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Posts posted by raymaga

  1. My K-2 daughter is eligible to apply for Naturalization now. She has to apply separately from me (K-1) as I am already a U.S. citizen (09/08).

    I was very surprised to see that all she needs to attach to her application is:

    - a copy of her PR card,

    - 2 photos, and

    - a check for the fee.

    Is this right? Or am I missing something?

  2. Thank you for your response. It seems silly that this should be so complicated when we live only 20 minutes from each other. I have been considering putting my things in storage and bringing only my clothes over to his place and just staying there while continuing to cross into Canada for work and my dtr for school. That way we are only paying 1 mortgage but I still have strong ties to Cda (ie: job, school...) I would continue using my mom as my Cda mailing address to avoid too much confusion with Cda Post till its permanent. Just not sure if this will jeopardize my visa application. I sincerely want to do this completely legally so nothing gets screwed up in the end.

    That will work most likely, assuming you are never denied entry into the U.S. If that happens, you will need a place to live/stay in Canada until the rest of the process is complete and you have your K-1 visa.

    Good luck.

  3. If you are a Canadian citizen, there is nothing you have to do in order to move back to Canada. You are entitled to live in Canada any time you want because you are a citizen.

    If you are taking a U.S. citizen spouse with you, then of course that is a different story. You would have to do the Canadian immigration process for your spouse.

    Good luck.

    P.S. I'm hoping to move back to Canada (I'm from Canada, but also have U.S. citizenship now) with my U.S. citizen husband in about 7 years, and I'm hoping it isn't going to be too difficult!!!!!

  4. You'll always find inconsiderate people in the world, even in face to face social situations. VJ has some inconsiderate people, but it also has many many very kind, helpful and informative people too. Just weed through the posts that you don't want, and take in the good information on others.

    Glad you decided to stay.... you'll learn a lot, and you'll also be helping out others eventually too!!!!

    Best wishes on your journey!!!

  5. I visited the U.S. after I had my K-1 Visa and did not activate it. That was in 2004, so things may be a bit different now. All I said was exactly what your situation is... I wasn't ready to move permanently to the U.S., but wanted to go visit my fiance in the meantime. I had no problems whatsoever, but I think if you try, and they say you can't.... all you have to do is turn around and head back home.

    Good luck.

    I crossed in B.C. (it was either White Rock or 176th crossing).

  6. I think you are right to be cautious. This topic comes up very often on VJ, and I think a lot of the problems could be avoided by talking about this subject BEFORE you bring your fiance/spouse to the U.S.

    Have the conversation with your fiance and make sure you have an understanding of how and if you will help out her family after she arrives.

    Good luck.

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