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Posts posted by skysofialila

  1. Thanks guys! I am weighing my options. We talk about going to Canada all the time as in our fields, we have good options in both countries.

    Thanks for the insight.

    I lived in Canada growing up for almost 26 or so years and I felt exactly the same up there. I hated living in Canada and didn't like the people or how things were run or anything. I actually chose my college (University of Windsor) just to be next to the US so I could at least visit there as much as possible.

    Finally got my #### out and moved to the US on a work status way before getting married and have never once wanted to ever go back (except to visit friends and family maybe once a year or two).

    I actually left my much higher paying job to come here as well and it all worked out. Now if you were asking if I would move to another state other than Colorado with the same job and salary etc, then hell yeah (though as mentioned I would love SoCal, but my salary would be useless to survive there)...

    Interesting... and I see that you like the desert. Have you considered Arizona or New Mexico? Cost of living is cheap in either place. The climate is fantastic in Arizona.

  2. ranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gifranting33va.gif

    Aint no snowstorm out there in Orange County where Laguna Niguel is.

    Rooting for rainbows and sunshine and approvals... lots of 'em

    Me too! I'm with you on that... nothing but rainbows, sunshine, and APPROVALS for all of us!

    Hi Everyone, Haven't posted before, but just received our approval today from CSC.

    NOA1 7/25/13

    Transfer to CSC 1/13/14

    Approved 2/4/14

    I can't update the spreadsheet, so if someone could update I would appreciate it.

    oh congratulations! My NOA1 came 5 days after yours and my transfer was one week after yours.... maybe this means I will get my NOA2 next week? A girl can dream, right?

  3. This is what I got from my senator's office inquiry:

    "Good afternoon,

    The Nebraska Service Center confirmed with me that they received your petitions on January 6th. Processing times for I-129F and I-130 petitions at Nebraska are approximately 60-90 days after they are received. If you don’t have a decision or notice of action by early April, please let me know and I can ask them for another update.

    Thank you,"

    Ugh, this is a standard, canned answer that the USCIS gave the senator.

    Apparently, contacting members of congress doesn't work anymore.

    Hang in there... hopefully both of our approvals will come shortly.

  4. Being a member of this website has offered me great support and knowledge while going through this process. I have recently returned from visiting my husband and step children over the holidays. I helped my husband through a hospital procedure, celebrated his birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. I made new curtains for our apartment that we secured during my last visit, drove the kids to school, made lunches and was able to be a wife and step mother. I have now returned to my apartment in Canada, returned to my job and feeling complete emptiness and heartbreak. My mental health is being greatly challenged and at times I am feeling so depressed that I wonder how much longer I can endure the wait. The process is inhumane. I would love to ask any of those in power over our cases to be separated from their children, husbands for over a year and hear how they react and see how many of them end up physically and mentally ill from the stress.

    Stress is the number one cause of life threatening disease! Cancers, heart problems, raised cholesterol, suicide are all affected or caused by severe stress!

    This treatment is inhumane. We are being tortured.

    I do try and think of the positive...that everyday is one day closer....that I am happy to have spent some time together....to continue to do the things I have enjoyed in the past to protect myself. I work in the field of health!

    So....thank you for letting me vent! Thank you for being strong and being there for me and others. Only those of us going through this can understand the pain and torment.

    Wishing that we stay strong together and that our strength and love will make this world a better place one day!

    Dear snowflakepr,

    I am sorry about the pain you're going through and for many of the cruel, heartless, and ignorant comments made by people who have no idea what you're going through. I don't know anyone in real life (outside of visa journey) who is going through this journey because everyone else I know has adjusted their status.

    I suffer from depression and anxiety, too. I have been apart from my husband for 2 1/2 years. If more people knew what we were going through, laws would be changed quickly.

    I try to stay positive but it is very, very difficult. No one understands my pain except for my visa journey family... and by that I mean people who've had to endure staying away.. not AOSers. The stress and pain is very difficult.

    I do tend to take my aggression out here on some members who post asinine comments. One day I will be banned from these forums because I will say the wrong thing to the trolls and insensitive people, I know. But for now, at least I get virtually meet a great group of people who have been my only source of support.

    Vent away, my friend! This will not be over soon nor will it be easy.

  5. Thousands of families are separated every day Most deployed service members are separated from their family and many in high risk situations. You are lucky to be able to visit almost at will. Probably half the VJ couples are not from VWP countries and even when they are it is sometimes a full day of expensive flight time to spend time together. No the process isn't perfect but you just need to suck it up because it is only temporary.

    Suck it up??? Are you serious? That's such a cruel and heartless thing to say. Are you one of those people who adjusted status so you're incapable of understanding?

    Being deployed is by choice.... one doesn't have to be in the military.

    Wow... suck it up.... SMH If it weren't for the fact that moderators are here, I'd have some pretty colorful things to say to you, witch

    Shame on all of the people who "upped" that comment, too... you have no clue whatsoever.

  6. Best of luck! I wish I could have adjusted my husband's status but he came to do grad school under a J-1 (2 year rule) so there was no adjusting allowed without a waiver, which would mean paying back all of the funding he received via his scholarship (over $200K).

    But, we had friends who were F-1 students who married and had no problems adjusting their status... it was a breeze. They said to include lots of pictures, financial co-mingling evidence, etc. when they call you in for the interview. Good for you for filing taxes jointly. That will also help (according to my accountant's advice, too.)

