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Posts posted by michellemilitza

  1. Will someone please tell Nicole_Michel2007 what she wants to hear?

    She obviously doesn't want the truth or genuine advice from people who are trying to help her. :rolleyes:


    This is for Nicole_Michel2007:

    If your friends had their fiance's in their arms within 3-5 months using the K1 Process, try asking them how they did it? If they are your friends I'm sure they'll be able to offer you some advice. If you do it that way then maybe you'll get ur February wedding ;)

    Good luck......

  2. Good God. It's like every thread in this section has turned into wedding forums. I don't want to offend anyone at all, but isn't it a little crazy to plan weddings now? All it takes is an RFE or 2 or 3 and some unfortunate souls will waste plenty of money and tears. I hate to say it but I foresee some unhappy ladies in late winter early spring, 2008. Though, i certainly hope not.... Remember, you will all have 90 days.

    you do have a point, as a matter of fact today my friends started asking me about the wedding, if I picked a date, where it's going to be, If I made all the arrangements, basically they were fussing more than me and I'm the Bride to be!!!........but they don't get it, they will never understand that our future lies in an approval or denial, unless I know that my man passed the interview I'm not getting giddy about my wedding yet. Yes, I am excited that we are finally formally engaged and that we are officially in the process but I have to be realistic here, and to tell you all the truth I'm glad I'm in school b/c it helps keep my mind on other things.......I hope I don't offend anybody, and at the same time I hope that all those who have saved the date already will have their significant others in the US in time for that. Godspeed to everyone

    .........who knows? maybe an NOA2 will be my Christmas gift this year! LoL


  3. I feel rubbish now - I am so not a cook - I can cook and I will cook but I am not that inventive - I can just follow recipes really well ;) I much prefer something quick and simple, to be cooked for or to go out ;D

    Now what would be good is to share a bunch of recipes that take no longer than say 20 minutes to prepare and cook (total) that are say... no more than 600 cals?! Am on a diet so I look sexy in my wedding dress ;D

    Try the kellogs special K diet, my fiance tried it and he lost 7 lbs in two weeks. I'm trying it soon too to see if I lose anything

  4. You know what? we probably got engaged the same week! lol isn't that a coincidence? anyways where is your fiance from? Ricardo is from the city but of course he has family from Las Tablas, and I have roots in Chitre, so yeah I have a pretty strong background from Panama, I am going to retire there.......I couldn't imagine retiring anywhere else LoL.

    Since you filed in Sept most probably you'll have your NOA 2 by either Jan(earliest) to March (latest) I know the estimate isn't fun but in the end it's well worth the wait right? Fill in your timeline so that way VJ can give you the best estimate they have. Also did you file in CSC or VSC? even though we're both from FL I've seen ppl from FL being transferred to any of those two. Mine is at CSC and my estimated NOA2 is in Dec, and I filed in July to avoid the price increase.....anyways I feel ur pain, and hang in there ;)

  5. Hello..

    Thanks alot for the reply. It is very good to know there is someone else here who is going through the same situation as me. :) First off, i live in orlando, originally from the U.k>... Liverpool to be exact. My fiancee lives in panama and is panamanian. Cant wait till she can come to the states.. Thanks for all your advice. i will be telling her to translate everything to english as i jsut found that out a few days ago..lol...

    Also, do i have to send a copy of all the files i have sent to the USCIS to my fiancee in panama? also, do i have to send the same pictures of us together to her also.? She has all the pictures on a CD so i guess she can go and print them out herself if there is such a place in panama..

    Are you from panama also? i love the country..such an amazing place. I just came back from my visit over there 2 weeks ago. Was around the city, and also visited contadora with my better half :) ... was absolutely amazing..you should think of going there..

    Talk soon...bye


    I was born in the states but I grew up in Panama, i went to high school there and that's where I met Ricardo, Don't ask me how we've managed to be together for so long but we have. I LOVE it down there If it were up to me I would still be there but, i needed to finish my degree and that's why I'm at UF....

