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Posts posted by bob+senga

  1. HI Amjz,

    I have started the court procedure, we also had to submit pictures, information of new school, new house, activities, provide statements about why we want to move etc. It certainly isnt a quick procedure as your fighting for court time to get your case heard. Im not trying to stop the father being involved in childs future, i still want contact to be there- its just the contact will be in blocks- i have granted a lot of hols. its up to the courts now.

  2. HI i was interviewed and approved last year. we then emailed/ wrote to consulate asking for our K1/K2 visas to be renewed/re-issued as they had expired due to ongoing court case. The embassy have put our petition on hold till i get approval from court to leave.

    At the interview i was never asked if i had fathers approval I did not have to show any paperwork. Childs birth certicate clearly shows his name etc. Possibly the embassy assumes you have consent etc to remove child- im not sure but all i know is that it was never asked in my case. Going forward i will need to sent copies of my court outcome when I restart the process- they have asked for this again possibly because i made them aware of the situation. My ex didnt have PR at the time of my application

    Hope it helps you

  3. Hi

    Thanks for that- you are lucky in that your ex lives in US where you will be immigrating to.

    we think its in the childs best interest to immigrate but thats up to the court and who knows how they will think. Happy family life- stepsisters/brothers, friends there already, good school, activities and they will have chance to go to university in either UK or US when time comes. He does see his son- WE think hes being vindictive doing it out of spite but thats hard to prove in court. In meantime i just keep an eye on flights and keep thinking positive.

    Name change we will look at when it arises.

    If you are looking for flights you could try skiplagged.com they do one ways- i was able to get uk to Chicago for 342 in July.( i remember you asked about flights in previuos posts) good luck with your move also .

  4. If the other parent doesnt have PR then its not classed classed as Kidnapping. I have checked with couple of different lawyers and read up on it . However i took the decision to inform him of our wishes to move-through lawyers- as we wanted legal documents in place so that my son would have arranged/agreed visitations during holidays to come back to UK, set up video conferencing times also, and the opportunity for him to visit in US. We cant/wont leave without the authorization of the court.

  5. HI

    Im following this with interest as I applied for K1/K2 visas and we were,approved only for my ex to put stop to me taking child out of country- by going to courts. He didn't have parental rights at time. Fathers only have automatic PR if married, engaged, or child born after 2005/2006.. None of those applied to us. Its good to know that if my child's passport (uk) needs renewing then i can do without his approval as he has now been granted PR by courts..was advised to grant.

    AMZJ am i right in believing you went to court to get a specific issue order to take your child out of country and won...( you mentioned that you have it written in court papers that you can apply for a US passport without his approval) .Something i haven't thought about until now.

    Im due in court to ask for my child to leave with me.

    Another question to throw in what if your child wants to change name to your new husbands- In the uk its easily done bt deed but we need fathers permission if he has PR.

    Its all so stressful.

  6. i had a RFE for my divorce papers. In Scotland we dont use the word divorce decree absolute . i had to go back to the issuing court of my divorce and ask them to send me detailed copy of my divorce papers signed nad stamped. This was all that they needed. to get things moving again .

    I did ask the court people to make sure the the word final was used in the letter, as i had rad somewhere they were looking for this also.

  7. go online to their website if it says they can do Td then they will do it. If they dont then search online for travel clinics in your area and compare the prices with Knightsbridge. And in theory it is for travel purposes and even then they will not turn away a paying customer.

  8. You could try travel clinics. I live in Glasgow and i was required to get MMR jab and my doctor would not give it me due to my AGE ( they are not allowed to administer over certain age group). they gave me a number of travel clinic in Glasgow. The nurse there new all the guidelines for VIsas etc and wasnt that expensive.

  9. Hi Lee, Thanks for the advice. Its interesting to hear that your daughter didnt have to get the MCV4 vaccinations at London Medical. Especially as your daughter is older than mine by 2/3 years by the sound of it. I just thought she would require it for AOS, as it was left as not age appropriate last year when we had initial medicals as she was only 10 then. I will look into her proposed school in Ohio and see if its required there. Im very much in the opinion in that if she requires it at medical then Im happy for her to get, but as Nich-NIck pointed out the CDC state is must be the 4 variant and London appears to use only the mono style.Thanks for your advice.

  10. thanks for that i never saw the part about the specifics when i was looking . It does look like the one i can get at my travel clinic will cover her. I am surprised though that the one listed at Knightsbridge doctors is of the mono type ( them being the medical doctors for the Embassy). I shall look into getting her booked in there for the vaccination. many thanks for your help again.

