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Posts posted by Addie_Goodvibes

  1. What was your most unique / memorable Halloween Costume

    Some of my favorites were.

    2000 I went as a Samurai-

    Halloween 2001

    I went as a Patriotic Pimp & my girlfreind was a patriotic Hippie named "Peace" We won a surfboard in a costume Contest.

    Last year I went as The Man with the Yellow Hat & my daughter ( 18 months old then) was dressed as Curious George

  2. Saw hostel the other night on tv geez it was sick!

    That was a sick Movie, I like the way they lured them in.

    very twisted.

    Another sick movie was The Hills Have Eyes - very disturbing.

    The Descent was also twisted story line the ending was good!

  3. Stephen King fan here! they are all good: the shinning, IT, Red Rose mansion, storm of the century, needfull things... :thumbs:



    Love Stephen King , think of his work more of suspense than Horror,

    Shining was ahead of its time.

    Needful things awesome,

    I like Misery & Pet Cemetary

    One of my favorite King movies was not a suspense Stand By Me! the best!

    His New Movie The Mist has a feeling of the Storm of the Century can't wait to see it.

    Still his movies are more suspense rather than horror, way better stories & more substance & content.

  4. The Ring (original Japanese version).

    Oh and Freddy Krueger is the scariest by half!

    Ringu & Juon are excellent horror movies I agree

    There is also anothe rone out by the same Japanese Producers

    The New Halloween is awesome.

  5. Whats your favorite Horror Film

    Also Who is more frightening:

    Freddy Krueger

    Jason Vorhees

    Michael Meyers?

    My Vote Michael Meyers especially in light of the new Halloween film It is awesome Robb Zombie rocks

    It establishes Michaels Character brilinatly showing event sleading up to his physco transformation.

  6. Lets see most of our copy paper & ink pens were brought home from work.

    Kissing and much much more at the office

    Internet web browsing on Compnay time -Who me?

    Snooping-Absolutly not our Pt's files are confiodential & I respect my co-workers space.

    Drinking -No

  7. nothing justifies the attitude on that old guy, he just acted like an arsehole, and I know American Patriotism means more than acting like a rabid 15 year old girl.. he's insulting the veterans by also justifying his stupid circus act as something a veteran who cares about his country would do

    I agree, this Old Coot does not represent the populous of Veterens in this country, it is embarrasing the way he conducted himself and i agree he should be prosecuted.

    A better way of handling would be to simply approach the shop owner ( Preferrably w/out his "army Knife") and kindly respectful inform the Owner that he is improperly displaying the US Flag and maybe offer some literature citing proper ways of displaying the flag. Even mentioning to the shop owner, that maybe he should display the flag properly so he doesn't run into public outcry from old looney Vets with an Army Knife.

    What a farking idiot.

  8. I have never known a country to be so obsessed about flag flying. It's a symbol of something, it's not a sacred cow.

    I think that Old Coot who cut the US Flag down then proclaimed Fighten words is more disrespectful than the Resturaunt owner unkowingly disrepecting the Flag.

    I also feel certain amount of respect should be given to the Symbol of our Nation. What gets me is why people don't cry out against everyday misuses of the US Flag by USC. It is not neccesarily Obesseion over "flag Flying" The US Flag is a Symbol of our Country.

  9. I think there is nothing wrong with display the flag of ones native country so long as it is not in disrespect to the nation they are in.

    According to Rules & Regs for displaying the US Flag:

    No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the right of the flag of the United States (the viewer's left).

    When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace

    The outrage over this is is justified as it is a violation of US Flag Code & Disrespectful

    Although US Citizens also often unkowningly improperly display the US Flag.

    In Southern Ca. near the beach cities a lot of homes have Flags US Flags College Flags ect..

    The USA flags are flown 24/7 on the strand with no proper ligting, often hung below the level of their USC/UCLA flags.

    I have seen them used as table clothes draped over balconies. ect.. I even see them dragging the ground. During the $th Of July Holiday we see people wearing the flag as a costume or cape.

    I work next to a fortune 500 Corp. One day on the way to my office I noticed the US Flag displayed improperly at this business. They mistakenly were flying the US Flag Upside, I went inside and asked them if they werre under siege ( As they were flying the international distress signal by displaying the flag upside down. I also always see them taking it down at dusk and just wadding it up in a ball to stick in a card board box. That is disrespectful.