    About the packet, YES send her an EXACT replica of what you sent, including the photos, and yes there is a place where she can print to pics form a CD (farmacias Arrocha and Supermercado El Rey) when did you guys get engaged? as you can see from my signature I got engaged in MAY (finally!) I'm going there for christmas and New Year's, wonderful time to visit. You should go to Decameron, it's way better than contadora, all you have to do is drive 2 (may 1.5 hours) from the city and you're there. When did you send in your I-129F? are you an august or sept filer?

  6. Hey All

    Thanks for the replies. I would love to find individuals who have a fiancee in panama and are filing or have filed for k1 Fiancee visa. Where can i find such people? Should i just leave another thread and wait for members to reply?


    Also I just read that you responded to my other post ( about going through orlando or MIA) after responding to this post, and I just noticed that you'll be going in november. LoL thanks for the advice, most probably he'll come on COPA, also I forgot to mention that to send a copy of the packet to your fiance, you're better off using a courier service like DHL, there are several offices in panama city, just ask your fiance which one is closest to her (there's one on Tumba Muerto, Paitilla, and I think El Dorado) so have her tell you where and when you drop of the packaged tell them you want it sent there and to whom it's for. Also, when she receieves paperwork from the embassy, they will contact her (so make sure they have her current phone number) so she can go and pick it up and fill it out there. I woudl suggest taking some of the guides that they have here on this website so that way she can practice filling those out properly. Other than that you just...............have.............to ..................wait................

    Nothing else we can do..................

    When is your "planned wedding date"?


  7. Hey All

    Thanks for the replies. I would love to find individuals who have a fiancee in panama and are filing or have filed for k1 Fiancee visa. Where can i find such people? Should i just leave another thread and wait for members to reply?


    WoW otro panameno por aqui!!

    Sorry, I'm just soooooo excited to see another "compa" on here.......

    pues si, My name is Michelle and I'm the USC and my fiance Ricardo is from PTY, right now I woudl suggest telling your fiance to get her stuff translated. Her Birth Certificate, and any other records (record policivo, acta de divorcio, etc) to be translated also.

    Another thing you should do is send her the exact copy of everything you sent to the service center. send her the pictures you sent and a copy of the letters or whatever you sent in the packet showing that you guys have a legitimate relationship. Also, once you get approved and she gets her interview i think that you will be able to go with her to the interview. I've spoken to another panamena that got approved in May and she said that both her and her fiance were there at the embassy (el que esta en Clayton ahora) during the interview, BUT I'm still trying to get more info from the embassy to confirm that. I've e-mailed them but of course they haven't responded so if you send them and e-mail, and I send them another e-mail maybe that's a sign that they should respond :whistle: anyways, when is your next visit? I'm going in december for christmas and New years, and ricardo is visiting me in November for my sister's wedding and thanksgiving. (Oh by the way you CAN visit each other during the process).

    So where exactly from Panama are you? where do you live in the states? I'm in florida orginally from Coral Springs (Ft. Lauderdale area) but right now I'm at school @ University of Florida (Go Gators!) Studying Pharmacy. Bueno if anything let me know, a la orden y te deseo lo mejor y que Dios te Bendiga.



  8. I've used the "RFE trick" twice and I've gotten 4 touches(my file is a #######) .........nothing has changed but at least I know that it's there. The USCIS rep always tells me it's pending....

    P.S: sorry for the bad joke, I just had to get that out of my system Lolz!


    Well atleast u've been groped...er I mean touched. Our file is still virginal! Somebody better feel it up(I mean approved) in the next few weeks... i need to pick a wedding date soon! :blink:

    we're in the same boat, people already have churches booked and banquet halls reserved and I don't know when my date is!! I know it'll be sometime in May (or early June) but still I have this inmense fear of planning everything and then in the end having to postpone.

