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Posts posted by Addie_Goodvibes

  1. The Garmin GPS is the greatest!!! I wouldnt' have made it through my marathon without it! (though it wont' do much good on a treadmill. But then again who wants to run a half marathon on a treadmill??!) And it doesn't have to be $215. Check out this link. I think I have the 101 or 201 and it looks like those are $99.


    Good luck!

    I bought the 1st generation 201 Still using it. It works great. I think I might upgrade to the 205 as the GPS is more accurate and has a higher sensitivity.

    I love my Forerunner, when they 1st came out it was funny, I would run with this Nike Running Group ( about 75-100 people) and there were a handfull of us who had our Garmin Forerunners, we labeled as the geek watch runners. We would stand in a tight circle staring down at our "geeK watches" and watching them sync then compare them after the run.

    I dont use the PC interface tool much mostly because I do not have the the time, I like the histroy it stores and how you can look into the last run and see avergae pace, calories burned ect.. I even use it when i am Hiking or trail riding on my Mt. Bike.

    My Favorite tech toy ! Now if they can integrate and Mp3 player into it I would be thrilled!

  2. Awesome! Thanks so much! :star:

    I am glad I could help. The tools you got in PT and exercises you learned should be adopted into a regular routine to prevent further injury and

    increase strength & Stability of the knee.

    Lots of people get into PT go through theri Therapy are discharged and then completely abandone the exercises and reccomendations , as a result their injuries come back or they have a lif elong weakness/instability.

    The exercises/ stretching and postural habits learned in PT should be continued and integrated into your everyday lifestyle

    Pre-Hab to avoid going back to Re-Hab :thumbs: ( Prevention)

  3. Howdy!

    Thanks for such a detailed reply. I have been starting off very slowly. I'm averaging about 2.5 miles a day on the treadmill. I'm only 7 weeks postsurgery on the left leg, and I don't want to overdo it. Plus, I am prone to shin splints (the classic type), so I have every reason to take it slowly! Maybe a 1/2 marathon in January is a bit ambitious--I don't know.

    I did get myself a good pair of Brooks running shoes, which I bought at a foot place. They're the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned.

    I went to PT twice a week for a month after the surgery, and I did learn lots of useful exercises that are also good for shin splints. I was the PT's first compartment syndrome patient. I think he did a fine job, although I could have done without the painful massage.

    I like the idea of a training log. I imagine that once I really get going, the stamina progress will be quite motivating in itself.

    I might have to wait on the GPS thingy. $215!

    Keep up with the exercises you were taught in PT they will help to strengthen the anterior & posterior stuctures of the lower leg.

    Keep doing your exercises if you were given a thera-band and shown stretch band exercises i would keep doing those Pre-habilitation

    Stretch , Stretch & Stretch! Good Luck & keep us all posted on your progress

  4. Ako ( my Lovely Wife) Is a Target addict. She can't go more than a few days with out going!

    Our favorite store is Mistuwa -a Japanese Supermarket

    We also like Marukai Supermarket & Marukai 98c store awesome stuff on the cheap!

    I like Trader Joes & Bristol Farms

    Mitsuwa? The one on Bristol in Costa Mesa? :thumbs: We go there for hot noodles. :thumbs:

    We like that one best but we go to the One in Torrance, We live in Hermosa Beach so it is closer, they have the best stuff!

  5. I will begin this with strong reccomendation to get a referral to see an Orthjpedist or Physical Therapist as i can not make and educated assesment via a web forum, so my advice is based on my professionla experience & Knowledge without having seen you or been able to do proper assesments and strength tests. I would address with the PT that saw you Post surgery ( I hope you did your Physical Therapy)

    That Being said!

    What activities specifically cause this?

    Does the pain immeidatly go away or is it chronic?

    How long has it been since your surgery?

    Have you been doing the exercies given in PT?

    You want to strengthen what is weak and stretch what is excessivly tight, Posture & Gait play a huge role in this!

    Strengthening the Muscles around the knee will encourage better alignment therefore result in better articulation between the surfaces of the joint.

    You want to strengthen your VMO ( Vastus Medialis Oblique) It is a Medial Quadricep Muscle that originates at to the inside portion of the Knee it is responsible for structural support in the knee, in addition to that You also need to have a professional determine if there is a tightness in your Tensor Fascia Latae, it is a lateral musxcle of the thigh that attaches to the lateral portion of the thigh. if it is exessivly tight in will cause a malalignment in the knee, In addition Tight glutes and hip flexors could also contribute to mis aligment .

    As everything is connected it could also be a weaknes in your ankle joint causing a reactive knee pain, even Lumbar instability in your lower back could contribute to the problem.

    Most likely you stil have a pronounced weakness and lack of alignment and instability in th eknee.

    You should continue doing the exercises reccoemnded by your Dr. & the PT you saw following your surgery,

    The exercises you were given should be done on a routine basis as Prehabilitaion to avoid reoccurnace of the problem and ensure strength and proper allignment.