    Good luck goofy.gif

  7. I am referring to Barack Obama, that street corner shyster from Chicago who is devaluing american citizenship, undermining DHS goals and chipping away at the fabric of American capitalism -- whose decision to give anyone with a gym certificate and a high school diploma WORK PERMITS is causing the mess that you and I are suffering through.

    There is plenty of money to go around for PBS and the arts but none for maintaining the efficiency of a transparent, working Immigration system.

    As an independent voter, I have to say "Well said... !"

    A new week in February is starting in couple of hours, Come On NBSC, show us a sign of life!!!

    Let's kick some a$$ and get the approvals going!!!!!

    USCIS is closed on Sundays, right? No adjudications take place then? ClockWatch2.gif

  8. I must have misunderstood. However I also don't believe that families need to be together. It's why I am separated from my ex-boyfriend. We both love our daughter, just not each other.

    What??? What the heck are you doing filling for paperwork then? Just want a green card?

    Some of you are being unnecessarily harsh on the OP.

    OP, someone suggested you ask a church. That is a GREAT idea.

    Or, go talk to an immigration lawyer that gives a free consultation and see what he/she suggests. I am sure there are tons of people in your situation.

    • We haven't known each other for years like many on this forum have. Does this raise a red flag and what should I do upfront to address it?
    • Is there anything else that I should be extra aware of based on our specific situation?
    • Are there any recommended agencies in Los Angeles that someone could recommend to help review our paperwork?
    • We are both intelligent people but I keep thinking that one stupid mistake in filling out the forms could create unnecessary problems.

    1) No, it shouldn't

    2) Nothing I can think of.. except that you'll do an adjustment of status and it should be relatively quick unlike a CR-1/IR-1

    3) check with your husband's graduate school - office for International students. They offer free or low cost legal advice. That is, if you don't check out the guides up at the top between "Portals" and "Wiki", first.

    4) Yup

  9. I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post under, but it's definitely related to my living in the US! Here's the lowdown:

    I have known my husband's sister and her husband since July 2011. They live about twenty minutes by car from us, and we spend important holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas together, and hang out from time to time. We visit their place from time to time, and it's quaint in its own way. My husband has gone back to Singapore on business, and I had readily agreed to move in with them during this period. I am trying to get into graduate school, and still have an appointment with a professor come Monday. I have a learner's permit, but cannot yet drive myself to anywhere. His sister has been kind enough to drive me to school on her day off, and has been nothing but kind to me. My sister-in-law dropped me back at my place today since I was to attend a dinner at an acquaintance’s home nearby. She is supposed to fetch me tomorrow and get back in time for the SuperBowl, but I am having second thoughts. I do have the professor to meet on Monday but am trying to wriggle out of staying with my sister-in-law for the next 2 1/2 weeks. My only incentive to move back is that I can at least access public transport to go down to campus from their place, which I cannot do from my subdivision. That, and driving lessons..which doesn't seem like such a bargain now when you hear the rest of the story.

    Knowing her, I know she would think I'm a snob if I tell I just cannot tolerate her living conditions. I guess on some level, my anxiety is exacerbated by the fact that my husband is not here with me, and she is not able to understand how un-conducive her place is for me to do my online coursework. Sure, I could make the trip down to campus everyday, or stay home while they (she and her husband) are at work, but I cannot work in their house which is roaming with cats, and is infested with cat cooties. And now when I think about it, why should I do my work in that kind of environment or have to go elsewhere when my home is more conducive? Of course I knew they had cats before I came over, but I was not aware of the true lack of any boundaries. The cats literally share our living space, including the countertop which I find particularly unhygienic, considering that they sit with their bums down on where we prepare food! I thought I could cook in their house, but I do not feel good preparing food anywhere there. I feel really constrained even though I am welcomed. I feel bad that I put myself in this situation since I readily had agreed to stay with her, but a lot of that had to do with me feeling very anxious while alone at home (when my husband was at work)and dealing with the graduate school applications (which are over now), and so I thought I would not mind having them for company. Now I appreciate the solitude in my own place because in her house, she even leaves the TV on for the cats to watch while we're away! It's quaint when we visit, but staying there for more than a few days is really an adjustment.

    There is an obvious socio-economic difference between her brother and she, and I pick up on verbal and non-verbal cues, such as when I mentioned that my husband and I love the frozen pizzas at Trader Joe's while eating the frozen pizza she bought at Albertson's, and she just said, “Oh?” and that was it. Knowing the way she thinks, I do not want to come across as thinking I'm too good for them. Not that I think that, but I do not think they can empathize with what I am facing, such as school and what that entails (she did not attend college and married straight out of high school).

    I really want to maintain good relations with my sister-in-law, but am not sure how this will affect her attitude towards me. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do I wriggle out? Someone please help!

    Since you live in Phoenix and you talk about online courses for graduate school, I assume you attend (or will be attending) ASU.. and it's the Main campus?

    If so, is your residence (the one with your husband) close to ASU West, ASU Downtown or ASU Poly? They have a free shuttle service that will take you from any campus to any other campus. If you live close to any of the campuses, you can just take public transportation (which ASU subsidizes) to any of those campuses and then shuttle on over to where you need to be.

    That way, you can stay in your own home.

    PM me if you're not sure what I mean.

  10. Hahahaha


    I feel like giving the NBC, CSC, and all these service centers a rating of F.... if this were a private business, they would have their asses handed to them to fix this and get it right. If they were actually a private company, they would have went bankrupt a long time ago. They deserve less than an F.

    NBC specific: https://www.bbb.org/consumer-complaints/file-a-complaint/find-business/selected/mo/kansascity/government-us/us-citizenship-and-immigration-services/5482031/

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