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Posts posted by CaliCat

  1. 2 minutes ago, elmcitymaven said:

    No one is making a claim at law, at least not in Louis CK's case. The claims are just publicly-stated versions of the things women tell each other behind closed doors, to warn each other to be aware and stay away. 


    If I had been more vocal in college about the person who treated me poorly, I could have spared at least two women I know of from being subjected to similarly unacceptable activity. One of these women blamed me for not doing something at the time, and while I understood she was just lashing out (she eventually realized I wasn't to blame, it was the POS who made our lives hell), it stung. I wish I had felt empowered enough to say something at the time. "My" jerk still pops up in my life every time I go to reunion, and every time we cross paths it makes my blood boil that he was able to just go on with his life as if none of the women he treated poorly ever existed, while we just dealt with it in semi-silence. 


    I have no cause of action against "my" jerk. But I can -- and do -- tell people what happened. I don't shout it from the rooftops but if asked, I will tell people who know us both. I am past caring what he thinks. 



    Somehow, society managed to twist sexual assault in a such a manner, that even victims turn against victims. If there was ever a case study on blaming victims, sexual harassment and/or assault is it.




  2. Just now, Beachlover said:

    As another poster stated, I'm not violent at all, but for animals like this no punishment can't be harsh enough. And yes, death would be an easy way out.


    Slow death then. Very slow.


    God, I need stop reading this kind of stuff.


    The irony is that animals, in all their irrationality, are incapable of cruelty. Cruelty is a human trait. Sad, isn't it?


  3. 1 hour ago, Il Mango Dulce said:

    I can't figure out whether i should laugh,cry or throwup


    There is another option. Do what Muddy Mitch did: complete silence, for 44 seconds, on camera, no less.




    Make sure you watch all 44 seconds of this. WARNING: It is a tough watch.
  4. 49 minutes ago, smilesammich said:

    i don't really care about louis ck, other than he co writes my favorite show - better things. but i bet pamela adlon could fill the writing gap should he disappear.





    He just stepped forward and confirmed the allegations. He's taking responsibility for his actions. Doesn't change anything, but at least these women now can breath a little easier.

  5. 4 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    I mean no offense here, but from one who came out of the evangelical community, I haven't seen or known a Christian that stays true to any teaching of Jesus in actuality. They simply stay true to a concept or idea that someone told them about Jesus and not actually Jesus himself... and if that concept needs to change to protect a status quo they will be prepared to do that. Remember, Jesus was Jewish, just as his parents were.. and he followed all laws under the Torah, as any man of his time would. If one really wanted to follow Jesus, they'd need to do the same, as the Apostles did. And.. I also cannot ignore there is a subset of Christians who do routinely cite the OT, when it suits a narrative - Messianics or a sort of hybrid evangelic commonly do this, but there are others for sure for any reason at all.


    Which is why when someone says "I'm a good Christian," I laugh and say: buddy, you're neither. In the case or Moore, more specifically, his religious fanaticism belies his words and reveals his true character. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    I can't even either. Makes my blood boil. Currently laughing at how desperate so-called Christian political talking-heads are suddenly implying that Joseph is the one that impregnated Mary. That's going to be a real problem when they go home to church on Sunday and try to explain where they got that idea from in the Bible. I honestly don't know how these people can get up out of bed every morning, look at themselves in the mirror, and live with themselves.


    They are not real Christians. True Christians don't go back sifting through the old testament to find something that suits their narrative; they stay true to the teachings of Jesus. That's why when Moore starts citing old testament scripture to justify his statutory rape, he loses all credibility. In addition, if he is indeed innocent, all he needs to do is have his lawyers sue this woman for defamation turned into libel, which is a tort. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Il Mango Dulce said:

    No sheet 


    "The age of consent is sixteen. With parental consent, parties can marry at age fourteen. However, this parental consent is not required if the minor has already been married. (Other statutory laws apply.) Common law marriage is recognized."


    So, if you're 14 and divorced, you can get married without parental consent. :wow:

  8. 13 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    I am not a violent person but when I hear about someone abusing a helpless child I have the most violent thoughts you could imagine about what I want to do to these pieces of trash. They should be locked away in a dark hole for the rest of their miserable lives.


    All of a sudden, some of the stuff they show us in GOT don't seem so outlandish after all.

