined" the visa...

    She is the following: is 30 yrs old,is engaged to be married to a wonderful christian man from Brazil..

    a good job full time,makes above average pay in Brazil, a middle class citizen-good bank accounts/savings account-owns her own home-cares for her sick father-attends a university-

    she brought all her documents to interview.....medical exams,title deed for home/property ownership,police report,background,the above mentioned documents....etc,etc,etc

    She waited 3 months for interview,she paid for plane ticket to embassy, 400 miles,hotel stay, medical exams,police background,Citi bank deposit to Embassy for interview,various documents from her lawyer, spent about $1200 US total...

    she shows up at 9am for 10am interview, did not get called until 12 o'clock, sat with about 150 other people in waiting area....interview officer was behind a glass barrier when her name was called..all for a 90 second interview that went like this..

    ..."what is your name" "how many times to USA" "you have relatives in US?" "who are you going to visit in US?"

    answers ...she stated her full name-said,never been to US-said,no relatives in US- just friends/collegues in church, said,wants to see the country for vacation in US- all short,basic answers

    embassy officers response after about 20 seconds, hesitates,---

    "ok, here is a paper for you to read, your visa is declined"

    my friends response to embassy officer was---

    "sir, would you like to see my documents I have brought for interview?"

    officer response--- "no, take this paper and go sit in your seat"

    friends final response---- "may I ask why my visa was declined"

    officer ---"no, please take this paper and go"

    document from officer basically said---

    "you may re-apply for tourist visa in 90 days" thank you .....

    DOES ANYONE HAVE A CLUE AS TO WHY THIS HAPPENS? I have heard some similar stories.....this sounds awfully corrupt to me!!!!.is this a scam??? money maker????....ANY HELP/INPUT would be muito appreciated....

    ....thanks Polski...

    I hate to say this, but when it comes to visas, especially tourist visas, fate lies in the hands of the consulate officer giving the interview. I applaud your friend for being so prepared but from what I saw in your post the officer at the embassy thought she really didn't have a "good reason" to visit the US. Granted she has a lot of obligations tied to Brasil, (ie: her job, father, fiance etc) but in the end it's up to the officer to decide. I think she can file for an appeal, but since it's a B2 visa, I'm not sure. Does she have a "better" reason to visit the US? for example: go to a wedding, or visit a family or friend who is ill? I wish her the best......... some would say it's corruption, other would say it's just luck who interviews you, but tell your friend to try again in 90 days....

    I wish you the best

    -Mich ;)

  5. My fiance and I filed for the K-1 visa in july of last year, and that was when the surge of applications was happening at all of the centers so our process took about 8 months from start to finish so we were apart for a pretty long time. Anyways, if you file for the K-1 visa, it's ok for her to visit you, my fiance visited me while we were in the middle of the process (before we got our NOA-2) and they gave him no problems at customs, since he had a valid passport and visitor's visa. With the K-3/or the other visa's I don't know. You can still technically do the church wedding, you just can't get married legally.The embassy looks at is the "legal" part,and if you decide to do a church wedding just tell your fiance not to mention any of that at the interview, nor show those pictures.......but to be on the safe side save any type of ceremony for after she gets her visa......hope this helps...

    Hi Michelle! Thanks for your post!

    I think you may have misunderstood my situation a little bit... But you still answered my question ;)

    The Legal wedding is old news and we did that a long time ago. So 'Legally' speaking, we're man and wife here there and everywhere :) The ceremonial 'Church' wedding we haven't done, which of course is all that's important to the bride!

    That makes our case kind of special and unique because I filed for a K1 for her before our 'legal' marriage and before anything else and she was interviewed and approved and the whole bit. But things got a little weird and we didn't use it and it expired. I pleaded with Juarez to give us another shot and they sent us a new interview notice for her, but we had already legally married by that time and so I just figured the K1 wasn't any good anymore and we wern't ready for her to immigrate anyway.

    So last summer I wanted to bring her up for a visit and she applied for her tourist visa (she had already been denied the B1 twice before meeting me). Of course they denied her that time too because we were married and had an open K1 case. However, I raised hell at the senate level and with my congressman and by the grace of God the called her two days following the denied B1 and told her to come to the consulate immediately to pick up her visa.