    So if we are going to police immigrants for displaying their flags unkowingly in violation of US Flag Policy we should address Citizens for their mis use and improper display of the US Flag

  10. Yes, while they were arresting those with criminal records they came across others, presumably in the same household, who didn't have criminal records but where here illegally. What's your point?

    Point- It's about time Enforcement happened

    2nd Point all Illegal Alines are criminals and should be deported families or not!

  11. They don't count as criminals because it's not a criminal offense, Addie, in many cases. It's a civil offense, and one you can and should be deported for, but it's not a criminal offense. You can call criminal till you're blue in the face but that doesn't actually change the law.

    Your assuming all they did was enter illegally, Evading Taxes is a federal Crime.

    regardless of the way it is labeled they are illegal and 100% of them should be rounded up and deported.

    :thumbs: ICE :dance:

  12. I can't decriminalise anyone. However, no goverment agency labels all illegal aliens as criminals despite what you might wish and ICE are only targetting those with criminal records at this time.

    collateral" arrests -- people who encountered the agents and could not prove they were in the United States legally.

  13. 100% are here illegally (apart of course from the LPR's)

    90% of those arrested and either deported or facing deportation had criminal records.

    However, this does not mean that 90% of all illegal aliens have criminal records.

    100 % of ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE CRIMINALS, just because there is no doucmentation of their criminal history in the USA does not take away the fact that they are Criminals

    Tax evasion

    Illegally Driving

    Illegally Working

    ILLEGALLY Entering The USA w/out inspection

    nice diversion and attempt to decriminlalise these Figutive criminal aliens.

    label it what you want, candy coat it all you want. the bottom line is THEY ARE CRIMINALS Record or no record they Are criminals and are being punished and deported.

    Now onto the next raid and roundup :thumbs: ICE :dance:

  14. The arrests break up families and create an unfair and inaccurate impression of the immigrant community, which is by and large law-abiding, said Reshma Shamasunder, director of the California Immigrant Policy Center. Enforcement actions also cause fear in immigrant neighborhoods and families that may include U.S. citizens.

    Had to know someone would say it :wacko:

    I dunno this seems like a reasonable operation, they are going after the truely criminal illegal aliens. :thumbs: to ICE

    What Breaks up families / causes broken Families is Illegal Criminal Aliens Entering The USA Illegally without proper legal means of working or supporting a family and then they have children to use as leverage or pawns in their quest for amnesty. Relying on the USA Govt. to support their Anchor babies

    They jepordise these childrens futures by doing this. These Illegals are responsible and are the root and sole cause of their broken families. They are the ones to blame for breaking up their families. Activists that advocate amnesty like to play this sympathy for broken families ####### in a desperate attempt to divert the publics attention away from these Criminals and their selfish actions.

    :thumbs: ICE :thumbs:

  15. If you are suggesting by that that 90% of illegal aliens are criminals, that's not what it says at all. They are deliberately targetting alines with a criminal record, including those who are Legal Permanant Residents.

    I quoted exact words from the article 90% of Those arrested!

    And they ALL are criminals by illegally entering the USA! If they don't want to abandone family here don't come into USA illegally then have children.

    Take your family with you to your home country.

    By The way PH I applaud you for posting this :thumbs:

  16. Now Ca. should brace for the nexst wave of backlash protest marches. :crying: boohoo they are deporting our illegal family members who only want to work hard boohoo :crying:

    "These are people who, No. 1 , have no right to be in the United States legally and they've exacerbated that crime by committing additional crimes," Hayes said. "These aren't people that we want in our communities. These aren't just people looking for work."
  17. :dance:


    A legitimate crack down on criminality.

    It's About farking time. :dance:

    Interesting stats sited in the article that most of us have brought up here before!

    nearly 90% of the immigrants arrested had criminal records, deportation orders or had reentered the United States after being removed. The rest, 146, were "collateral" arrests -- people who encountered the agents and could not prove they were in the United States legally.

    people who encountered the agents and could not prove they were in the United States legal- This kind of enforcement needs to be ongoing. If one cannot prove they are in the USA legally they should be detained and deported. :thumbs:

  18. Things you will find on VJ:




    mean people

    nice people

    fat people

    skinny people

    young people

    old people

    The same people you find in the rest of society--there's no magical wonderfulness that is bestowed because they happen to join a message board.

    On VJ you will also find

    individual playing the race card when they do not like some peoples stance on Illegal Immigration. It is easier to call advocates for Legal Immigration racist.

    There definatly is Bias i am biased toward Legal immigration.

    And there are individuals like myself who will state their opinion without candy coating. Sometimes the true reality hurts a bit.

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