  9. 14 minutes ago, smilesammich said:

    just to clarify, i was responding to a specific argument being made in defense of moore's actions - maybe read up on that before you try to jump in. second, you keep saying raped and rape isn't actually a factor here. third, i was speaking of the mary and joseph/jesus conception comparison in biblical times - when stonings of women were the go to punishment. not to mention that women were bought and sold and traded like cattle. 

    and also, mary and joseph weren't even christians. they were jews.


    ROFL! In alternate-fact parlance, they were JINOs. They were christians at heart!

  10. 6 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    Fair enough.  I mis-read the original stoning being towards the accusers, sorry about that.


    In spite of the scriptures, however, I have never in my lifetime heard of any christians being put to death by stoning for anything.  (As you said - in biblical times) I have read, however, that some women are put to death today for letting another man touch them, even though it was unwilling on the woman’s part.  That sounds like quite the travesty to me.


    And you deem that sufficient reason to absolve Moore on molesting a 14-yo? I don't see how one thing justifies the other.



    4 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    Ok, so it’s not my lack of understanding of the law then, thanks.  So to do it right before an election, or other big event in the man’s life, knowing that nothing legal can be done about it, must be either to smear him, ruin his life, or revenge.  Which is understandable, if the victim’s life was ruined before.


    But as mentioned elsewhere, doing it right before an election is a pretty low-ball tactic.  What if the allegations are false?  The person likely won’t have time to defend or rebut, and will also likely not get elected.  


    What if they are not?

  11. 25 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    Trump did not praise China for their trade policies with the U.S. He simply said they are doing what is in the best interest of their people as every nation should do. I rarely ever watch tv but I am in the hospital with my wife who gave birth to our son yesterday so I have been flipping through the corporate "news" and the talking point is the same on every channel. "Trump flip flopped on China". It's like they all read from the same script. In fact the wording of how it was reported is almost identical on every channel.


    Congrats on the new family member!


    The reason they all reported the same event in a similar way is because they all saw the same thing. Trump flipped. America got jipped. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, elmcitymaven said:

    I hear that some women are very attracted to power, and will do just about anything to get nearer to the seat of such power. And by women I mean 14 year old girls, and by seat I mean a bottom that's clad in tighty-whities. And by nearer I mean the owner of the seat placing the hand of the 14 year old girl's hand on his front bottom.


    And the best part of it is that their suitor doesn't even have to ask. All they have to do is help themselves to these eager damsels and their enticing features. Consent is so last year, and statutory rape is just a construct, created by some activist judge.

  13. 1 minute ago, elmcitymaven said:

    Waiting for someone here to come to his defense. I am disappointed it has not yet happened, since I really only read here nowadays for such hot takes. :( 


    I'm sure they're mounting a good VJ style defense with lots of red herrings, strawman arguments, deflection, and the party favorite "post hoc ergo propter hoc" that we've all grown so fond of!

  14. 4 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    Was that insult necessary ?
    I am a liberal and own a business for the past 20 years, what hand out do you think I am taking ?
    Yes, jobs do seem to improve lifestyles and with all that Trump winning you should find one tomorrow.


    The other poster was joking. We all know the only unemployed people in America are those who don't want to work. The rest of us can get jobs wherever we want, because Trump fixed the economy, and unemployment is non existent. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, Steeleballz said:


        When we have threads like this, several people wan't to discuss anything but our gun homicide problem. This is a microcosm of our country as a whole. We've moved from hammers to chainsaws to trucks to opioids to tube suicides. It's beyond apathy, it's deflection. None of the problems we have discussed are mutually exclusive. In the end, we still have a gun problem. We can address it on many fronts and we can do so without infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners. There are ways, there is just no will.


    All the deflection only shows there are some people who can't defend their position from a solid ground. Their argument is indefensible, but we've known that all along.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    As long as you give Trump a majestically welcome with all the frills ( secretly wishing he could have such adoration daily at home) he will say anything
    and quickly forget saying China is raping the USA, now he publicly praises them.
    Another pair of flip flops.


    Maybe he just can't remember what he said during the campaign. His mental health has been questioned, and if his mind is really going, he might not have recollection of things he said. For all we know he may punch the codes in the football thinking he's dialing home.

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