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Posts posted by michellemilitza

  1. hey pela recibiste mi e-mail? cuando tu novio entrega los forms que tiene que llenar le van a dar los papeles para llevar al examen medico. Ahi sale los hospitales donde TIENE que ir y tambien los doctores. They are very very specific, y eso es algo que el tiene que hacer al mas tardar 6 dias antes de la entrevista....asi que ya sabes cualquier cosas you know how to contact me ;)

  2. Ladies and gentelmen I am pleased to announce that my fiance got his interview date!! it is.......March 10th! and the good thing is, since it's during my spring break I can go, and the best part is that in Panama they let the petitioner be there at the interview!! so guess what I'll be doing for spring break ;) I am so happy I can't believe we finally made it!! I can't believe some of you are married already!! God bless you all and I hope for the ones who are waiting you get approved soon! :)

  3. FELICIDADES! :) I'm so happy that you finally got your NOA-2. For Panama there is only a Packet 3 and that packet has to be picked up by your fiance. But, to make things easier for him, call the NVC so you can get your new case number and ask when they sent the paperwork to Panama. Una vez que este en Panama entonces dale esa info a tu fiance para que el lo vaya a recoger, it'll take approx 1 month for that packet to reach Panama, maybe sooner. Also, when he goes to pick up the packet, he can ONLY go on Mondays and Wed between 8-11. In the packet he'll find some forms he has to fill out and turn in so that way they can schedule him an interview. Also, the Medcial exam, record policivo and the I-134 is stuff he has to take to the interview. It sounds a little confusing but they'll explain it better at te embassy when he picks up the packet. Good news he doesn't need to translate any of his documents, they can stay in spanish! And that's it! you're almost there girly! I'm sooooo happy for you! if you have any questions let me know. My fiance just picked up his packet on monday and he's turning in the forms next week on monday, I'll keep you posted!

    Gracias paisana.No sabes como me siento ahora.Estaba tan tencionada,y ahora me siento mil veces mejor.:dance: Do I have to send him anything to bring to the interview ?

    ok when he picks up his package, he has to fill out some forms, and once he fills out his forms he has to take it back to the embassy. Entonces, there they will tell him that he will need to bring: the papers from the medical exam, the I-134 (with the bank statements, tax transcripts, letter of employment etc) the I-134 is what you have to send him in addition to sending him proof of ongoing relationship like pics, and another letter of intent of marriage. At the embassy they'll also answer any questions he may have. pero es asi, for Panama after the NOA-2 is approved it's not that complicated. if you have any other questions let me know, right now we're at the point where he has to turn in the paperwork adn they'll assign him an interview date :D


  4. FELICIDADES! :) I'm so happy that you finally got your NOA-2. For Panama there is only a Packet 3 and that packet has to be picked up by your fiance. But, to make things easier for him, call the NVC so you can get your new case number and ask when they sent the paperwork to Panama. Una vez que este en Panama entonces dale esa info a tu fiance para que el lo vaya a recoger, it'll take approx 1 month for that packet to reach Panama, maybe sooner. Also, when he goes to pick up the packet, he can ONLY go on Mondays and Wed between 8-11. In the packet he'll find some forms he has to fill out and turn in so that way they can schedule him an interview. Also, the Medcial exam, record policivo and the I-134 is stuff he has to take to the interview. It sounds a little confusing but they'll explain it better at te embassy when he picks up the packet. Good news he doesn't need to translate any of his documents, they can stay in spanish! And that's it! you're almost there girly! I'm sooooo happy for you! if you have any questions let me know. My fiance just picked up his packet on monday and he's turning in the forms next week on monday, I'll keep you posted!

  5. Wow and to think that all of us were fretting and impatient for our NOA2's a few months ago!. Well, Ricardo picked up his packet 3 at the Panama Embassy today, and he was surprised at how "easy" the forms he has to fill are. He's very excited, fortunately the lady at the embassy explained everything to him: all he needs to do is turn in some forms so he can set a date for the interview; and they also explained to him which documents he will need for the interview. I don't know who's more excited me or him! Anyways, hopefully the next time I'll be posting here is for when he gets his interview......we're almost at the finish line :dance:

    God luck and God Bless you all!

  6. what a wonderful B-day Present (24 hrs in advance): I just found out that our case was sent to Panama on Dec 26 and that on Dec 28 Panama received it!! yay! I knew we started the new year awesome!! I'm so happy!!

    Feliz Año Nuevo a todos!!! :)

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday!! :dance::dance:

    Thanks! :dance::dancing:

    :) You've brought back some good memories for me :) I was in Panama many years ago.

    Really? did you used to live in the zone? or the city? or u just visited a couple times? as you can tell by my timeline i used to live here but after high school my family moved back to the states and I decided to persue my university here. I'm currently in UF getting my PharmD degree....ohnly two more years to go!! finally I feel like I'm getting somewhere in my life....getting married and graduating soon, life is real good right now... hope the process is trating you well too and good luck with everything! ;)

  7. I'm so glad I found this forum topic. We were just issued an NOA-2, and now I'm starting to get the paperwork ready for the interview, specifically the I-134. Right now I am full time student, in Pharmacy School. By the time I get married with my fiance I will be entering my third year of school. I live off of financial aid and a part time job that I have as an intern at walgreens. Also I have a savings account, and My fiance and I have an onlne business that has a lot of revenue (in this is the revenue that we will be using to live off of plus my loans until he gets his Authorization to work). So I was debating on whether to have my mother as a co-sponsor or not. She's a nurse therefore her income is way above the poverty line.

