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    MissSarah reacted to aaron2020 in I-751 Two Year conditional Greencard Dilemma.   
    You should not be filing your taxes as single. You are married. You should have filed as married filing separately.
    Why haven't you filed for divorce?
    Don't help her with the removal of condition. Do nothing. Why would you want to help someone who used you? Why would you commit a felony for her? Why commit immigration fraud?
    Document when she left. Any notes or emails should be retained. This is to protect you from a false claim of domestic abuse under the VAWA. You will want to look into this. This is how she can screw you over.
    Once her green card expires, she can go home to Vietnam but she can't come back here.
  2. Like
    MissSarah reacted to Derwood in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    Hershey kisses indeed. What's needed is a Glaswegian kiss.
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    MissSarah reacted to Natonstan in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    Oh but shell they do! Remember USCIS processes applications in the order that they were received, silly!
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    MissSarah reacted to shell20 in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    By the way it is not just for emergency etc. .I used it to visit my son for Christmas, I don't think they asked about that, just how long I had been away for, which was 6 weeks. It can be used for holidays and visiting relatives, it's your get out of free jail card.. Well it might as well be as it's aptly named advanced parole as if we are a load of alien criminals!!
  5. Like
    MissSarah reacted to Derwood in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    I recall a recent post where someone had their GC approved while they were out of the country and was still able to use their EAD/AP card to re-enter successfully.
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    MissSarah reacted to nlherman in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    MissSarah is absolutely correct and it's even worse than a bad idea. If you leave the country without a GC or a valid AP you will be considered to have abandoned your application and you can kiss the US behind until you start this all over again as K-3 and my understanding is you could not reapply for 2 years. Derwood is right, you must take the mindset right now that you will be waiting for at least 12 months or longer for your approval from filing date. Renew your AP and you can go using this until you get your GC...
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    MissSarah reacted to shell20 in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    I don't mind sending them some wd40 just in case those gears get stuck!!
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    MissSarah reacted to TBoneTX in Fiance' was cheating while PREGNANT   
    Damara can continue to post in this thread as long as there are no violations of the VJ Terms of Service, which there have not been so far.
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    MissSarah reacted to deezwho in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    just got a txt/email this minute from USCIS .... card is in production.
    For reference, I485 AOS received date was 3/24/14 and waiver letter was dated 6/27/14.
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    MissSarah reacted to ggsacks in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    Got my biometrics notice for my EAD renewal.
    Pretty sure they'll find my fingerprints are quite similar to last year...
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    MissSarah reacted to nlherman in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    Well, it's been a long day for both of us; though she slept through most of it and is in a dilaudid haze at the moment in an ICU. We're it me not her, I would give much.
    The news is good. They were able to remove the entire mass using a nasal approach. It is benign. Surrounding structures were spared. She can see at least as well as before surgery. Any improvement back towards normal will be over time. They are monitoring her closely. She is resting comfortably.
    Thank you for all your kind thoughts and prayers...They helped, a lot...
    BTW I predict March 28th...
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    MissSarah reacted to nlherman in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    I don't know how it is in the British court system (not being a barrister), but in Amerika [spelling intended] you need to get permission from the government to sue the government...Good luck with that. It's easier to swap Abe's and Teddy's head on Mt Rushmore...
  13. Like
    MissSarah reacted to Cathi in 10 year GC approval   
    FINALLY after 3 and a half years and exactly one day shy of the 6 month mark after sending in the removal of conditions packet(NOA1 was August 25, 2014), we received a text notification to check the USCIS site. My husband's 10 year green card was approved and it's in the mail. Just one last step, applying for citizenship which he can start in July of this year. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We have had a very smooth journey in spite of the nay sayers who warned us that because of certain "red flags" we have in our marriage our journey would be long and difficult. We sailed through the entire process from start to finish. No RFE's, no significant delays, just a few weeks of AP after his interview at the consulate in Amman. To those nay sayers who told us there was no way we be approved because I happen to be 20 years older than my husband, and because he is Muslim and I am Catholic, because I am divorced with children and that we were married not long after meeting for the first time, we prevailed. I am not sure why a certain few people go out of their way to intentionally scare people who are in the midst of this long journey, people who insist that just because you may or may not fit the conventional mold of what a relationship is supposed to look like, that there is no way you will succeed in this journey without pain and heartache. This community is about supporting others, not about adding stress to an already stressful process.