    Also look at your foot ware worn shoes cause joint alignment problems

  6. Costco doesn't always save you money either.... it is best to take a calculator with you and figure out the per unit price.... i have done that a few times and found out that a few of the things there would be a lot cheaper to buy from a regular store

    We used to Shop Costco A lot but realsie what you stated it is Not always cheaper. When Stores like target have sales on itewms their prices are cheaper. I go to Cosco for Gas, Water & Propel & Thats about it! My boss pays for our membership so I use it occasionally.

  7. Ako ( my Lovely Wife) Is a Target addict. She can't go more than a few days with out going!

    Our favorite store Home Depot :thumbs:

    Other favorites are Mistuwa -a Japanese Supermarket & Marukai Japanese Wharehouse supermarket

    We also like Marukai 98c store awesome stuff on the cheap!

    I like Trader Joes & Bristol Farms

  8. In response to AOS Depairs Post

    Any Runners Out there

    I thought it would be a greast Idea to start a VJ Training Log Thread.

    We can All post what type of activity ( exercise , Sports ect..) & if we have specific Goals we are working towards.

    Also Post your favorite training places or Favorite new Fitness Gadgets.

    This could be our VJ virtual Fitness training community.

    We could start with brief Bio / mention goals.

    I hope this takes.

    I will start.

    I am a Physical Therapist & Exercise Kineisiologist

    I am an active in several sports : Adventure race series,Tennis, Inline skating & Running

    I use running as a way to build my cardio base for my Inline skating races and for tennis.

    My favorite places to run are along the beach and in the trails of Palos Verdes Ca.

    I particpate in 2 adventure races, run 3-5 10K's / Year and skate 2 inline marathons a year.

    I run with Brooks Adrenaline GTS & Nike Air Max Moto,Trail running shoe is Salomon XA

    My Favorite Fitness Gadget is my Garmin Forerunner it is a MUST HAVE for anyone who runs

    Garmin Forerunner GPS

  9. First of all Congrats on setting a goal and going after it! I am A Physical Therapist and A runner.

    My suggestion is if you are 100% recovered then start slowly and work your way up to a few days /week of moderate intensity jogging. be sure to set aside defininative rest days.

    One very important point.

    Although you are not in PT I strongly reccomend doing the Strength stability exercises Consider it Pre-habilitation ( Preventing injury)

    And do not neglect your flexibility and strength training.

    Also Put some good thought and time into chosing a running shoe with plenty of cushion and moderate stability.

    You should get a crosstraining shoe Susch as the Brooks Adrenaline GTS or NEw balance. You need to go try on severla pairs talk to a professional about what shoe would work best for your anatomy and gait pattern, also mention your goals of the 1/2 marathon.

    Good Luck and keep us posted on your training.

    Actually a good way to motivate and help others is maybe we should create a seperate thread fro a Training LOG,

    What did you do today and briefly describe exercise goals and progress, fitness tips, new fitness gadgets you use, ect..

  10. So, I made the story up then?

    Meanwhile, while you argue the toss, the crops remain unpicked.

    Let them. Maybe next season the farmers that relied upon an illegal work force will think better of it. We can still get our food from imports. People will not go hungry.


    There is a greater crisis in our school and health care systems that warrants more attention and more outcry than "the crisis of unpicked crops"

    Farmers will get their crops picked becasue they will not lwet anything stand in the way of them making a profit, The Govt. will step in and subsidize them as they do now.

    People Will Not go hungry and American Tax payers will pay more for produce the same way as they pay more for gas & Health care & Auto insurance.

    The amount of many Illegals COST The Tax payers would be enough to subsidize farms in the area to avoid "THE GREAT CROP CRISIS" :help: ( that can be the next Stephen King Novel. :blink:

  11. However lazy you may think these people are for not taking up this agricultural opportunity you don't seem to be able to put forward a workable plan on how you are intending to persuade these people to take it up. Not that it's up to you to do so, but my point is, while this may or may not be correct it doesn't solve the current crisis.

    So while the debate goes on these crops go unpicked and the problem remains.

    First of all the crops will NOT go unpicked, the labor force is there. If farmers like other employers offer adequate pay & benefits and marekt to rural uneducated Americans I don't see why these jobs can't be done. I also see a need for immigrant workers brought in on a specific TEMPorary Worker Visa Program. That limits their stay to a seasonal period and they must return to their country of origin and reapply each season, making way for other individuals to work those jobs and making way for other immigranst from various countries to work these jobs.

    The Applaication fees should be reasonable maybe subsidized by the farmers. In addition thorough background checks should be done to ensure that intending guest workers have no criminal history. A bill that opens up a Guest worker program should indicate this is NO more than a temporary Visa Program for seasonal Labor work force. No family sponsorship and Visa is limited to a certain amount of time determined by the seasonal needs of the crop. Upon expiation of the Visa wrker retruns to country of origin no extensions should be granted unless medical emergency arises.

    Any individual who overstays the Temp. Visa SHould have Deportation orders submitted and carried out expiditiously.

    Now we all know the above would only occur in our dreams, & Our federal Govt. woul dnever enforce Visa Expirations so there fore a Guest worker program is NOT possible!

