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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. Two issues. Travel requirements to the countries you have in mind. No visas needed, but COVID restrictions and travel requirements are not "over". Second, is that the immigrant spouse cannot enter the USA before the petitioner. At the same time is OK. Otherwise, travel as travel requirements permit.
  2. Your interview letter will be by email. You can just use the new address for delivery of the visa package.
  3. Not enough context for that statement to be of great value, when we already know that once a month is not necessary.
  4. To clarify, his field of study can actually make a difference. Questions about it usually come because it relates to skills that can be used to harm others. You don't mention exactly what he was asked to submit. Mostly you are complaining about not being prepared. If you want help responding, tell us what they asked for exactly, and in THEIR words, not your interpretation of them. What is the nature of the Masters degree?
  5. A police report from Hungary does not need translation if interview is in Budapest
  6. Yes but two notes. The OP said they used their W2 as proof of income. W2s are about past income. A pay stub....OR...employer letter are evidence of "current income". No need for both. Either will do.
  7. Same reply. I already advised you on this, but you keep asking. My further advice is to take a clue from the fact nobody is contradicting me and get on with it.
  8. Police reports are good for two years now from issue date. Expiration dates on police reports are irrelevant to US Immigration. Just a matter of days to get the passport back if visa will be issued.
  9. This is a non-issue unless it appears as an arrest on her police report. Then, probably still not an issue.
  10. 1. Passport photographs of foreign spouse. 2. Click the link to see what might be different or extra for your country.
  11. There is no CR1 visa or status yet, so nothing to "convert". Up until now, CR1 is just in your mind. The appropriate visa is what gets issued, so it will be no IR1. Not a converted CR1, just an IR1.
  12. Probably sufficient coming from the Netherlands. A job offer would be a great addition to the above. Note your wife must enter the US with or before you. She need not actually establish residence before your entry, as you certainly can enter together.
  13. A qualified joint sponsor is going to be needed in this case, in my opinion. You could try this. It MIGHT work, but I doubt it. Note that Dad hasn't used the funds to support an immigrant. He would have declared and documented his liquid assets, that have not been "used" for anything. Still this is marginal. I don't recommend marginal.
  14. Any legal name change anywhere in the world is a government process of some sort. Some are simply very easy and others more difficult.
  15. I get it but the certificate still says who married whom. If The Netherlands puts in an extra piece of data saying what the names will be going forward, that's great, but still "extra" compared to what's standard elsewhere.
  16. Think of your own marriage. You were (your name). He or she was (their name). You two got married. Those are the names on the marriage certificate. Those were your names AS YOU MARRIED. Whether anybody's name EVER changes is a decision made AFTER the marriage. Only pre-marriage names appear on marriage certificates because those are the names of the two people who married.
  17. FYI, marriage certificates certify who married whom. If you were already Mr and Mrs. Jones, you wouldn't need a new marriage. Mary Jones, marries Bill Smith, because she isn't Mary Smith until AFTER the marriage.
  18. You can remain in the Philippines as a tourist for up to three years without leaving the country. No need for an retirement visa or the associated expense. Depending on your location, it could be more trouble to visit the Bureau of Immigration office if it's too far away. Process is one month extension after the first 29 days and then you can start doing six month or two month extensions. Extension require a drop in visit to the local BOI office. None of this will speed up the process, but you'll be together.
  19. I already answered this. Maybe you need somebody else to express the same opinion.
  20. If you follow my advice and your assets qualify, then yes, they will continue your case. Your mother doesn't qualify as joint sponsor, so no reason to submit her as one.
  21. You don't need a reason to withdraw the household member. I would delete all your financials if possible and replace them with a new I-864 based on your combined assets. Not sure where you get "over 40% from US required" as that is not "a thing". The assets need to be liquid and documented, which are both explained in the I-864 instructions.
  22. Typical Birth Certificates equate to long form. Short form certificates are issued for a separate purpose in the British Commonwealth. Not sure why. One thing they are accepted for is proof of age, for sports teems etc.
  23. Oh yes. Even when I enter the USA, my prints are scanned, and I have Global Entry.
  24. Note that in a CR1 visa case, fingerprints are required 1, at interview, 2 when removing conditions, and 3 when naturalizing. This is to be sure it's the same person every time.
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