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  1. I disappear for long periods just to see if my name shows up in this thread.... F you guys.

    I remember you. You was an icon, man. You was the kinda vjman little vjboys wanted to be when they grew up. People looked up to you. They feared you. Most importantly, they respected you. Here on the vjstreet, respect is a commodity and you had it, man. You had it.

    Until you left. Then they forgot you. Dumped your memory like a hot Chinese brick. Don't ask me why the brick is Chinese, okay? It just is. It just is. It's Chinese because we don't make bricks anymore. We forgot how. We don't win anymore. We're a nation of losers. Losers. It's pathetic. But back to you. You're like a brick. I dig that about you, man.

  2. I am a little amused at all the white liberals making excuses for black supremacist groups like the Panthers. This is why other white folk, who might share other values with them, don't take them seriously. Which is also why Bernie is going to lose to HRC (unfortunately), because if all you have on your side are white libs.... you've already lost.

  3. Its clearly related to the issue with Martin Shkreli.


    And this puts me in the minority here (and everywhere) but I think what Mr. Shrek did was perfectly ethical. He has a moral obligation to his stakeholders, not to patients. His moral obligation to them is to make as much money as he can for them.

    Now, if he charges more than his market can support, his actual profits will drop. There's always a price point at which profits are maximized and he's ethically obligated (IMO) to find that point and charge it.

  4. And if she was President the illegal rapists would be safe too. Her wall would be tiny and feminine, if there even was a wall, which I doubt, seeing her tenure at HP where she did some really bad things, everyone says that, really bad things... my ball would be big and tall, did I say ball? I meant wall. My wall would be big and tall and I know how to do it too because I'm a builder. I got rich the old fashioned way, I built things. I have things to my name everywhere you go. Everywhere. I bet Carly even golfs at my courses, as long as she doesn't bleed all over them of course <guffaw>

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