    Anyhow, after all that ####### just to get that B1 I just don't want to 'loose' it so to speak. It is sounding more and more to me like we will be ok if I file for the IR-1 and then a couple months into the process she comes up on the B1. I imagine that if I file soon by the time she is ready to come up (August) there won't be too much longer to go, meaning she could just come up and ride it out here while not overstaying an I-94 (typically good for 180 days) but I'm a wishful thinker.

    wow i had to read your post a few times because it does sound a little confusing, but I get i now ;)

    Good luck with everything and I hope it works out :thumbs:

  6. My fiance and I filed for the K-1 visa in july of last year, and that was when the surge of applications was happening at all of the centers so our process took about 8 months from start to finish so we were apart for a pretty long time. Anyways, if you file for the K-1 visa, it's ok for her to visit you, my fiance visited me while we were in the middle of the process (before we got our NOA-2) and they gave him no problems at customs, since he had a valid passport and visitor's visa. With the K-3/or the other visa's I don't know. You can still technically do the church wedding, you just can't get married legally.The embassy looks at is the "legal" part,and if you decide to do a church wedding just tell your fiance not to mention any of that at the interview, nor show those pictures.......but to be on the safe side save any type of ceremony for after she gets her visa......hope this helps...

  7. ......just thought of another question: where do I send my AOS packet?? I've read about a lockbox, then I heard to send it to where my I-129F was processes which was CSC, I'm kinda confused about that, If anyone can shed a light on that I would greatly appreciate it. I live in FL just in case anyone asks ;)

    you send it to chicago it ssays so on the 485 aos papers you vcan send everything together. dont send it to the csc it would take longer or they might send it back to you.

    Hello everyone I just have a few quick questions about the AOS process:

    1. I used a joint sponsor for the I-134 is it ok to use the same sponsor?

    2. For the interview, will the sponsor and/or joint sponsor have to go? or will it be like the K-1 interview where only my husband (then fiance) had to go?

    3. If you guys have any words of wisdom I wil greatly appreciate it!

    Thank you all for your help, this website is a lifesaver :)



    3.just relax everything will be great. if you know each other well then everything will go perfectly.

    Thank you soo much for responding to my question, yo've cleared things up a lot ;)

    BTW happy anniversary (even though it's 3 months early LoL!)

  8. Hello everyone I just have a few quick questions about the AOS process:

    1. I used a joint sponsor for the I-134 is it ok to use the same sponsor?

    2. For the interview, will the sponsor and/or joint sponsor have to go? or will it be like the K-1 interview where only my husband (then fiance) had to go?

    3. If you guys have any words of wisdom I wil greatly appreciate it!

    Thank you all for your help, this website is a lifesaver :)

  9. :wacko:

    ......So my fiance just got his visa, he'll be here on june 10th, and we're doing the legal wedding within his first week of getting here. I'm a K-1 veteran but an AOS rookie. I've looked at posts and the guides and I have an idea of what do to, but I also see that a lot of these posts are from last year. Anyone from the K-1 July filers here? I know it will be a while before we file for AOS, but I'm the type of person who likes to learn things the sooner the better LoL. Any input will be greatly appreciated, Thanks everyone!!

    -Mich ;)

  10. I want to thank everyone for your support and at the same time I want to congratulate everyone too! my process took 234 days... I don't know how we survived but we did it!

    Today I officially bought the ticket for my fiance's arrival, our lifelong journey begins on June 10. I know what some of you are asking, why is the arrival so far away? well simple: I'm still in school right now (3 more weeks to go yay!) and I had bought a ticket to visit him in May. Either way I needed a vacation so we decided that he would wait for me to visit first and then he would come to the states. I'm so excited! in about two months I'll be a married woman!! we're doing the legal stuff first and then later in the summer we're doing a simple yet elegant ceremony on the beach with a nice reception afterwrds....I am sooo excited. For next year he'll be living with me while I'm still in school but our living arrangements are already taken care of. Thank God that everything has just fallen into place. It's amazing how in the end everything is just turning out right and it's all because of my faith in Him.

    Jeraly I'm sooo happy that you are finally at the end of your journey, I've been rooting for you all along, I know you will do awesome at the interview!

    God Bless and i wish the best for everyone.