  9. I've been wanting to make that joke too but haven't had any touches... does that make my case virginal?!

    Ok... I think that is about it for my brief summary of the pages of updates people have been providing! Debz really has her work cut out for her with the spreadsheet now ;D

    yes, I believe your file is still "pure" and waiting for "marriage".....haha I'm sorry I'm a little dilusional right now


  10. Has anyone had any form of activity/touches since NOA1? I know it doesn't mean much right now if there's no touches, but nice to feel alive! :wacko:

    I've used the "RFE trick" twice and I've gotten 4 touches(my file is a #######) .........nothing has changed but at least I know that it's there. The USCIS rep always tells me it's pending....

    P.S: sorry for the bad joke, I just had to get that out of my system Lolz!


  11. few more updates done to spreadsheet.

    Anyways I have an announcement..........

    ......My wedding day is booked!!!! Saturday 3rd May. Just over 8 months away!

    :thumbs: Congrats!! :thumbs:

    I'm thinking about having a May wedding too, but with school and everything nothing is "set in stone" yet but when Ricardo comes in November we'll dicuss that......Sorry I'm rambling, but I wish you the best! :D

  12. Hopefully someone can comment on this. Yes, I know it might seem like a "dumb" question but I'm taking a break (procrastinating?) from studying and I was just curious.

    Sorry I can't help with the POE stuff but thought I would acknowledge the procrastination - glad to see it wasn't just me who went through that in uni ;)

    lol, my time is divided (equally?) between Rx School and watching my "progress" I guess this with more things to do now it helps make time go by faster....either way I'm counting down the days for November, at least my schedule isn't that bad for when he's here, I'll only have two tests during his visit, :D believe me that's a good thing.....thanks for your input ;)

  13. Ok I posted this as a separate topic in the main forum for K1 applicants and got NO response, so I wanted to post it here to see if any of my July filer peeps have had any experience or can offer any advice. Here's the question I asked:

    hello everyone, I have another question:

    My fiance will be visiting me in november of this year, I'm excited because he'll be here for my sister's wedding and for thanksgiving!! Anyways he usually goes from Panama to Miami, but this time he will be going from Panama directly to Orlando. I know he can visit while we're in the process (and we might even get the NOA2 while he's here! *fingers crossed*) but does anyone have any experiences going through this POE? Now, there is a chance that he might make a stop in Miami (if we purchase the tickets with AA) but if we purchase the tickes through Copa Airlines it'll be a direct flight to Orlando. Please if anyone has any experience going thru Miami or Orlando while in the process of a K1 your insight is greatly appreciated!! As always Good luck and speedy processes to all of you!

    Hopefully someone can comment on this. Yes, I know it might seem like a "dumb" question but I'm taking a break (procrastinating?) from studying and I was just curious. Wishing the best to all of you!

    -Michelle B.

  14. hello everyone, I have another question:

    My fiance will be visiting me in november of this year, I'm excited because he'll be here for my sister's wedding and for thanksgiving!! Anyways he usually goes from Panama to Miami, but this time he will be going from Panama directly to Orlando. I know he can visit while we're in the process (and we might even get the NOA2 while he's here! *fingers crossed*) but does anyone have any experiences going through this POE? Now, there is a chance that he might make a stop in Miami (if we purchase the tickets with AA) but if we purchase the tickes through Copa Airlines it'll be a direct flight to Orlando. Please if anyone has any experience going thru Miami or Orlando while in the process of a K1 your insight is greatly appreciated!! As always Good luck and speedy processes to all of you!


  15. We'll be hearing the old empire cries of...." ARRRRG THE BRITISH ARE COMING THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!"

    would be great if we all got out interviews same day...en-masse mobbing of the embassy

    I saw the spredsheet it looks great! but My case is not at VSC it's at CSC, thanks!