    I want to send a shout out to the rest community here at VJ, the majority of whom are kind, compassionate and very VERY knowledgeable. Without the guidance, support and advice from the members here we never would have been able to complete this process on our own. When the time comes for my husband to apply for citizenship I am sure we will be back for more sage advice from the many wonderful members of this community.
    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
    Cathi and Moath
  14. Like
    MissSarah reacted to MovinOn in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    USICS, can you move cases to Anchorage please they are up to August 20th..thank you. that is all.
  15. Like
    MissSarah reacted to NikLR in Keeping track of the number of days in the US   
    The rule actually has some implications on your provincial health care as well.
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    MissSarah reacted to aaron2020 in Keeping track of the number of days in the US   
    You are mixing up tax law and immigration law.
    The 183 day, 1/3 and 1/6 rule applies to physical presence in the US which deems a NRA as a US tax payer. This has nothing to do with immigration or the time allowed in the US. It's only about who the US deems is a US taxpayer. (Canadian snowbirds be aware, your winter retreat in the US can make you a US taxpayer. You're not just a visitor, you triggered the obligation to file a US tax return.)
    Ignore the above rule since it has zero to do with immigration.
    On each visit to the US, you will be told how long you can stay. As long as you do not violate the time given to be in the US on that particular trip, then you will not have an overstay problem.
  17. Like
    MissSarah reacted to MovinOn in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    Yup, there people from all over the world on this forum. I have seen many different countries.
    My husband considers himself as a citizen of the planet at this point lol
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    MissSarah reacted to nlherman in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    And if you were in my home you'd be hearing and speaking a lot more Russian...Да, правда...
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    MissSarah reacted to connors10 in K1 process for fiancee currently in the US   
    Whew, this is such a weight off my chest! Thank you everyone!
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    MissSarah reacted to MovinOn in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    That's why they don't have time to process Green Cards! They are too busy texting!
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    MissSarah reacted to Pennycat in K1 visa denied   
    If she can't get a tourist or other visa to the US, maybe you can investigate her options/ability to visit Canada. From there, you could meet at Peace Arch Park (on the Washington/British Columbia border). The park straddles the boarder and you may go on both sides....as long as you don't leave the park. Many families who are separated for visa/immigration reasons use the park for this purpose. Now one meeting, over one day....still may not work out for you. But it is an option.
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    MissSarah got a reaction from sweetswinks in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    Loonie = $1 coin, Toonie = $2 coin lol
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    MissSarah reacted to 10pmStalker in Just had interview. Not enough evidence!   
    It went fine. He was super nice and wanted to see me get all the correct answers that he asked my wife first. Almost coaching me through some. I am going on 2 hours sleep so my head was mush. Was struggling with basic questions. All I need is a birth certificate in long form and he said I will have my greencard.
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    MissSarah reacted to nlherman in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
    "Land of the free, home of the brave..."
    Then you meet USCIS...Boy do they know how to ruin a good thing...
  25. Like
    MissSarah reacted to MovinOn in Notice of Potential Interview Waiver Case   
    These posts break my heart. My husband also feels the same, very displaced. He left his home, job, car, his whole life. The K-1 visa was hard enough and I thought THAT was a long wait. We have had to go to so many different government offices, taken time off work, sometimes more that once. We had a huge battle with the medical insurance and now have to pay a huge premium every month thanks to the "Obama Care". Which is a shock for him being from Canada and you dont have to pay for medical there as a premium. So it is very important that he can renew his EAD in time and not lose his job. The list goes on. Needless to say, he can agree on how you guys feel, and many times he has said, "for doing everything the legal way, I have not felt very welcomed by the U.S". Very sad.
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