    -mich ;)

  11. I haven't heard any negative comments, but I know for a fact that My fiance has received several comments from his co-workers in Panama (specifically female ones) asking him "well what makes HER so special?" or "why are you guys apart if you're in a relationship" and the big one was "oh I know why you're marrying her, it's because you know she'll be making a lot of money in the US, so you're just going to live off of her money"

    LoL! everytime my fiance tells me this i just laugh, I don't care, let them die with envy, I'm with the love of my life so they can talk as much ####### as they want, that won't change anything :P

  12. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that My fiance has finally been approved! We just got confirmation from the embassy saying he has been approved, but that they will call him to pick up his VISA!! I'm so glad they said VISA because the torture is over!! According to my fiance the last step is him getting on the plane and getting over here, which makes me oh so very happy!! Thanks to everyone for their support through all of this....by the way where are the July filers headed to now? the "moving to America" forum?? now I can officially to the dance! :dance::dance::dance:


  13. Today is my Fiance's B-day and today I got an e-mail from the Panama embassy saying that his case was approved!!!

    His interview was March 10, and he had to go back to turn in some documents that were missing (because by March 10th they weren't ready) so he turned those in on March 19 to the embassy. It's been over a week and still nothing. I tried calling and nothing.........so I decided to write them an e-mail yesterday..........and today we got a response!!! They said he was approved but that they will call him to pick up his VISA, yes that's right they specifically said VISA!! I just love how they make you wait, but I don't care because we know we are approved!!! Gracias a Dios!!. I had to share this with everyone. So to those July filers who are still out there waiting there is still hope, and to those who are starting their journey, don't give up the best is yet to come! Now I'm doing the dance: :dance::dance::dance:


  14. Well you guys aren't the only ones with "bumps" in the process. Ricardo went to the interview in Panama on Monday, March 10, but since he was missing his Record Policivo and Certificado de Solteria (apparently in Panama that takes forever to get) they told him to come back to drop off his paperwork and his passport when everything was ready. He filed to get his Record policivo on Feb 28.......they gave it to him on March 18........anyways the thing is He got everything and dropped it off yesterday morning. they told him that the cosul has to have the last look and that they'll call him to tell him to pick up his passport. of course they didn't tell him if he was getting the Visa or not, but we are very positivie b/c Ricardo kicked butt on that interview, and we gave them so many pics and evidence it's ridiculous LoL. So I know what it's like guys, we're all in this together. This is a long weekend in Panama too and apparently the embassy down there also takes panamanian holidays in addition to the gringo holidays off. I'm just praying and I have a really good feeling about everything. we are officially done! nothing else to turn in! lol, God Bless ;)

    Yeah we kicked butt on the interview too, the Guy who interviewed us even said I dont have any doubts about ur realtionship, but i need the antecedentes document to put it in file, I understood why with the whole homeland security deal....

    So we are close to getting it very closeeeee

    Bueno, we have to hang in there, we are so close and yet inches away!! hopefully we'll here something by next week, hopefully by wed which is Ricardo's B-day, what a nice b-day present huh? LoL....also, at least the person who interviewd you expressed emotion, the person who interviewed my fiance didn't tell him anything, she asked him one question after another. And He even told her that I was there with him, she didn't even look at me.....imagine that, but I guess the worst is over all we have to do is wait, which is something all of us are experts at doing now LoL suerte a todos! ;)

  15. Well you guys aren't the only ones with "bumps" in the process. Ricardo went to the interview in Panama on Monday, March 10, but since he was missing his Record Policivo and Certificado de Solteria (apparently in Panama that takes forever to get) they told him to come back to drop off his paperwork and his passport when everything was ready. He filed to get his Record policivo on Feb 28.......they gave it to him on March 18........anyways the thing is He got everything and dropped it off yesterday morning. they told him that the cosul has to have the last look and that they'll call him to tell him to pick up his passport. of course they didn't tell him if he was getting the Visa or not, but we are very positivie b/c Ricardo kicked butt on that interview, and we gave them so many pics and evidence it's ridiculous LoL. So I know what it's like guys, we're all in this together. This is a long weekend in Panama too and apparently the embassy down there also takes panamanian holidays in addition to the gringo holidays off. I'm just praying and I have a really good feeling about everything. we are officially done! nothing else to turn in! lol, God Bless ;)

  16. Ricardo had his interview yesterday March 10, he was approved but not quite LoL. He was missing two documents: his police papers, "record policivo" (I don't know how to say that in english), and his certificate stating that he is single "carta de solteria" (again I don't know how to say this in english). but he showed his receipts that he requested those papers over two weeks ago and that he's in the process of getting them. Apparently in Panama this takes FOREVER to get, almost 1 month, but he did pass the interview :) they just gave him a green sheet stating that he needed to bring back those documents with his passport and that was it! He doesn't have to do another interview or anything..... the worst is over! ^_^

    I was there with him and let me tell you they grilled him! they asked him so many detailed questions one right after another, but I'm so proud of him because he remembered how old we were when we started dating, what year etc. So I'm not officially doing the dance until he tells me he dropped of his papers with his passport meaning that he has officially been approved. ;)

    Good luck everyone!

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