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Posts posted by ChanelKitten

  1. After anxiously checking the mailbox each and every day since I've been approved, the green card FINALLY arrived yesterday morning. My husband and I were sooooo happy! We called my parents in Canada immediately, got ready and drove right down to see them. In fact, I am writing from my parents home right now...lol. It is so nice to be here again after almost 2 years and I've already seen alot of my family. I want to thank everyone here at VJ for all of their help and patience through my sometimes paranoid and neurotic behavior. You were all a great help and I truly do not know how I would've gotten through this journey without you. I wish all of you still stuck in 'FBI name check hell' all the best of luck in getting out quickly. Hang in there and whenever you can, use the help of your Congressmans and Senators. Thank you all again!!!


  2. I have been reading a few cases lately where people are receiving an email advising them that their GC has been ordered after already having received their 'Welcome to America' letter that also indicates that their GC has been ordered and will be sent as soon as it is ready? I've also read that a few ppl rec'd an email telling them that their GC was mailed? Does everyone receive these emails, or is it random???

  3. We did hire an attorney for my AOS, because we were too afraid to make any costly mistakes. Also, we were a little worried, because I entered the U.S. as a visitor, stayed and then married my husband. As well as I 'overstayed' my visitor status, so we wanted to be sure. But now having gone thru it and having been approved, I know that we could have done it totally on our own. Oh well, expensive lesson learned...lol.

  4. I know that the entire AOS process is about patience and waiting, but the wait for the arrival of my GC is driving me crazy. Every morning I watch for the mail lady, then run to my mailbox as soon as she leaves. My heart beats really fast, until I open up the mailbox and see that it's not there yet. I can't sleep and I am so excited to finally get it. I really hope that it comes soon. That little card is the only thing preventing me from going back to Canada and seeing my family!!!

  5. Today we received this email from USCIS:

    Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

    Current Status:

    On August 17, 2006, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

    So far what I assumed about the AOS approval process seems to be right, but we'll see........

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