    We'll be hearing the old empire cries of...." ARRRRG THE BRITISH ARE COMING THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!"

    would be great if we all got out interviews same day...en-masse mobbing of the embassy

    Also one last thing, It was received at CSC on July 27, ok that's it! thanks!



    CSC *





    Tony and Tess----07/16/07---07/26/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__








    Rick and Dixie-----07/27/07----__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__


    VSC *


    English Muffin------07/05/07---07/10/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__


    Mel and Rene -----07/17/07---07/20/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__


    mike_n_peewee--07/18/07--- 07-25-07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__






    Bill y Bella----------07/27/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__


    Arrta ----------------07/28/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__


    * If your application was transferred, please enter your data in the section for the 2nd service center.

    * * Received date should be the date the application arrived at the service center where it will be adjudicated.

    * * * NOA1 & NOA2 dates should be the dates when they were issued, not the date that you received a hard copy.

    To add or update your data, simply reply to the latest post that contains the timelines and then edit the quote.

    Data should be sorted by service center, then by date received.


    If posters are not sure how to add themselves, just add a reply to this topic with only your info and someone will place it in the list

    Added marcella.

    Added my received date...

  17. yay! yay! yay! Thank you Lord! Today is my day off and wouldn't you know it, when I checked my mail today I got the hard copy of the NOA1!!! I sent it to TX and according to the NOA1 it was transferred to California (I thought it was vermont from what the USCIS website says) but you know what? I don't care the thing is that they've receieved it and the case is there!!!

    Ok so the person in charge of the July timelines please do the following changes to michellemilitza:

    Service Center: California

    Date received: July 23 2007

    NOA1: July 30 2007

    I've already updated my personal timeline and the one you see at the bottom, i'm soo excited! and now the journey truly begins!

    Good luck to us all


  18. hello, my forgein finace hasn'e been assigned an interview yet, but I was just wondering about something. I've been reading the forums and have noticed that the USC can go with the forgein fiance to the interview. Is this true? I read a review that another member wrote about their experience at the embassy in Panama and from what I understood she was there at the interview with her fiance. Any input on this? Any panamanians out there who have been through this process and give me some advice? thanks!

    -Mich ;)

  19. Well In my case, we'll probably have the wedding in May, the reason why we're doing this so late is because I want to be done with my 2nd year of Pharmacy School (also known as the hardest year out of the 4) to then be able to enjoy my wedding and the first few months of my marriage. Also since we'll be in florida May is the perfect time for an outside wedding, not too hot not too cold and the prices aren't so high because the "high season" for wedding usually starts in June. I'm getting the white dress, party favors, etc. and I've started to call around to get quotes so that way I know what my budget will be, I'm doing all of this now before going back to school because I know that during the semester i will have absolutely NO time for anything other than Rx School (:( ). Even though it sounds like something big, It's not going to be, I'm aiming for 50 guests or less, and fortunately some of his family members will be able to make it. After getting his paperwork settled, we're planning on doing a big celebration in Panama, but we'll handle that when the time comes lol. Well I hope I didn't bore anyone, I just thought that i could chip in what I'm doing once my other half finally gets here :)




    CSC *






    Rick and Dixie-----07/27/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**

    VSC *


    English Muffin-------07/05/07----07/10/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**


    Mel and Rene -----07/17/07----07/20/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**




    Bill y Bella ----------07/27/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**

    Please Move To Correct Service Center




    * If your application was transferred, please enter your data in the section for the 2nd service center.

    * * Received date should be the date the application arrived at the service center where it will be adjudicated.

    * * * A NOA1 & NOA2 date should be the date it was issued, not the date that you received a hard copy.

    To add or update your data, simply reply to the latest post that contains the timelines and then edit the quote.

    Data should be sorted by service center, then by date received.


    s--Updated my entry to correct 'received date'. -Samby

    Just added myself, I sent it to texas but I'll be transferred to VSC, I don't know when they'll receive it until I get my NOA1 :angry:

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