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Posts posted by unsmiley

  1. At least someone in BO's family has some sense....

    (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's half-brother, Malik Obama, says he will vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump in the U.S. election in November because he likes the candidate and he is unhappy with his brother's leadership.

    Malik, who is in his 50s, told Reuters by phone from Obama's ancestral home of Kogelo in western Kenya that he supports Trump's policies, especially his focus on security.

    "He appeals to me and also I think that he is down to earth and he speaks from the heart and he is not trying to be politically correct. He's just straight-forward," he said.

    Complete article below:


  2. Rob L, on 20 Jul 2016 - 12:41 AM, said:


    Maybe you were too young to remember, the Clark Pinnock plagiarism was uncovered by the NY times and Des Moines register and was a major concern in many quarters, in hindsight Biden had in fact given the correct attribution on that speech several times, but not that night and a Dukakis staffer exploited that opportunity (something that Dukakis regretted) by sharing a video. The last straw was concerns over exaggeration of his academic record and he dropped out.

    The story was broke by "liberal lamestream media" and his candidacy ended in the Democratic primaries. I don't know how you can say there was no concern expressed by media or Democrats. Joe's Career was set back 20 years.

    Second point

    The truth matters, I don't think Melania wrote this, but on a night when we were told that the rule of law and order must be restored, this faux pas must be acknowledged and dealt with. There was no English teacher on the planet who would not see this as plain , straight up, black and white plagiarism. This matters until it is dealt with, hiding will not work, Melania will not be a force for good for the campaign or the country until this is dealt with.

    This reflects less on Melania and more on the incompetence and moral compass of the Trump campaign.

    I remember it well. I actually liked Biden as a Senator at the time but lost all respect for him after that incident. Yes it caused him to drop out of the race for the presidency at the time, but the whole affair was completely forgotten by the "lamestream media" when Obummer selected him to be his running mate in 2008. Even my Democrat friends were unaware of these charges in 2008.

    Sorry, but plagiarism does not expire with time. You cannot undo it. He was definitely given a pass this time by the media and Democrats.

  3. None of the lefties thought anything of Joe Biden's plagiarism disgrace back in 1987. That story went nowhere with the liberally biased media - and he was a potential candidate for president. And we all know that plagiarizer went on to the Vice Presidency.

    Now a nominee's wife spouts a few familiar platitudes, and the libs feign disgust. Double standard much?

    And anyway: Who the eff cares???

  4. ready4ONE, on 19 Jun 2016 - 9:44 PM, said:

    Water is wet. ISIS is of course continuing to do what they can to stay in the limelight and try and attack when and where they can. I'm guessing that is what terrorist organizations do, and will always try to do. Glad they have not been particularly successful here in the US.

    That's a useless comment -- you did not address the point of the original posting.

    Even our CIA director agrees we must control our borders and make sure we fully vet all refugees before even considering them for admittance.

  5. Penguin_ie, on 10 Jun 2016 - 07:41 AM, said:

    ***** Moving from CR-1 spousal visa to Travelling during US Immigration forum *****

    How long will this go on, for, her being abroad so much? Re-entry permits have limited duration too. If this is long term, then her handing back her greencard and applying for a tourist visa may be a better option.

    We are not sure of the duration of this arrangement, but hopefully not too much longer. What are the limitations on a re-entry permit?

  6. mallafri76, on 10 Jun 2016 - 12:18 AM, said:mallafri76, on 10 Jun 2016 - 12:18 AM, said:

    I would apply for a re-entry permit. Is she a conditional or permanent resident? Staying outside the US for that long could be seen as abandoning resident status. A spouse visa is for reuniting with spouse and living in the US, not living abroad and visiting spouse in the US a couple of months a year.

    She has a green card, correct me if I am wrong, but I assume that means permanent resident (LPR).

  7. I had thought a little bit about this when the PB hit the big number recently. It was interesting in that the research I did, many states require that the winner is identified. If I ever won (not likely since I rarely ever buy a ticket), I would sit with an attorney and find out how I could get around the identification rules. Other than that, I would move away as soon as I could.


    If I ever win, I don't claim it immediately. Instead, I go and buy a house in a state that allows anonymity. I move there, and then claim my winnings anonymously. Problem solved.

  8. :rolleyes: Nice dodge. When you're backed into a corner, always deflect.

    You said everyone needs to pay taxes with no exceptions no matter how much income they have. I've asked you numerous times to explain how it would be advantageous to take tax money from people on low incomes, paying no taxes and collecting some form of gov't subsidy. You have yet to answer but I''ll wait maybe this time you'll dig deep and come up with sumthin.


    I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for you. :rolleyes:

    Can't you read? I said if they HAVE income. No income = no taxes. Maybe in the future I will try to use smaller words. You are the one attempting to redirect the thread to "gov't subsidies", something I have not tackled here.

    And "backed into a corner"? Hardly. That IS funny :goofy: !!.

  9. Coincidentally, that's how it works. They're called FICA taxes and are due on the very first dollar earned.

    I am sick of you liberals equating FICA taxes with Federal income taxes. FICA is small potatoes and you know it. The 51% pay no Federal income taxes.

    It's like the same stupid argument when bleeding hearts cry: "they pay sales taxes, so they have contributed." Yeah, that 10 cent sales tax on their beef jerky really compares to what a working stiff (or a rich person) pays in real income taxes. Right...

    Each of the other 49% have to work until (I think) June of each year just to pay our income taxes and support the freeloaders!

    Because poor people really aren't people at all.

    That is an uncalled for, inflammatory comment. Teddy, you are better than that.

  10. So we should take money from people who do not make enough to support themselves in full or for whom taking taxes would alter the balance to make them unable to support themselves? Thus making it so that their tax obligation means that they must then borrow or take money from the government in order to survive?

    If you do not want these people to pay taxes, maybe we should take away their color televisions and air conditioning. If they have enough disposable income to pay for such luxuries, surely it is not too much for society to ask them to kick in a little.

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