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About Tracey&Greg

  • Birthday May 16

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Palm Coast
  • State
  • Interests
    Many interests to fit into such a small box. I love tattoos, watching movies, play video games, read, listen to music, read comics, spend time with my kiddos and hubbs and so much more. I try to keep myself busy and have fun while doing it.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (approved)
  • Local Office
    Atlanta GA
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    Me and Greg started off as pen pals online just looking for friends. He was currently home from work and was going back to Afghanistan shortly. We kept up through emailing each other back and forth daily. Our friendship blossomed into the idea of meeting one day. We met in September of 2012 in New Orleans. When we met we didn't expect anything other than just friendship but what we ended our trip is as lovers. On October 2nd 2012 Greg asked me to be his wife (yay me lol) We happily celebrated our wedding day on October 3rd 2013. As of October 2016 Greg and I are happy to announce that as of the 13th of October we have a beautiful healthy boy :) And now another update lol as of May 30th 2018 we welcome our beautiful daughter to the world :) Life has been unfolding into an amazing adventure and journey, and what better way to have it is with my best friend at my side.

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  1. Seriously cannot believe we forgot to send the DS-156! I'm not a happy woman tonight.. going to bed stressed out :(

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