    I know that this question has been asked a million times, but I just want to clarify, should I go ahead and have my mom co-sponsor or should I be the only sponsor? Is there anywhere on this site where I can get a clear explanation or sound advice? Thanks a lot everyone. Feliz Navidad ;)

  8. I've been waiting for about 2 weeks now, and I've been calling to NVC to get updates but apparently I should call USCIS to get more info...but since I'm on vacaction I don't want to ruin it by losing my patience LoL, I'll call when I get back, but at least I know that I'm not the only one waiting....hey I got my NOA2 before Christmas that alone is amazing ;)

  9. Congrats to everyone and I am happy to say that I just got approved no too long ago 12/07....so I'm trying to fiure out what I have to do next. I found a forum about the procedures for the NVC after the NOA-2, but I noticed that it was for another type of visa (the CR type). I filed the K-1 and I know that I have to fill out the I-134. But what else do I need to do? do I need to send any other documents? will I be recieving anything? how will I know when my cas is at the embassy? also when do you guys recommend I call NVC to find out the status of our case? so many questions and so little time! LoL but thanks a lot for your input! we're almost there!!! XmasN0101.gif

  10. Hello everyone, we had our NOA-2 approved on 12/7, and I found this forum, the directions are great, but I have to read it a few times b/c I have to admit I feel a little overwhelmed at all of this.....but one question, as I was readong, i noticed that this was for the "CR" type of visa? I filed the K-1 fiance visa petition, do all of these instructions apply? If not, where can I find info about what to do next as my file gets transferred to NVC? Any help is truly and greatly appreciated, Thanks!


  11. Quick question, once my NOA-2 has been issued, how do I track my status at NVC? I went to their website and they have nothing about tracking the status of a visa. Also, I'm not too clear where to send the I-134, to my fiance, the embassy, NVC? I know how to fill out the form but I really don't know what to do after having my NOA-2 issued. If anyone can give me any tips or insight it would be greatly appreciated XmasN0101.gif

  12. ....Somehing I forgot to say in my previous post, is that now I can offiacially set a date!! It's the last week of July...........ok so it's not a date, more of a range but you get the picture.... I can finally take measurements to buy my dress, and my mother is already looking into places for the reception. I'm having my ceremony at the beach; which by the way is FREE in south florida, since the beach is public, and for everyone......etc etc. as long as you don't rope out a specific area you can do just about anything there...

    I have this new sense of positivity which is awesome. Ricardo left last Monday and since I'm in finals it's been pretty hard to stay happy, but let me tell you the sense of euphoria that I feel right now is great....anyways just needed to get that out... FELIZ NAVIDAD!!

  13. Today (Sat., 8 2007) started out pretty crappy for lack of a better word. I had pulled an all-nighter for my Pharmacology Final Exam (Yes, I had a final exam on a sat) and after feeling completly defeated, I went home to take some well deserved sleep. Later on my day got better, I went to a Christmas musical with my friends and then we went to eat. When I got home i did the usual: turn on the pc, check my e-mail when all of a sudden I see the word CRIS in the "from" section, just as I was about to spam i did a double take when I saw the words: Case Status Information for in the suject line....""could this be??" I thought, I opened it and there it was!!! In plain black and white the words: "Current Status: Approval notice sent" :dance: I can't believe it! the day has finally arrived when I can now add my name to the NOA-2 recieved list! You guys have no idea how comforting this is to me during a time of high stress and anxiety know as "finals week". The approval date says Dec 7., and what's ironic is that when I went to check my status yesterday the site was under maintenence until Monday!! So I guess this was God's way of saying "practice being patient!" I'm soooo happy, regardless of how my grade will be in Pharmacology, I know that I'll be with my other half soon!

    Ok, know back to real life, I have one last final to go (on tues) so I wish you all well, Merry Christmas, Happy New year, and to those still waiting, you'll get it soon, My NOA-1 was July 30 ;)XmasN0101.gif

  14. Here's a random question which will probably add to the wedding discussion: How many of you ladies will change your last names when you marry? I'm still debating whether to do this since I'm still in school. Everything is under my maiden name, and when I take the boards (in 2-years Lord willing) it'll have the info my school gives them, therefore my Pharmacy Lic will have my maiden name and so will my PharmD degree.. My fiance says that I don't have to change it because he knows it will be a hassle changing everything.

    I like his last name but at the same time i keep thinking: "i will graduate as a Dr and that is something that I accomplished, me, no one else"......it sounds selfish i know but think of it.......I've sacrficed approx 6 yrs of my life so I can get a degree, don't i owe it to myself to use my last name with a prefix before it? and my fiance also understands my point of view, which is why he says there's no need to change my last name b/c he knows it's a huge accomplishment in my life (what can i say he understands me at all levels :)) but at the same time, i want to show that I'm happy and proud that I'm married to him by using his last name. (so you all see my dilemma here) :wacko:

    Anyways I can always hyphenate it but my name will be too dang long, my first name is 8 letters, my last name is 10 and I use my middle initial, imagine adding 8 more letters to my last name!!

    So the qestion still stands: how many of you will change or hyphenate your last names? :huh:

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