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Posts posted by **Celeste**

  1. @TBoneTX Power to Mrs. T-B


    Gotta break the habit. Mini-B is too wee! He'll be alright. Time to use his imagination now. Do you have one of those indoor places with trampolines where he could be taken during rainy days? Here, they are not too expensive, provides entertainment and exercise.


    Endorphins, si man!

  2. 21 hours ago, N-o-l-a said:

    I so wish I could put blacked out screenshots of this story, but I can't.  So I'm going to recap with details changed.


    It starts like this:  family constantly complains that their kids are having a rough time in the local schools and other kids are picking on them when they get sent out to play alone.  Other trustworthy adults who were there claim B.S.  The stories go on, but always when the parents aren't present to witness it, but of course they blindly believe it and accuse whoever.


    Semi-tragic thing happens to family compounded by their own stupid decision to not cover themselves financially in the event of this.


    They beg for handouts and they get some, but it quickly turns into not enough.  People aren't giving them enough money and they are giving them things they don't need.  The rants come weekly.  They turn their anger towards the first responders who helped during the tragedy, accusing them of all sorts of things that aren't true.


    Now, again, they are accusing people of harassing their children in public areas, but of course, they are still unsupervised despite having at least one parent at home available to do so.  The people they've named and publicly accused aren't the type who would do anything of the sort.


    They've decided since everyone hates them so much they should hold a fundraiser that we can all contribute to to have them move.


     Yep.  I'll anonymously contribute $5 to that cause.

    @N-o-l-a I'll pitch in. People like this bring the worst in me.

    - People don't show up to work and I have to cover

    - Still need that vacation with the cool looking water and drink with umbrella

    - Some people think we are their personal assistants

    - Back on a diet to lose this baby weight once and for all

    - Gofundme for the much-needed vacation? I bet that family Nola knows would probably do something like that.

    - Mini-C woke up at 12.30 AM, cried and screamed for 20 minutes, worried the ####### out of me and went back to sleep... Little ones have nightmares too, si man!


    Good afternoon everyone.


  3. 8 minutes ago, N-o-l-a said:


    No, I don't have one.  I'm willing to try it, but the three picky trolls in my household might be less open-minded.

    I actually have the same problem. I'm willing to try but I doubt my trolls will be open to it (this includes papa troll).

  4. 4 hours ago, N-o-l-a said:


    Well, it is super depressed now because I grated 7 of them last night.  Made some into this http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/monument-cafe-whole-wheat-zucchini-herb-bread-recipe-2042528 with fresh basil from the garden.   I have another 4 sitting around that I picked.  I might give one or two of them away.

    Did you get yourself one of those spiralizers? Zucchini noodles for all!


    I have some extra zucchini at home and was thinking about making zucchini-banana bread.


    10 hours ago, Dianalorena said:

    I think most of them walk on a very fine, gray area. No one has been personally racist or hateful towards me or anyone that I've noticed, so I haven't had a reason to report them. Even if I completely disagree with their opinions I understand their right to have one, it just makes me incredibly sad how black and white their minds are. They are clearly resentful and hateful towards undocumented people, and while I don't condone it, I at least have some empathy and I certainly don't rejoice when they get hurt/deported. 

    I haven't experienced any of the above yet but, with the current climate, I've been practicing everything that will say if anyone decides to launch at me for speaking in Spanish. Sad that I even have to consider that.

  5. I extraño guys! How's everything? I'm working on getting my US passport, oh si!


    Penguin reached out to the captain and I'm patiently waiting. Hopefully, he can fix it! 




  6. Step 1: accidentally link your fb account to your VJ account and lose your org powers

    Step 2:  see posts that are in the wrong place

    Step 3: forget you screwed up your account and try to move said post

    Step 4: try to control your left eye from twitching uncontrollably

    Step 5: reminisce about the good old days before you screwed up your account

    Step 6: go to the rant thread to let it all out and say hi!



  7. The speaking part of the test is very basic but, of course, it depends on what "basic" means to someone who does not speak English well.


    She's going to be asked to type a sentence the IO will dictate and to read another sentence the IO will provide. For example, during my interview, I was told to write:  "The people elect Congress"  and the question I had to read was: Who elects Congress?


    Needless to say that the IO will be speaking English at times and she will be asked a lot of questions in English that she needs to understand to respond. These are the usual questions.... are you a criminal? Have you been convicted of a felony? have you sold drugs? etc, etc 


    I hope this helps you determine if she's ready or not. Worst that can happen is that she gets denied, you lose the application fee and some time.

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