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Posts posted by ChanelKitten

  1. I am very sad to report that my USC husband and I will be getting a separation very soon. He just came to me a few weeks ago and said that he thinks that we are 2 very different people, doesn't know if we're compatible and doesn't even know if he wants to have kids with me anymore. He said that he's been thinking this way for a long time now, but I know him better than anyone and he's an open book, so I know that this is not true. I just got my greencard on August 25th and started working for the first time in 2 years on September 25th. Before coming to the U.S. I sold my car, quit my job and he convinced me to file for bankruptcy on my Canadian debt. I only found out once I was here that he was in MAJOR financial trouble. I think that he might have another "love" interest, but that's an entirely different story. What hurts me so much is that I gave-up everything for him, I don't think that he's ever appreciated it and now he's willing to throw it all away so easily and so quickly.

    Now I have a few questions that I hope someone can help me answer. Can the affidavit of support still be enforced if I move back home to Canada? If not, can I possibly get spousal support from him at least until I find a job or something?!

    I am very sad for everyone going thru this type of situation because it is not easy, especially being from another country. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you! :crying:

  2. I totally agree with what everyone else has said here so far, leave and never look back. You are young, sound like a great person and definitely do not deserve to be treated the way that this man has treated you. You gave up everything to be here in the U.S. with him and that is how he treats you?! He obviously does not care for or respect you or your daughter. I was married for the first time when I was 23 and he cheated on me multiple times and so on. I didn't tell anyone about anything because I wanted to be an adult and deal with things on my own, so when I left it was a big shock to everyone. I was ashamed for a while because I come from a strong Catholic background as well, but now I am older, wiser and no without any doubt that I made the right decision. Two years ago I married a wonderful man, who treats me like gold. I learned a big lesson from my first marriage and you will too. Everything happens for a reason and there are better things ahead in life for you. We are all here for you if you ever need to talk. All the best of luck to you and your daughter!!!

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