  12. Abortion:Pro choice

    Gun Control:

    I own a gun and always will.

    Stem Cell Research:

    I strongly support


    I do not believe Religion & Govt. should mix, I am spritual but do not suppor torganised religion as that is the root cause of most of the problems in todays world, extreme religious beliefs.


    I believe it is our govts. duty to secure the borders and Enforce immigration laws.Illegals should all be rounded up & sent home! I strongly support Legal Immigration Strongly support harse punsihment & swift action agaisnt illegal immigration & Those that aide or support illegal immigration. I believe our govt. has a duty to prtoect its citizens take care of its current legal population of poor and protect our country against illegal immigration.

    Governmental duties To support the rest of the nation as a whole and ensure everybodies safety security freedom and prosparity, The Constitution deifnes who we are and what we stand for but it was written in different times. The govt. should not limit local states abilities to carry out their own governements but provide support to meet the needs of the states ( example allow states to enforce immigration at the local state & municipal level)

  13. I see Breakthroughusa are posting on this forum.

    This company is run by Chris Ingram, Immigration Lawyer and a former Brit.

    Has anyone used their services? If so please tell me about the experience be it good or bad.

    This question may be better in the main forum Immigration topics.

    If your case is not too complicated you can do it yourself.

  14. If we need to import farm workers to get it done that is fine with me, just make them here legally is all.


    I agree with Gary! Impliment a seasonal guest worker program where the workers enter LEGALLY on a seasonal basis, pay taxes and follow the laws of the nation ( drive ONLY with Valid liscense & Insurance , pay taxes ect..)

  15. Ok what about the inpresonal "how are you" and the common reply "fine" is everybody really willing to hear how someone is doing.

    What if you replied to them

    Ok you asked How i am doing.. I will tell you how I am doing... ( then go on a mad rant about how bad your day is going. ) do they really care?

  16. Not necessasriluy a bad move on her part.

    Afterall by getting ajump on airing thme she is making a statement that she is not threatened or bothered by them.

    Most of the educated public knows that all this attack ad campaign is mostly petty dirt and usually holds little no valid truth.

    The best part of the article

    Elsewhere, in his first major proposal on global warming, President Bush today declared war on the sun
    :lol: .
  17. How many people have been sought help from immigration lawyers ??...And do you think it sped up the process or is it a waste of money ???

    Here is my take on this ( by BTW this would be good to post in the main forum)

    Hiring an Immigration Attorney is not a waste of money if your case justifies it or if one is unsire on the entire process.

    As with most things it i sbest to do it correctly with the guidance of professional help rather than doing things wrong, missing documents filing incorrectly and further delaying or risking a denial.

    That being said, A little research time spent in READING instructions on immigration forms, for most AOS cases so long as beneficioary was found to be in violation of USCIS policies ( undocumented cect..) thne most couples can file them selves.

    I filed for my wife , did the entire process myself

    The total cost including copy and rpinting fees, mailing fees, country registrar fees ect.

    was just under $1000.00 We were approved & had 10 Year GC in Hand inside of 7 months from filing date.

    Another lesss costly alternative is using the services of a Legal Doucment Assistant who will file everything for you be sure everything is correct and do everything an attornety would do except offer legal advice. Our friends used an LDA and it cost them 600.00 verzsus attorney fees that would have rainged between 2500- 5000 $$$

    I have only heard people complainuing when using attorneys, Attorneys have a tendancy to sit on cases and there is a middle man ( the attroney ) that often delays the processing of a case.

    If your case is simple AOS then anyone who can read & Comprehend the English language can file themselves.

    All the resources all available and very clear on what the process is.

  18. How many people have been sought help from immigration lawyers ??...And do you think it sped up the process or is it a waste of money ???

    Here is my take on this ( by BTW this would be good to post in the main forum)

    Hiring an Immigration Attorney is not a waste of money if your case justifies it or if one is unsire on the entire process.

    As with most things it i sbest to do it correctly with the guidance of professional help rather than doing things wrong, missing documents filing incorrectly and further delaying or risking a denial.

    That being said, A little research time spent in READING instructions on immigration forms, for most AOS cases so long as beneficioary was found to be in violation of USCIS policies ( undocumented cect..) thne most couples can file them selves.

    I filed for my wife , did the entire process myself

    The total cost including copy and rpinting fees, mailing fees, country registrar fees ect.

    was just under $1000.00 We were approved & had 10 Year GC in Hand inside of 7 months from filing date.

    Another lesss costly alternative is using the services of a Legal Doucment Assistant who will file everything for you be sure everything is correct and do everything an attornety would do except offer legal advice. Our friends used an LDA and it cost them 600.00 verzsus attorney fees that would have rainged between 2500- 5000 $$$

    I have only heard people complainuing when using attorneys, Attorneys have a tendancy to sit on cases and there is a middle man ( the attroney ) that often delays the processing of a case.

    If your case is simple AOS then anyone who can read & Comprehend the English language can file themselves.

    All the resources all available and very clear on what the process is.

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