  11. HI can anyone help me with the Meningococcal MCV4 requirement for London Medical- My daughter will require this, as she is now 11 years old Im trying to make sure she has all vaccinations before Medical is redone( we did last year but had to put application on hold ). As we dont vaccinate against this until our children are 15/16 years old and we use the Men ACWY vaccine, I'm left confused as to how to proceed, Has anyone had to get their child this vaccination and which one did they get and where. My travel clinic in Glasgow says its £70 for the MenACWY and knightsbridge say meningococcal MCV £30 - are they the same. I just want to be prepared and do all vaccinations in UK.

  12. use the online contact form and ask them to keep your aplication open giving reasons.

    i was issued K1 visas but could not travel due to legal issues with K2 visas. I asked consulate to re issue extend visa nad they came back saying they will keep my petition open till i hear back from embassy. My visas expired in June and hope to continue process Mid Feb. Embassy have been great through all this.

    So just ask them using contact form

    Good luck.

  13. HI

    Yes you will need to have proof of immunity to MMR or show dosage. of at least one if time does not prevail you to have the two dosages.

    Basically im the same age as you and while my petition is on hold till i sort out legal stuff with my daughters father i managed to make sure i have all correct jabs for myself and daughter.

    At my medical roughly this time last year i was given my vaccination documentation worksheet( which you need to adjust status when you get married)

    I was told i required to have MMR 2 doses( which is 4 weeks apart). I had to pay for thisat a travel clinic as my nurse would not give it em so if your doctors is giving it you free take it.

    Had to show 3 doses of Tetanus, Diptheria and Polio ( Tdap dose) I could only show 2 doses from my doctors printout out of my vaccination history

    proof of chicken pox or vaccination( which we dont get). My daughter had it when she was 4 and documented.

    Flu jab due to time of year

    The link at Nick-nich has put up is very useful also

    Its best to get it all done here sames money over there.

    hope it helps

  14. Hi I think it must be within 6 months for the medical, I was told by the embassy that i would be required to get a new police certificate for the medical as mine will be out of date though it would have been valid still for a further 5 months. My petition is on hold for legal purposes which the embassy have been great about as they've kept it open for us till my case is sorted. In the guidelines it does say the certificate needs to have been issued within 6 months fro the medical.

  15. There is a good guide to times posted by nich-nick. All cases are different. Im in process of my case being on hold till I sort out legal stuff with daughters father. Then hopefully when its gone through court i should be in USA 6 weeks later as this was my time scale from when i did initial medicals. The interview is a formality. you will be there soon

  16. The contact form is the best way they will get back to you. It took them 10 days till i heard back the first time then on the second occasion i was 14 days. Also they will only contact you if your query is not covered in their contact section.

    I did also write to them and addressed it to Consulate Officer - My fiance was advised by NVC to try this as like you i was getting worried about lack of response.

    so depends on when you logged your contact request depends on wether you should try again and reword it maybe

  17. For the medicals the police report must be issued within the last 6 months. Ive been through process had visa but could not travel and petition is now on hold and the Embassy told me i had to get a new police report, new medicals etc when im able to travel and when i checked the medical website thats when I realised why i was also told i would new a new police report as mine is still valid.

  18. you should use the online contact form its on their website under contact us,

    it took them a week to respond to me when i used this form but it was the only way to get through to them .

    you could trying phoning them, when i called them it was a nice lady who coulodnt help me as she just directs the calls and my problem was to specific for her but she guided me in the correct direction .

    worth trying both

    good luck as its hard to speak to anyone in the embassy, but not impossible

  19. thanks for that , I have actually been messaging Meg via Skype ( after your lead so thank you) she advised me that the consulate will probably keep my petition open its hard to cancel k1 visa .so wait till i know for sure then do the medicals etc as you also advised.

    I will inform the embassy of our delay yet again and ask for the petition to be kept open till October- just need to find the emails i used last time as its not easy getting in touch with them and even though they told me to email them when im free to travel they never gave em an email address. lol

    thanks again for your advice much appreciated

  20. Our K1 and K2 visas expired middle of June as my ex will not allow the children to immigrate now- so its going to court.I did send documents back to American Embassy in London with letter explaining the situation that i will be in court middle of August. So they replied telling me they've kept our Petition open till August but i need to redo medicals, fees and the DS160 and new interview and email them when I'm ready to travel. My court date has now came back for October much later than expected. So my question is if i do the medicals fees etc in August will i have 6 months on new visa( from the new medical date) or just a month as itll have been 90 days from the original expiry date on Visa. OR do i re-write to them telling my court date is now October( my lawyer will also contact the embassy explaining the court systems delay and asking for it to be left open till October)because by then i will know for definite if we can travel. Either way i will get to America and get married it might just be longer.we will be a happy family just rather it was sooner than later


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